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August 2008 NPD Results


Hcoregamer00 said:
That's true in some respects.

My question is this, will this appeal to the PS3 userbase since they are getting a big budget Cell Shaded RPG in November. After all, if Valkyria does poorly in the states, then Namco would be justified in keeping Vesperia onto one console.

I think it does appeal, as a matter of consumer expectations. But I think Valkyria will end up being overlooked, sadly. It's a relatively unknown game jammed between holiday blockbusters. And I doubt it will get the marketing to make a difference. But I think it's a serious mistake of these companies to be delaying so many JRPG releases on the PS3, because I think there's a lot of potential buyers and they're not being thrown a bone -- at all.

When I speak of consumer expectations, this is what I mean:

When your average 360 owner bought their Xbox, did they really count on playing a bunch of JRPGs on it? I doubt many did. I think for many the expectation was that they wanted lots of quality competitive online games. With PS3 buyers, I think you had bit of the opposite scenario. They were expecting the kinds of JRPGs the 360 has been getting and not so much on the competitive gaming.

So what you see are the two companies trying to pick away at the demographics the other company completed dominated the cycle before. I think they've both done a good job at that, I'm sure there are many casting envious stares at the opposite console. But that doesn't change the fact that the consumer expectations for each of the consoles are still very different. And I think that will reflect in the sales of certain games.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
andydumi said:


Gears of Phwoar 2.


Puncture said:
I think its a case of you not knowing what the hell your talking about. The last few tiger games have sold hundreds and hundreds of THOUSANDS of copies worldwide. How in the hell are you trying to label that "failing"? Sorry it doesn't work like that. The last few tiger games all sold well worldwide. And they were lead by the Wii sku. You cant spin it negatively so stop trying. Madden doesn't sell extremely well on the Wii. Woods however does sell well there.

This really shouldn't even be an issue, but some of you just have a hard time accepting the fact that a sports game does perform well on the Wii, and it seems to burn you up that one sports game performs better on Wii than the others, just let it go. Calling Woods a "failure" is beyond reaching.

It's No.6. His next positive Wii related post will be his first. He has all the impartiality of a viral marketer.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
WinFonda said:
I think it does appeal, as a matter of consumer expectations. But I think Valkyria will end up being overlooked, sadly. It's a relatively unknown game jammed between holiday blockbusters. And I doubt it will get the marketing to make a difference. But I think it's a serious mistake of these companies to be delaying so many JRPG releases on the PS3, because I think there's a lot of potential buyers and they're not being thrown a bone -- at all.

When I speak of consumer expectations, this is what I mean:

When your average 360 owner bought their Xbox, did they really count on playing a bunch of JRPGs on it? I doubt many did. I think for many the expectation was that they wanted lots of quality competitive online games. With PS3 buyers, I think you had bit of the opposite scenario. They were expecting the kinds of JRPGs the 360 has been getting and not so much on the competitive gaming.

So what you see are the two companies trying to pick away at the demographics the other company completed dominated the cycle before. I think they've both done a good job at that, I'm sure there are many casting envious stares at the opposite console. But that doesn't change the fact that the consumer expectations for each of the consoles are still very different. And I think that will reflect in the sales of certain games.

Very well put, I can't add anything to your statements.

With that said, you could argue a couple of things in favor of Valkyria and a couple of things against it.

For the game (selling well):
-Pretty cell shaded style bringing in new audiences
-Lack of PS3 Japanese RPG's
-New twist on the Strategy RPG genre
-It's an genuine exclusive built from the ground up
-High reviews when it comes out

Against the game (selling well):
-Pretty cell shaded style alienates anime haters
-Released in November
-Released when Sony will be releasing the big guns
-It is a strategy RPG
-It is Sega, so it will likely be marketed like crap

Of course, I still think that Vesperia's "poor sales" (since we have no solid numbers) will have more to do with Namco Bandai's terrible treatment of the franchise, rather than the XBOX 360 userbase, or the evolving tastes of the American market. It is more action based than Final Fantasy, so it should have very wide appeal. It also has great storytelling, good music, and a strong pedigree.

The only thing holding the franchise back is Namco themselves, they have only themselves to blame for not making the franchise as big as it should be.
OldJadedGamer said:
Another person who wasn't in the July NPD thread.

No I was there.

Correct me if I'm wrong anyone, but wasn't August the pricecut month of 20GB 360 models? They were cut by like $25-50, right? Can't remember right now.


domokunrox said:
No I was there.

Correct me if I'm wrong anyone, but wasn't August the pricecut month of 20GB 360 models? They were cut by like $25-50, right? Can't remember right now.
Cut in some way..
Clearance was the actual word..
Since they were not shipping 20GBs..
The substituted the 20GB, for the 60GB..so if across 10 stores, they only had one 20GB unit each..it was just 20 units sold..and that was it..

Unlike the 60GBs now, which are going to be in constant replenishment..


The 'H' stands for hentai.
bathala said:
u know wat. gimme tag this when LBP comes out.

So if LBP comes out, what should you tag be?

Because if it fails, your tag could easily say "Sales Failure"

Hell, my tag could be the same thing if Valkyria is a massive bomb :lol
fernoca said:
Cut in some way..
Clearance was the actual word..
Since they were not shipping 20GBs..
The substituted the 20GB, for the 60GB..so if across 10 stores, they only had one 20GB unit each..it was just 20 units sold..and that was it..

Unlike the 60GBs now, which are going to be in constant replenishment..

Right, like a firesale of sorts. Because the premium is now 60GB models.

lol @ 10 stores with 1 20GB unit selling 20 total. The whole thing itself is comedy.


I'm glad madden isnt doing better on wii, EA is gonna have to come up with more new games for wii if they want a slice of the huge market nintendo has created. I've been nintendo only since the dreamcast holocaust and have never bought a madden game and from the sales on gc and now wii it seems most nintendo fans arent interested in it either, what is kinda surprising is that the new expanded market isnt buying it and they arent the typical nintendo hardcore like me...still good news to me, EA cant rely on yearly roster updates on the top selling console, GREAT news.

If they brought back mutant league football/hockey then I'd buy it, to me those mutant league games were like the mario sports games are now, crazy & fun.


I'm surprised at the PSP numbers, did anyone else notice that? I mean, that system is usually behind 360(you know, where the 360 has been for most of the year).


AFreak said:
I'm surprised at the PSP numbers, did anyone else notice that? I mean, that system is usually behind 360(you know, where the 360 has been for most of the year).

I did notice that


The 'H' stands for hentai.
basik said:
I'm glad madden isnt doing better on wii, EA is gonna have to come up with more new games for wii if they want a slice of the huge market nintendo has created. I've been nintendo only since the dreamcast holocaust and have never bought a madden game and from the sales on gc and now wii it seems most nintendo fans arent interested in it either, what is kinda surprising is that the new expanded market isnt buying it and they arent the typical nintendo hardcore like me...still good news to me, EA cant rely on yearly roster updates on the top selling console, GREAT news.

When you say it like that, Madden bombing is not that bad.

Heck, you said this so well I wished that Madden games would bomb completely so they would overhaul the madden engine and make it worthy of the XBOX 360 and PS3's capabilities.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
AFreak said:
I'm surprised at the PSP numbers, did anyone else notice that? I mean, that system is usually behind 360(you know, where the 360 has been for most of the year).

Sony had the Madden PSP deal.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
fernoca said:
Maybe is "sister"..like when lesbians use that word to refer to friends/partners. :p

I am not familiar with this terminology, so if they meant it in that context it is not that bad.

Of course clarification is needed because generally when someone posts sister, it means someone who is related to you of a female gender.


Trucker Sexologist
fernoca said:
Maybe is "sister"..like when lesbians use that word to refer to friends/partners. :p
Or maybe it's like that guy on here who was trying to get people to vote his sister into Playboy.


Jax said:
thing about the 10k difference, PS3 costs a whole lot more. 10k isn't too bad. Next month with the pricedrop in full effect WILL be interesting. The thing to note will be whether

PS3 stays consistent despite the 360 being cheaper.

Wait, we have heard over and over how the 360 is actually more expensive. You have to buy a $100 wireless adapter and pay $50 a year for Live. After all that you still don`t get Blu-Ray. The PS3 is a fantastic value. Amazing how the 360 outsold the cheaper PS3.
lowrider007 said:
PS2 still hanging in there, always surprises me, a 10 year old console only 50 thousand behind 360 and 40 thousand behind PS3, seems a real shame that Sony or third-party developers are not really continuing to make dedicated PS2 games, considering how big the user base is even shovel-ware will make $$$'s.

They always surprise me too, and it's still getting a lot of support, all these Singstars, Buzz, GH, RB, P4, etc....the PS2 is a beast, can't believe a system that's 8 years old would sell this well.


Hcoregamer00 said:
So if LBP comes out, what should you tag be?

Because if it fails, your tag could easily say "Sales Failure"

Hell, my tag could be the same thing if Valkyria is a massive bomb :lol
I'm going to get LBP and Valkyria, but EPIC?

then again I would be surprise with LBP if push numbers

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I'm willing to bed LBP won't be in the top 10 come october.


Fallout 3 both consoles should do well
GH4 on Wii, PS3, 360 and PS2
Rock Band on Wii, PS3, 360, PS2
Fable 2
Saint's Row 2 on PS3 and 360

THere are going to be some broken hearts in October.


AranhaHunter said:
:lol That doesn't really look like a handle though

Hey I did it in like 30 seconds in MS Paint. Tunalover has a totally awesome one in this thread.

His is the definitive version. Mine is the rough draft.



Mama Robotnik said:
Hopefully you remember the story of last month's NPD?

There is only one way the great HD consoles can even have a chance at winning...


What I can say now though is that the only interesting, wild-card element of NPD Hardware for the last few months is the fight for second place, the scraps of the feast.

Nintendo's market success, their change of place from last gen to this, will be required reading for the future of both the Gaming, and Marketing industries.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Oh my god.

:lol :lol :lol


Agent Icebeezy said:

Fallout 3 both consoles should do well
GH4 on Wii, PS3, 360 and PS2
Rock Band on Wii, PS3, 360, PS2
Fable 2
Saint's Row 2 on PS3 and 360

THere are going to be some broken hearts in October.

Saint's Row 2 wont make it... on 360 and especially not PS3. Guitar Hero: World Tour will do insane numbers on Wii, 360, and PS2. PS3... not so much. The same goes with Rock Band 2, but I think the Wii version might be the odd one out just because the first one came out a couple months ago.


...hate me...
What about this theory about Wii's Madden sales? IT'S A DIFFERENT GAME FROM THE OTHERS! I mean it even has a different cover, a flashy subtitle a la spin-off and everything.

I love my Wii and its games, as i do love Pro Evolution Soccer. However, if i decide to buy PES 2009 i will buy it for my 360. Or even the PS3, if i finally decide to get one in the upcoming month. Hell, i'd buy it for the PS2 over the Wii because traditional controlled Pro Evolution Soccer is the game i know, i love, and i ritually buy (almost) year after year.

As my friends do. This is also an important factor. Sure, i got to mess around with PES 2008 Wii and it's a fun experience, but it's not the same thing. It certainly is less begginer friendly for one, and its gameplay is not so tight as in the regular versions. And why the hell would i want to play and practice this game if my friends don't? I sure wanna kick the crap out of them, that's what gets me to play this game regularly 5 years after i started to do it. And that's the whole phenomenon of sports games, imo: To beat the shit out of your friends (while playing your favourite sport).
scitek said:
Holy mother of jesus that's some sideboob.
Some fools were wondering why people are celebrating a 10,000 unit lead for the month over the PS3. The reason why is that for two months, the PS3 outsold the 360 by about that much. Sony tools frothed and had aneurysms over how the 360 was so fucked because they sold 40,000 more units in two months but were still several million units behind. Couple that with "Good jon for buying MGS4!" The GAF Sony hype train is starting to derail again.

I will admit that more and more people are realizing that LBP isn't going to be some uber revolution. It will sell a few hundred thousand copies overall, which isn't bad but some of you guys sound almost insane when predicting that it would pull Mario 64 like numbers. It was the same thing I heard when MGS4, Uncharted, Virtua Fighter 5, etc. all came out. The PS3 is at the stage where this is pretty much the kind of performance you're going to expect from the machine overall: closely by the 360 but getting its ass beat by the Wii. With so many large titles coming out for it and making no impact, its time to face reality.

Another reality is that HD consoles are turning out pitiful performances and have no legitimate excuses why. The games are there, the target market still isn't thoroughly poor but they are not getting the 360 and PS3 in any kind of large quantities. Under 200,000 units is fucking pathetic. There is clearly something wrong. The Wii...I'm not going to go there.

This generation is much worse than the previous.


I'm a bit surpised that the 360 outsold the PS3. I would've thought that the rumors of the Sept. price drop would cause some people to hold back on buying a 360, but apparently not.

Certainly bodes well for the 360 not only for September, but for the rest of 2008.

AFreak said:
Your avatar looks like my sister. Pretty hott.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Jammy said:
Saint's Row 2 wont make it... on 360 and especially not PS3. Guitar Hero: World Tour will do insane numbers on Wii, 360, and PS2. PS3... not so much. The same goes with Rock Band 2, but I think the Wii version might be the odd one out just because the first one came out a couple months ago.

Saints Row is a million selling franchise on the 360, it is going to sell at least on that platform.


Bending_Unit_22 said:
Didn't EA put out some Wii specific commericals during the holiday season for the Wii version? I recall one with an old lady acting like a football player. Wii owners by and large simply do not run out and buy the games they want the first 6 weeks they are out and I think sales tend to go higher relative to the PS360 for the holidays (wasn't it December of last year when with a decently smaller install base the Wii began to overtake the 360 in monthly software sales?). That's a pretty sensible thing to do, let the HD gamers run out and buy up their allotments of Madden early and then later advertise the Wii version to capatialize on the greater legs Wii games experience.

Also I do think EA hurt themselves by both releasing a terrible Madden 08 on the Wii, it's going to take more than "call your shot" mode to entice me back after that experience, and the cover is simply aweful. However, I did my part for Wii sports games and bought Tiger Woods 09 and MLB Power Pros 2008 for the Wii last month. Nevertheless, I highly doubt EA will lose money on Madden 09 for the Wii or stop making as some seem to suggest, and yeah it'd be pretty cool if they would take some time and think of novel ways to use IR to enhance the game like PES.

Your logic makes sense but advertising in December is bad timing. People are tired of football by then.

Also advertising Madden to casuals is not a good idea. Wii and DS succeed largely based on word of mouth. People see thier gaming friends play Wii Sports, they try it out and buy a Wii. EA should follow the same concept. Get Madden gamers to play Madden Wii and casual gamers can view the game and get comfortable with buying it.
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