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At least 148 including 132 children dead as Taliban storm Pakistan school

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It's over. The operation is supposedly doing its clean-up. Army's responding back quick as well.


Hopefully more of these ops will be carried out in the coming days. A very bleak day for Pakistan.

The problem is that for every terrorist they kill they'll probably kill a dozen innocent civilians and the whole depressing spiral of violence continues. The whole situation is just fucked beyond belief


Is there anything about child killing in the Koran? Or do they even care about that anymore, just using what bits they can to justify their urges - aka cult-like behavior?

Somehow murdering children for your cause doesn't sound much like the religion of peace I've read Islam to be, but more like a cult.

The Talibans are soooooo brave. Attacking Children and killing them. So brave of them. I would like to meet them all, sit down and thank them for how brave they were when they killed all those children. Then I would put a fork throught their eyes.

And if they're doing it to get at the United States...good job guys, you got us good.


The problem is that for every terrorist they kill they'll probably kill a dozen innocent civilians and the whole depressing spiral of violence continues. The whole situation is just fucked beyond belief

This is what they want. Create more violence, hatred and martyrs. We will play right into their hands because we have to fight back.

How can you fight something like this that thrives on violence?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
My girlfriend's father is from Pakistan. It pains me to continue to see this stuff and know that we may never get to visit her Dad's home country.
Is there anything about child killing in the Koran? Or do they even care about that anymore, just using what bits they can to justify their urges - aka cult-like behavior?

Somehow murdering children for your cause doesn't sound much like the religion of peace I've read Islam to be, but more like a cult.

And if they're doing it to get at the United States...good job guys, you got us good.

Really dude ? Are you going to blame islam here for people with distorted realities killing muslim children of muslim parents in the most conservative part of the muslim country ? Really ? That is sick opportunitism


Religion brainwashes people, religious people who are 100% literal of every word of their own respective holy books, scare the bejeezus out of me.
Is there anything about child killing in the Koran? Or do they even care about that anymore, just using what bits they can to justify their urges - aka cult-like behavior?

Somehow murdering children for your cause doesn't sound much like the religion of peace I've read Islam to be, but more like a cult

Great, so the terrorists are winning.


Really dude ? Are you going to blame islam here for people with distorted realities killing muslim children of muslim parents in the most conservative part of the muslim country ? Really ? That is sick opportunitism

How could you have read the first part of his post and come to this conclusion about his intent? His intent is to call out terrorists as distorting the words of the Koran for their own goals. Acting as a cult INSTEAD of as a Muslim.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Whereabouts in Pakistan? The country is a mess but I wouldn't classify the whole thing as a no go zone.

I'd have to ask. It's less that the whole place is a mess, and more some of the strict laws towards women, and Christians.

Her cousin was recently killed over there and the husband the main suspect, but no one really did anything about it. She was a Christian too.

We'd love to go someday though. Her being a Christian woman and me being a white boy means things would have to be a lot more chill before we could, though.
I'd have to ask. It's less that the whole place is a mess, and more some of the strict laws towards women, and Christians.

Her cousin was recently killed over there and the husband the main suspect, but no one really did anything about it. She was a Christian too.

We'd love to go someday though. Her being a Christian woman and me being a white boy means things would have to be a lot more chill before we could, though.

In the bigger cities like Karachi or Lahore being white shouldn't cause you too much hassle but the story with the cousin sounds crazy :/ Unfortunately being a Pakistani Christian means you're basically a second class citizen.
Is there anything about child killing in the Koran? Or do they even care about that anymore, just using what bits they can to justify their urges - aka cult-like behavior?

Somehow murdering children for your cause doesn't sound much like the religion of peace I've read Islam to be, but more like a cult.

And if they're doing it to get at the United States...good job guys, you got us good.

America has killed hundreds of kids with drone strikes in the last two years alone, would you question if child killing is in the bible as well?


Really dude ? Are you going to blame islam here for people with distorted realities killing muslim children of muslim parents in the most conservative part of the muslim country ? Really ? That is sick opportunitism

As BigDug said. I'm far, far, FAR from blaming Islam as a religion - just the opposite - I'm saying the people will likely justify their actions based on Islam, when in fact their actions are more like a modern day cult. Cults usually take small pieces of another religion and re-write them into their own set of rules.

Chill, chill.

America has killed hundreds of kids with drone strikes in the last two years alone, would you question if child killing is in the bible as well?

I question the need for any act of violence, period. I groaned out loud, despite being alone in the house, seeing that we retaliated with drone strikes, which will possibly/likely cause even more innocent children to die. It's a fucking ridiculous cycle of violence.

I think you, like Maninthemirror, misread what I wrote. I don't usually talk in these kind of threads and now I see why I shouldn't if people just fly off the handle without understanding someone's meaning.


Is there anything about child killing in the Koran? Or do they even care about that anymore, just using what bits they can to justify their urges - aka cult-like behavior?

Somehow murdering children for your cause doesn't sound much like the religion of peace I've read Islam to be, but more like a cult.

And if they're doing it to get at the United States...good job guys, you got us good.

Keep in mind that those who were killed were Muslim as well. This isn't a religious fight. It's a nationalistic war. Taliban want to topple the Pakistani government and the Pakistani army has escalated fighting the Taliban since June.

As for your question of killing kids in the Quran, yes there are actually verses that deal with the subject. Surah 81 for example:
"When the infant girl buried alive is asked, for what crime was she killed"

Honor killings of girls were a social norm in ancient Arabia. The Quran condemned and abolished the practice.


Keep in mind that those who were killed were Muslim as well. This isn't a religious fight. It's a nationalistic war. Taliban want to topple the Pakistani government and the Pakistani army has escalated fighting the Taliban since June.

As for your question of killing kids in the Quran, yes there are actually verses that deal with the subject. Surah 81 for example:
"When the infant girl buried alive is asked, for what crime was she killed"

Honor killings of girls were a social norm in ancient Arabia. The Quran condemned and abolished the practice.

See, this makes sense. And thanks for the additional bits.

It makes sense because it makes it about borders, not religion. But I suspect somehow this country will be called out, whether by the Taliban itself or more likely by our own sensationalist media who will WANT to make it about us, despite as you said, being about borders.

Keep in mind that those who were killed were Muslim as well. This isn't a religious fight. It's a nationalistic war. Taliban want to topple the Pakistani government and the Pakistani army has escalated fighting the Taliban since June.

As for your question of killing kids in the Quran, yes there are actually verses that deal with the subject. Surah 81 for example:
"When the infant girl buried alive is asked, for what crime was she killed"

Honor killings of girls were a social norm in ancient Arabia. The Quran condemned and abolished the practice.

So is the Pakistani Government seen as corrupt?

I have no real knowledge on the situation, but 84 children killed for being nothing other than children preparing for the military really eats at me.
This, as a father is one of the most heartbreaking stories I've read. It made me go look at my children and tear up not understanding how you could take such innocence away. My heart and my prayers are fully for the families and those poor children.
So is the Pakistani Government seen as corrupt?

Forget about seen as, the government IS corrupt. Just like the previous government was corrupt and the next one will be corrupt too.

The terrorists don't hate the government because of corruption, it's just the War on Terror spilling over the border from Afghanistan into Pakistan. Pakistani soldiers on the ground + US drones in the sky = angry, radicalised people who can be persuaded to commit heinous atrocities like this.

“My son was in uniform in the morning. He is in a casket now,” wailed one parent, Tahir Ali, as he came to the hospital to collect the body of his 14-year-old son Abdullah. “My son was my dream. My dream has been killed.”

This is so heartbreaking


Unpopular opinion incoming, but haven't our drones killed more innocent children in the region than this? Not to say the Taliban actions aren't deplorable.


Is there anything about child killing in the Koran? Or do they even care about that anymore, just using what bits they can to justify their urges - aka cult-like behavior?

Somehow murdering children for your cause doesn't sound much like the religion of peace I've read Islam to be, but more like a cult.

And if they're doing it to get at the United States...good job guys, you got us good.

"So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."

"Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection."

They consider the Pakistani army an enemy of Allah, so there you go.
“Someone screamed at us to get down and hide below the desks,” he said, adding that the gunmen shouted “Allahu akbar” [God is greatest] before opening fire.

“I saw a pair of big black boots coming towards me, this guy was probably hunting for students hiding beneath the benches.”

“There are so many children beneath the benches, go get them,” one of the men ordered another.

Khan said he felt searing pain as he was shot in both his legs just below the knee.

He decided to play dead, adding: “I folded my tie and pushed it into my mouth so that I wouldn’t scream.

“The man with big boots kept on looking for students and pumping bullets into their bodies. I lay as still as I could and closed my eyes, waiting to get shot again.

“My body was shivering. I saw death so close. I will never forget the black boots approaching me – I felt as though it was death that was approaching me.”

Khan told AFP he waited until the men left, then realized he couldn’t stand and crawled to the next room, where he saw the burned body of the school office assistant. He crawled behind a door to hid and lost consciousness, awaking in the hospital with his father.

How can you ever recover from something like that?
It's not nearly that simple. For one thing are you fine with massive amounts of collateral damage being inflicted by the Pakistani army in this fight?
It depends on the long term goals. Once the army takes control of the region they (or a police force) need to stay put until all resistance is gone. That will likely take generations.

If they plan to withdraw immediately then the gain won't be worth the cost.


What kind of depraved motherfucker intentionally sets out to kill children!

You've just damned any cause you thought you had. Fuck all of you forever!



The Pakistani Army was already on the offensive recently, but now they'll likely be even more relentless. Taliban fucked up hard here; there's zero benefit to be had from this attack.

Tragic that people feel compelled to join organizations such as the Taliban.

Pakistani government has much to answer for.


Unpopular opinion incoming, but haven't our drones killed more innocent children in the region than this? Not to say the Taliban actions aren't deplorable.

Lets say you're correct and lets say that we have. Have we set out with the intent of killing children? Do we hunt children down in schools and kill them? Many times children are being killed because they happen to be with the people drone strikes are targeting not because they are specifically being targeted.

This is an entirely different set of bullshit here.


Fuck these sick twats. Targetting innocent kids? I hope they all die, each and every 1 of them.

Edit: And at these people talking about drones killing children. Come on, think twice before posting something. How terrible innocent casualties are, there's a huge difference between that and massacring kids in a school.
What?? Are there children that young in the school?
Apparently yes. On the BBC they have an interview with a lad in a hospital bed. Think he is 17. It's translated.

He was sitting a Chemistry exam when they broke in. A two-year old was in the classroom. Not sure why. But they shot the child. Guy couldn't continue the interview after revealing that.

ugh awful.


Unpopular opinion incoming, but haven't our drones killed more innocent children in the region than this? Not to say the Taliban actions aren't deplorable.
Probably but not in one instance and purposely.

The Taliban get sympathy and are tolerated because we do mess up and innocents die. But here the Taliban targeted kids, the most innocent of all. They are going to lose sympathy and support.


Woke up to this this morning. Shitty news to start the day on :(

RIP. I just don't get it ... Why kids

It's kids for the same reason pretty much every other species of mammals kill children. If you want to make a point or show dominance, the one way nature has taught us it's by defiling the women and killing whatever children left behind by the previous male. It happens daily for many species and it happened in our own since our evolution. It's horrible, but that's nature and it's not going to end until we try and step further away from our animal instincts and do everything we can to stop killing each other.


There are two basic kinds of Pakistani government. Civilian and military. Civilian governments (like the current one) do not exert much authority, they don't have much control over the armed forces or the intelligence agencies.

This attack was carried out by the Pakistani Taliban. They are not the same as the Afghani Taliban and aren't supported by any authority in Pakistan. The Afghani Tablian are usually fairly irritated by the Pakistani Taliban as the Pakistani Taliban erode Pakistani support for the Afghani Taliban.


This is horrific but don't get it twisted if the media were allowed to see what the Pakistan Army has done in Waziristan it wouldn't be pretty.


Neo Member
I'd have to ask. It's less that the whole place is a mess, and more some of the strict laws towards women, and Christians.

Her cousin was recently killed over there and the husband the main suspect, but no one really did anything about it. She was a Christian too.

We'd love to go someday though. Her being a Christian woman and me being a white boy means things would have to be a lot more chill before we could, though.

My dad's family is originally from Sialkot. But they live in different areas now. My cousin was in Hyderabad when she was killed at six months pregnant. It sucks, since she's Christian, no one will touch the case. We've sent money, I reached out to friends who are foreign diplomats there and work in non profits, all to no avail.
Are they trying to one-up Boko Haram and their attacks on schools?


Killing kids? What are they trying to accomplish? How do they come to the conclusion that attacking school children is a good idea?
Never thought I'd see a group that made Boko look like saints by comparison.

This is that group.

RIP lost lives, especially you kids. Your hearts and mine are one, always.


Junior Member
Anyone else reminded of this? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beslan_school_hostage_crisis

Honestly I don't understand the mentality that leads someone to do these things. Every culture and religion in the world teaches, quite unequivocally, "killing children is bad." Yet these people do it for God? I mean, what? The Islamic religion is pretty clear that that's a no no. So you have to wonder how the logic works in these people's minds.
"So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."

"Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection."

They consider the Pakistani army an enemy of Allah, so there you go.

Ok. But Islam is more complicated than the dogma on the paper and you can't guarantee that the Taliban use verses like this as motivation anyway.
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