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Attack on Titan Season 2 |OT| NO MANGA TALK

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Thinking back, it was kinda strange mikasa was the only one to act. I guess the others were looking for more definitive proof, but once mikasa did her initial attack and Reiner did his proclamation afterward, everyone else - being on high alert - should have been right on them trying to kill them.


semen stains the mountaintops
I wish she had been successful. How badass would it have been if one of them got wrecked by her?
I just realized that Armin never witnessed/saw the Armored Titan, and thus couldn't have deduced that Reiner is Armored Titan just like he did with Annie. That was a nice little touch.


Thinking back, it was kinda strange mikasa was the only one to act. I guess the others were looking for more definitive proof, but once mikasa did her initial attack and Reiner did his proclamation afterward, everyone else - being on high alert - should have been right on them trying to kill them.

I'm not surprised because even though they had suspicions, these are still people they've come to know who some would consider friends. Mikasa, when she was a kid was absolutely frozen when her parents were killed in front of her. Maybe that ingrained in her DNA to never hesitate again when in peril. Add in the fact that she lagged behind the others and was closer to Eren. Heck, look how long it took for Eren, who was devastated that Bert and Reiner were traitors, to get his wits together to transform himself. There's a shock value in betrayal that can be hard to reconcile in seconds.


Thinking back, it was kinda strange mikasa was the only one to act. I guess the others were looking for more definitive proof, but once mikasa did her initial attack and Reiner did his proclamation afterward, everyone else - being on high alert - should have been right on them trying to kill them.

They transform right after Mikasa attacks them though (she cuts them up, Reiner pushes her off and then yells "Berthold!" and lightning starts surrounding them) and the other guys are running toward them and get blown away by the colossal Titan's transformation.


I read the nonchalant reveal as being a concession to the fact that anybody paying attention will already know the twist, so it would be farcical to play it in a typical 'twist!' style. I'm surprised it caught so many off-guard.

Anyone who says they pegged Bert as the colossal without any preconceived knowledge is flat out lying. Reiner as the armored titan, sure. Even I deduced that fairly early on once they established people can turn into titans and I'm usually bad at that sort of thing.

To put shit into perspective...

It has only been a day and a half since Eren fought the Female Titan.
In the span of 36 hours, Eren found out 4 of his friends have the same power as him.

Damn, I didn't even think of this. That 4 year break really skewed the timeline for me. lol


When the first attack happened Reiner and Bertholt must have been at Erens age right?So 12 years old or something? Maybe they don't age the same though
I like that she puts Eren in his place, and makes it incredibly apparent at just how much he sucks by comparison.
Meh, I really like Eren. It feels like if you're a loud or "whiny" protagonist, it's the cool thing to shit on them. Someone else put it pretty well. He always tries to have his squad's back, and has trust and belief in them even when it's suggested otherwise. But it's not like he doesn't listen (he trusts them even when he disagrees and goes along with missions). And when the proof finally shows up that his squad has turned their backs on him, he goes in for the kill and doesn't turn into a comic book superhero where killing is wrong. I also dig his insane hatred for killing Titans, it's pretty much like a psychopath. Pretty sure he killed two bad guys who were going to hurt Mikasa with zero remorse.

but I know.. quiet cool guys that don't say anything are so much awesomer!!

we want him to not be Shinji Ikari and shit his pants everytime something bad happens
this comparison makes no sense, they are nothing alike
Anyone who says they pegged Bert as the colossal without any preconceived knowledge is flat out lying. Reiner as the armored titan, sure. Even I deduced that fairly early on once they established people can turn into titans and I'm usually bad at that sort of thing.

Damn, I didn't even think of this. That 4 year break really skewed the timeline for me. lol

A guy predicted both Reiner and Bertholdt months before it was revealed in the manga. It's definitely possible.


A guy predicted both Reiner and Bertholdt months before it was revealed in the manga. It's definitely possible.

But how? Was it just him or did he conspire with a bunch of redditors? He must have meticulously went over each episode or something. I guess Bert was around Reiner and Annie a lot so once you know Annie is a Titan and guess Reiner is the armored is could be possible based on that alone.


Anyone who says they pegged Bert as the colossal without any preconceived knowledge is flat out lying. Reiner as the armored titan, sure. Even I deduced that fairly early on once they established people can turn into titans and I'm usually bad at that sort of thing.

Nah it's easy once you figure out Reiner. Just look at Reiner and ask "does this guy have any close allies that are tall, pretty lethargic dudes?". At the very least there's no way Bert didn't know about Reiner.

She's stoic and strong in a fucked up world and is loyal to a fault. She's a hero in a grey, grey world.

Is she a hero tho? She doesn't like... *believe* in anything except lolling after Eren. I wish they'd give her any relationships of her own.

And why doesn't she just jump on his dick already? Girl character just patiently waiting for boy protagonist to become a man and notice her is boring. Maybe it won't go this way but it feels like we're on a trajectory for her to just be Eren's girlfriend whenever Eren decides to get around to it.


I'm not surprised because even though they had suspicions, these are still people they've come to know who some would consider friends. Mikasa, when she was a kid was absolutely frozen when her parents were killed in front of her. Maybe that ingrained in her DNA to never hesitate again when in peril. Add in the fact that she lagged behind the others and was closer to Eren. Heck, look how long it took for Eren, who was devastated that Bert and Reiner were traitors, to get his wits together to transform himself. There's a shock value in betrayal that can be hard to reconcile in seconds.

It waasnt seconds. The flash back revealed convincing evidence. Eren is a special case because he's a titan himself. He was sitting on the fence and likely he'll end up getting his buds killed because he refused to accept what was laid out to him 12 hours earlier.

They transform right after Mikasa attacks them though (she cuts them up, Reiner pushes her off and then yells "Berthold!" and lightning starts surrounding them) and the other guys are running toward them and get blown away by the colossal Titan's transformation.
That's not the way it happened.


The girlfriend thing may be oversimplifying things. Y'all know a girl can be into guy in a way not typical of a lovey-dovey relationship right?

*I* know that but I'm wary that this cartoon for teenage boys doesn't know that. It hasn't really given me any reason to think it'll handle their relationship in a worthwhile way, because Mikasa barely has a personality at all.

It's really weird that the show basically hasn't acknowledged anything romantic at all. These kids should be fucking like bunnies. They're basically in summer camp except they could die any day.


It wasnt seconds. The flash back revealed convincing evidence. Eren is a special case because he's a titan himself. He was sitting on the fence and likely he'll end up getting his buds killed because he refused to accept what was laid out to him 12 hours earlier.

That doesn't change anything. There's still an element of denial and disbelief that just can't be reconciled even with 12 hours to stew on it. LOL just watch the reaction video of the guy who proclaimed Reiner to be his favorite character. He was in complete denial and it was a very human reaction. To think that all of them should've been at the ready to kill both Bert and Reiner, at the first sign of funny business isn't a human response. Hell, Mikasa's response is more unrealistic. But you're asking people who have experienced much more reason to trust these guys than doubt them, to kill them on the spot is asking a bit much. Even for trained soldiers.


I just checked and yes it's exactly what happened. She gets pushed off while trying to finish off Berthold and they immediately start becoming titans.
You're right. I just watched too. I said Reiner made the proclamation after the attack, but he totally regenerated before even the first hit. Everyone turned around already before she even made the first hit.

It's just overanalyzing though. It looked as though they were within 50' but it could have been who knows how far.


how did Hange know that Historia's last name was Reiss? She didn't mention that only that her name was Historia.
It looks like she simply did so off-screen in-between episodes, and Hans hadn't confirmed that with her directly yet.

How did Hange also know that she was royalty just by hearing her first name?
Nothing was said about royalty. It's just the name if a noble family, one that's apparently notable enough that Hans knows about it.
I was confused about the reaction,i remembered having this conversation before.... Okay apparently it is revealed in the Ova. So it's current with the anime to potentially know that.

Treat it like that titan in the other Ova where the titan
speaks and calls someone a child of Ymir
it's a slight spoiler.

More of a tease, less of a spoiler.


I don't really watch anime, so are OVAs things that matter? Where do the AoT ones exist? Not on CrunchyRoll?

Sometimes they matter, sometimes they don't. There are a few for AoT, I haven't watched all of them because I think a few are filler.
But how? Was it just him or did he conspire with a bunch of redditors? He must have meticulously went over each episode or something. I guess Bert was around Reiner and Annie a lot so once you know Annie is a Titan and guess Reiner is the armored is could be possible based on that alone.
Revealed in the manga with all of its bad and inconsistent art before the anime even aired. He noticed the similarity of Reiner to the Armored Titan and figured that since they were always together, Bert must've been the Colossal.


Where them OVAs tho? You gotta buy discs?
Or do crimes?
I have no idea, I actually didn't know they existed before people brought them up in this thread, since it's adaptations of bonus chapters and such. I just read summaries (but that's a bad idea for Anime-only people to go do!)

There is one specifically (titled _____'s Journal- I forget the name) that is relevant to this season, but it doesn't really answer anything, just leaves you w/ more questions.


Land mines everywhere haha.
I don't even know why anime watchers discuss this shit on internet forums.
You need to find a core group of real life friends to have discussions with just to be safe.
Same thing with Game of Thrones....didn't go in that topic until the end of last season.


Petra lives in our hearts
on a tree


tbh I'm surprised that tree didn't break in two.

Or like, move. At all.
Land mines everywhere haha.
I don't even know why anime watchers discuss this shit on internet forums.
You need to find a core group of real life friends to have discussions with just to be safe.
Same thing with Game of Thrones....didn't go in that topic until the end of last season.

Because we have no friends. But tbh I find Internet discussions more engrossing, but that might just be me preferring to have all my thoughts types out coherently rather than blurting out whatever comes to mind.


You're right. I just watched too. I said Reiner made the proclamation after the attack, but he totally regenerated before even the first hit. Everyone turned around already before she even made the first hit.

It's just overanalyzing though. It looked as though they were within 50' but it could have been who knows how far.

In the manga, their transformation looks more instantaneous. The lightning from the sky effect they added in the anime really screwed with the pacing.


Thinking back, it was kinda strange mikasa was the only one to act. I guess the others were looking for more definitive proof, but once mikasa did her initial attack and Reiner did his proclamation afterward, everyone else - being on high alert - should have been right on them trying to kill them.

She seemed to be the only scout to overhear the initial reveal as they were walking away, partially because she was the closest, partially because it was so casual, and also because of course she's so protective of Eren that she'd be hyper-sensitive to the two suspected to be in cahoots with Annie to be pulling Eren to the side for any reason.

I think it's also because they had no back up plan that we know of and fighting the Titans out in the open, on the wall of all places, was the last place they'd strategically would want to engage them. So once they caught wind of what was happening, everyone seemed to be waiting (and hoping, I assume) to see if Eren would deflect the situation or de-escalate things rather then being ready to throw down then and there. Even Bert seemed to be caught totally off-guard by Reiner's decision to talk to Eren right there on the wall and Reiner didn't seem to think about what it would mean if Eren were to refuse. lol

Mikasa was the only one thinking on her feet in the moment, probably already analyzing the situation if things head south and probably just due to her desire to protect Eren, even if it meant throwing herself in the middle of a very bad situation she might not be able to walk away from.

My favorite part about that moment is that Mikasa's attack was clearly a reactionary, spontaneous one but it seems she at least had the plan to lop off their heads. Since Reiner was able to stop the blade with his hands, which Mikasa lost, she must have realized the blades are too dull and fragile to attempt that again which is why it looks like she decides to just slice Bertholdt's neck since he also put his hands up but she doesn't even cut them. If they were humans that should have been enough, but unfortunately it wasn't. It's also interesting that knowing she only has one blade and one shot to probably only take out one of them, she decide to go after the Colossal Titan, even attempting to deliver the finishing blow while he's on the ground rather than attempt to kill Reiner who isn't even at least critically injured like Bertholdt is.

I think Eren was the only one in the situation that could have potentially helped Mikasa kill those 2 before they could transform, but he was still in shock too much to be of any use, even when Mikasa's own life was in jeopardy, which is kind of bullshit.


Regarding the last name: I found out from an action figure. No need for someone to have gone in on manga or wikis or anything just normal related products.

But it's also one of the reasons I don't post in threads like this. Because it's hard to separate out small details like that which can be big spoilers for people.


Land mines everywhere haha.
I don't even know why anime watchers discuss this shit on internet forums.
You need to find a core group of real life friends to have discussions with just to be safe.
Same thing with Game of Thrones....didn't go in that topic until the end of last season.

Yeah, it's kinda shitty that even in supposed non-spoiler threads people still throw out spoilers. The worst are people who knows what happens then post a vague hint (sometimes not so vague) thinking they are acting slick or something.

This happened a lot in the Walking Dead thread so I don't even go there anymore.
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