British Monsoon

I heard that he is one of the few people that Chuck Norris fears.
Even if Norris doesn't fear him, I'm sure he at least respects the hell out of him. And so he should!
I heard that he is one of the few people that Chuck Norris fears.
im trying to figure out a way to cross referance Yu Gi Oh and Football.Just great, you guys made KOG mad
Now he left you guys for the NFL thread!
And don't worry guys, we'll continue to link great, well done matches, and the majority of this thread will continue to ignore it and wonder why they keep watching wrestling even though they only watch WWE.
I wish I had time to watch all the wrestling I wanted to, but alas, I have other interests and not enough free time.
Was she trying to wink?
I wish I had time to watch all the wrestling I wanted to, but alas, I have other interests and not enough free time.
Was she trying to wink?
AJ is so terrible. Why Vince, why...![]()
also the wwe youtube channel is always up to date. I dnt know if any of the other federations officially upload content or they rely on dvd sales.
Net_Wrecker refuses to watch his matches[IMG]
I'm not sure why, but I just hate seeing Christian lose. He's such a good guy. Met him once at a pet store and was able to talk to him for a few minutes, unbelievably nice and a ridiculously good worker/wrestler.
Although the whole "clap to get the audience clapping" thing is really, really lame.
I'm not sure why, but I just hate seeing Christian lose. He's such a good guy. Met him once at a pet store and was able to talk to him for a few minutes, unbelievably nice and a ridiculously good worker/wrestler.
Although the whole "clap to get the audience clapping" thing is really, really lame.
But he won...
Also, you guys make hipsters go "You guys are a bunch of fucking hipsters."
3 weeks ago 90% of this thread loved AJ, now after 3 weeks of AJ getting more TV time she's the worst thing ever.
Fucking hipsters, all of you.
Fuck Hulk Hogan week. It's been Hulk Hogan week for the last 30 years.You know who else was born last week?
Also, you guys make hipsters go "You guys are a bunch of fucking hipsters."
3 weeks ago 90% of this thread loved AJ, now after 3 weeks of AJ getting more TV time she's the worst thing ever.
Fucking hipsters, all of you.
I always hated AJ.
like i said. i dont know.this is the stuff tha needs to in the OP every month.
Also, you guys make hipsters go "You guys are a bunch of fucking hipsters."
3 weeks ago 90% of this thread loved AJ, now after 3 weeks of AJ getting more TV time she's the worst thing ever.
Fucking hipsters, all of you.
That doesn't sound as bad if I said it that way though.
Also, you guys make hipsters go "You guys are a bunch of fucking hipsters."
3 weeks ago 90% of this thread loved AJ, now after 3 weeks of AJ getting more TV time she's the worst thing ever.
Fucking hipsters, all of you.
I didn't mean four different threads, I meant four different titles to choose from. the thread's content would be the same regardless.Four threads solely for wrestling? Honestly, how many GAFers do you think are interested in Lucha Libre, Puroresu Genki Desu Ka, ROH, etc.? It'd literally be the same four-five posters throughout each thread.
All of the stuff you've listed there, save for our mutual Limey friend, is stuff I enjoy.The majority of us are here because we like/watch WWE more than any other wrestling program, so we talk about everything associated with that, shows, movies, characters, video games, and bootaaay. When it's not Monday or Friday, there's a lack of discussion points to be made, hence why the video game/gif shit comes in.
LOL, you should thank your lucky stars you weren't here around this same time last year. I think your head would've exploded with all the B.S. that was going on. At any rate, I addressed this earlier:If you're upset with the way this thread is, either don't post in it or don't bitch about posting in it. You're complaining about the lack of serious wrestling discussion, yet you're not attempting to create any... Not trying to be a douche, but it's a thread on a goddamn Internet forum.
I'm too tired and lazy to contribute like I used to, so now I rely on posters like you to post stuff that I want to read about. Occasionally, I'll post the equivalent of nudging you with a stick to remind you to get back on track and entertain me. Basically, I'm like this guy:bean breath said:Remember when we used to have drive-by posters that would complain about the thread because they felt there were too many gifs, shops, and sexy pics? That it wasn't up to them to contribute content themselves but for us to conform to their ideal, simply to entertain them?
Well I've become just like them.
I'm too lazy to even make posts in this thread that aren't complaints. I feel like you guys need to entertain me and you're failing.
This thread is titled "August Wrasslin'". It's a wrestling thread. It's not "August TV Wrasslin'", or "August Indie Wrasslin'", it's August Wrasslin'. That means it's everything that encompasses wrestling during the month of August. Simple as that. Wrestling is a niche community, keeping it all centralized in on thread is just logical.
I can name about 5 other community threads that have more GIFs than this community, so I 'll never get that complaint.
In fact,
Looks like a solid card. I'll be tuning in.
I thought you were an enlightened 21st century man, bean, rather than some rank segregationist.
what esle?
The problem with WrassleGAF is even when WWE isn't terrible it has to be made into the worst thing ever. You guys are worse in spinning things then Linda McMahon's campaign team.
Also, you guys make hipsters go "You guys are a bunch of fucking hipsters."
3 weeks ago 90% of this thread loved AJ, now after 3 weeks of AJ getting more TV time she's the worst thing ever.
Fucking hipsters, all of you.
What in the world is going on here? Don't feel bad about hating on Hogan week. He's worse than Cena.
What in the world is going on here? Don't feel bad about hating on Hogan week. He's worse than Cena.
I... can actually relate to this. I've done something like that on Gaming side before. So I take back my comments about your mask, and I respect your opinion, although I don't agree with it. That being said, if you take steps to make your idea a reality, I won't rush to oppose it like I did today; I've said my peace on the matter, and that's more or less all I can be bothered to do. You'll get no opposition from me.WWE programing is currently in, what I would refer to as, a slight lull. This is nothing new and is part of the natural ebb and flow of WWE. However, certain prominent posters have begun switching from negative WWE posts (which are fine and healthy) to posts about esoteric content. These posters then continue posting at the same rate as they did when their topic was WWE (What the majority of the thread and lurkers want), only their content is now what only about 4-5 posters in this thread are interested in.
So if you have someone who posts enough to get into the top ten most posts list, posting about stuff only about 1-5% of the thread wants to read, that's a problem.