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Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky |OT| Just Pretend it's Mana-Khemia 3

Is this game like Totori where you can do everything and get the true ending in one playthrough or is it like Meruru where it forces you to do some stuff in new game plus?

Actually, I'd also like to know the same answer for Ayesha...

For Ayesha you can do everything in one playthrough. Although it's not really the "true" ending, like in the Arland Atelier series there's one ending you can only get by hitting all the other ending flags and you can get it on your first playthrough. You can also choose which ending you get (assuming you meet the prerequisite) so no more of that nonsense with ending priority.

From what I heard E&L also lets you choose endings.
It does require you to play through w/ both characters
to get the final ending.
Durante summed it up pretty nice

I don't think that image is very accurate though. The Atelier games are nowhere near that open ended. It's more similar to the WRPG image, but with multiple end points.

Is this game like Totori where you can do everything and get the true ending in one playthrough or is it like Meruru where it forces you to do some stuff in new game plus?

Actually, I'd also like to know the same answer for Ayesha...

Ayesha only requires only playthrough. And it's even easier than with Totori because you can just select which ending you want to see, no manipulation of saves needed.
Cool, thanks guys. I'm thinking maybe I'll just eventually finish my Meruru file guide free and not worrying about how well I do. Then I'll start focusing on Ayesha and then this one...

But Dark Souls and
Lightning Returns may delay that


If we're talking about Ayesha music, I have a hard time not mentioning this track.

...Maybe because it just reminds me so much of Ar tonelico.

hehe that track was really unexpected and a nice way of letting AT fans know they werent forgotten, as future releases show :D

How can Keithgriff not be someone's favourite? No comprende.

Because Linca! Seriously though, really happy this has a 6 person battle party, no way I'm ever leaving Linca and Threia out

I don't think that image is very accurate though. The Atelier games are nowhere near that open ended. It's more similar to WRPG image, but with multiple end points.

Man I dunno, you can go through the games without ever even recruiting some characters, cant remember the last traditional JRPG to do that, there's whole quest lines you might never touch and still get an ending
Man I dunno, you can go through the games without ever even recruiting some characters, cant remember the last traditional JRPG to do that, there's whole quest lines you might never touch and still get an ending

Assuming you're not talking about bad endings, the main quest is pretty straight forward and the games even gate things by date/level/license etc. Those quests you can skip are usually character event lines that aren't so different than say WRPG loyalty quests or such. The endings aren't drastic divergences from each other, it's usually just a choice of which character ending you get. You can reload a late game save point and see all the endings really easily.


I don't think that image is very accurate though. The Atelier games are nowhere near that open ended. It's more similar to WRPG image, but with multiple end points.

This is something I would have to completely agree with. I see that one "endings" image pop up a lot when talking about Atelier games, but I feel it's a very inaccurate representation of the modern Atelier games. Although the games allow you to essentially choose what you want to do at what time, there's always going to be a set chain of events you have to follow in order to achieve certain endings. Especially when you take into consideration that the "true end" normally requires the completion of most all other character flags, it means there really isn't as much freedom to just do anything.


Do these games tend to be difficult? This is going to be my first Atelier game and I wanted to get a heads up before choosing a high difficulty level.
Do these games tend to be difficult? This is going to be my first Atelier game and I wanted to get a heads up before choosing a high difficulty level.

I don't even think there ARE difficulty levels. The real challenge is in the time constraints, not battles. Boss battles will be tough but are generally overcome by having powerful enough weapons/armor and, more importantly, alchemy items for healing/attack. Even if you lose a boss battle the only real penalty is you lose a bit of time and have to go home to regroup. For newcomers the only major risk of a game over comes from not fulfilling the requirements for a deadline because you forgot about the deadline/couldn't figure out how to get everything done in time. Even this is relatively minor (and seems to be less of a concern with each new game in the series).


I don't even think there ARE difficulty levels. The real challenge is in the time constraints, not battles. Boss battles will be tough but are generally overcome by having powerful enough weapons/armor and, more importantly, alchemy items for healing/attack. Even if you lose a boss battle the only real penalty is you lose a bit of time and have to go home to regroup. For newcomers the only major risk of a game over comes from not fulfilling the requirements for a deadline because you forgot about the deadline/couldn't figure out how to get everything done in time. Even this is relatively minor (and seems to be less of a concern with each new game in the series).

Ah, alrighty. Thanks.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Kinda weird to see my former place of work end up as a character last name.

Goddamn, I need to sit and play through this whole series in one go. Really behind on it...


The idiotic way the weapon upgrades work, bad quest system, paper thin characters, and a plot riddled with wasted potential

Yeah I didn't like it for the same reasons. I just felt bad for Linca who wanted to do her own thing and was happier doing that but was told to "make friends and dress better". Poor thing.

I always feel the Atelier series is about a month of polish away from a really great game. I also feel they gotta rework the time mechanics so I don't miss half of my life (well, three in-game years) stuck making items.

I think the move for two protagonists is an *absolutely brilliant* idea to address both sides of the market (those who want the "traditional" or "RPG" experience from their title). So bravo the developers there.


This is coming out on Titanfall day?!
Dark Souls II sends its regards.

... Actually, yeah, Titanfall to me is like when Halo or something launches next to a niche RPG: it's a big deal, but the overlap probably isn't so drastic so it's not a big deal. But Dark Souls, that's more like Final Fantasy during its better days launching next to a niche RPG, it's a serious threat because this time there probably IS significant overlap, and more damningly arguably fill a similar niche (well, this isn't as bad as FFXII against Tales of the Abyss.) Probably only a few people want Titanfall in here, including me admittedly, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of us can also afford to wait. Dark Souls II on the other hand I'll avoid waiting for if I can help it, which includes snubbing the PC version for a Steam sale to get on PS3 ASAP.


hidari's art is so yum

i'll probably play escha's story despite not being a series veteran since I want the light-hearted story.
I don't know if I should get this now, or wait for the inevitable Vita version.

Sort of feel the same, that cel style shading would look re-dunk on the Vita, if this was PS4 I would even consider it, I have still yet to play my VIta version of Arland (?), but the pics in this OT and the story summary have me interested.


hidari's art is so yum

i'll probably play escha's story despite not being a series veteran since I want the light-hearted story.

I don't think it really actually matters anyway! The stories are probably mostly the same, and it says "for series veterans" because it plays more like the more traditional Atelier games rather than like Atelier Iris or Mana-Khemia!

...Honestly, I'm not even sure how different Logy's side is from Escha's, and I'm wondering if I should try his story first just to see...


Nothing will ever be like Mana Khemia anymore. Those were 2D, and only SRW does that properly nowadays.

But I guess I'll try this game if there are supposedly similarities.


Subete no aware
Dark Souls II sends its regards.

... Actually, yeah, Titanfall to me is like when Halo or something launches next to a niche RPG: it's a big deal, but the overlap probably isn't so drastic so it's not a big deal. But Dark Souls, that's more like Final Fantasy during its better days launching next to a niche RPG, it's a serious threat because this time there probably IS significant overlap, and more damningly arguably fill a similar niche (well, this isn't as bad as FFXII against Tales of the Abyss.) Probably only a few people want Titanfall in here, including me admittedly, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of us can also afford to wait. Dark Souls II on the other hand I'll avoid waiting for if I can help it, which includes snubbing the PC version for a Steam sale to get on PS3 ASAP.

I can sympathize--I think I still have a picture of when I picked up Killzone 3 and Atelier Rorona on the same day--but yeah, not a lot of audience overlap there.

AnimeDudeBroGAF. lol

I'll probably end up buying the game, but it's going to sit in a backlog forever... I bet by the time I get to it, they'll announce a Vita version. lol


...Honestly, I'm not even sure how different Logy's side is from Escha's, and I'm wondering if I should try his story first just to see...

It's the same game. I know a couple of people who have beaten the game, according to them the only difference is the perspective of certain scenes and some endings change a bit. Outside of that it's really just the same thing.

Oh, and if you play as Logy you get better battle music.


It's the same game. I know a couple of people who have beaten the game, according to them the only difference is the perspective of certain scenes and some endings change a bit. Outside of that it's really just the same thing.
Yeah, so it's pretty much Xillia in that sense


It's the same game. I know a couple of people who have beaten the game, according to them the only difference is the perspective of certain scenes and some endings change a bit. Outside of that it's really just the same thing.

Oh, and if you play as Logy you get better battle music.

misleading OP!



A local retailer in my country already sold a EU copy of Escha&Logy.
Is it already out in Euro? I want to bite, but I even have started Totori+ and it's a EU copy.
Bought the Arland-Games Day 1.
Didn't like Rorona, had fun with Totori and felt that Meruru was the peak of that series. Really good game, although I'm not 100% sold on the gameplay itself.

Ayesha was a huge disappointment. I felt that there was even less direction gameplaywise than before, the story was interesting yet totally wasted and the characters were quite awful. Like...all of them. Didn't finish it.

I will probably buy Esha&Logy down the line, but not day 1 for sure. Ayesha left a somewhat sour taste in my mouth. (which is at the same time kinda unfair since the new game looks really good.)
It's the same game. I know a couple of people who have beaten the game, according to them the only difference is the perspective of certain scenes and some endings change a bit. Outside of that it's really just the same thing.

Oh, and if you play as Logy you get better battle music.

I know which main character I'm starting with now.


Couple of question about this one

Is the game based a lot on time schedule like Totori ?
Because I gave up on Totori I really don't like being timed like that I ended up spending too much time doing synth and not enough grinding and when I got to the last boss I was under lvl and out of time so I got the bad ending -_-

For some reason I had no problem with Rorona ...


To be fair, I grabbed that graphic with the differences in protagonists off the official site, lol. I just assumed it would be true! I figured the stories would be mostly the same though.

And to be fair to the graphic, this misconception goes back all the way to the original press releases from Gust themselves. So most likely they just translated those, assumed they were true without playing through the game to confirm it and made the graphic. My guess is that initially it was going to be true, but the deadline got in the way of making essentially two different versions of the same game.


And to be fair to the graphic, this misconception goes back all the way to the original press releases from Gust themselves. So most likely they just translated those, assumed they were true without playing through the game to confirm it and made the graphic. My guess is that initially it was going to be true, but the deadline got in the way of making essentially two different versions of the same game.

Yeah I can understand that! I'll just assume the graphic refers to the story and perspective more than the gameplay. :p

Welp, since there seemed to be a lot of confusion on how different the stories actually are, I edited the OP to reflect some things I just learned about them. The stories should be more similar to Tales of Xillia's separate stories. Meaning mostly the same, but with different perspectives.

Wondering if I should remove the graphic I took from the official site because that's where most of the confusion seems to be coming from!


a shame, Mana Khemia 2's two sides were legitimately quite different

Indeed, which is part of the reason why I can't decide if I love it more than Mana-Khemia 1. I love multiple stories like that!

I guess I may as well play Escha's story first if they're not going to be that different anyway.
Indeed, which is part of the reason why I can't decide if I love it more than Mana-Khemia 1. I love multiple stories like that!

I guess I may as well play Escha's story first if they're not going to be that different anyway.

Logy's superior battle musiccccccccc
The only Atelier game I've played is Rorona, which I enjoyed in spite of being overly grindy and repetitive. I've wanted to play all of them but just... never did. Maybe I'll get to this one. I really like the way it looks, the art in this series has improved with each new installment.


I can't wait to play the game. I finally paid my copy yesterday and it should arrive this Friday. I had to change the store were I preordered the game because in another store they gave you the 3 pre-order costumes DLC.
I'm going to start with Logy first and Escha in NG+.
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