The Illiterati
shit gets crazy real soon anyway, can't wait for people reactions to the stuff that happens in the next few episodes.
Stuff's gonna happen regardless. You think the last 3 episodes are gonna be boring and uneventful?
The logic of some people... its a given that shit is going down in the last few episodes. Don't need no alluding or spoiler to figure that one out.
Yeah and people also don't need to bitch about the "alluding" if they know it's a given that stuff is gonna happen, seriously people who are anime spoiler purists like that are the most annoying people on these forums. They ruin all anime threads.
Really. He didn't spoil you anything, just relax and enjoy the show.
"Something happens"
I wasn't the one who originally complained, but constantly alluding to "something" being about to happen isn't frowned upon because of spoilers, it's frowned upon because it derails countless threads for a million different shows with book readers/manga readers winking back and forth at each other like idiots.
Stop doing it. It adds nothing. No one cares if you're erect in anticipation of others reactions.