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August Wrasslin |OT| I'll tout it to the papers if I have to

Punk also defended the title in a triple threat match like two months ago.
I don't know what you're talking about!



And the 10th Chikara Young Lion's Cup Champion is:

Mr. Touchdown

Kind of saw that coming when they announced the field.

Jamie OD

Audio starts getting out of sync for me around the 8 min mark. Is it the same for anyone else?

Yeah, the guy whop ripped it said the source and program he used weren't the best and it was done for those who wanted to see the match as soon as possible, regardless of quality. I'm about to watch it now.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I'm still going with Brock winning, because I still believe they wouldn't let Brock lose twice in a row like that even though Brock had nothing to lose by coming back to WWE like that. He's been portrayed as the cowardly heel this long already against HHH when he wasn't vs. Cena.

Mmmm hmmm Eve & Bella twin.

And Beth.


Okay, someone needs to gif Brock eating the cracker at 0:46.

Wrestlers nowadays really need to look back at tapes like these, look how naturally funny that flowed, all in one take even.


So not worth it
AJ has new ring gear, which I guess we'll never see due to WWE putting her in the wrong role :(

The exact moment AJ found out she's gonna be in WWE '13:


And finally, I said: DAMN!


Reinboo is not simply anime, she is the finest wrestler to ever live of all time in this business.

besides, the only pants related avatars I can think of is Brooke from One Piece and Spungebob and I despise them both


You know, all things aside.....Punk's title reign has probably been the best in ring performance of a WWE champion since the company went PG.

Edge (month reign)
Jeff Hardy (month reign)


Triple H
Randy Orton
Randy Orton (title changed hands six times in six months)
John Cena
Randy Orton
John Cena
Sheamus (10 title changes in the year 2009)


John Cena
John Cena
Randy Orton
The Miz (captured in Nov. 2010, held for five months, feuded with Cena and Lawler)


John Cena
CM Punk
Rey Mysterio (held for less than the night he won it)
John Cena
Alberto Del Rio (month reign)
John Cena (beat ADR in the match ADR had no business losing 'cept Cenawins.jpg)
Alberto Del Rio (triple threat w/ Cena and Punk)
CM Punk (see NoC match; ADR held the title for barely over a month)

So outside Punk, no other guy has truly been given a decent title reign that did not involve Cena and/or Orton and did not last just a month or slightly over it. Why guys like Rey Mysterio or ADR did not have decent reigns is why this notion of WWE title matches being relatively boring/unmemorable remains true. Giving those two guys feuds against Jericho, Bryan, and others that are simply NOT John Cena would've been pretty good, but alas.
Heads-up for UK folk - internet wrestling show 'Wrestle Talk TV' (http://www.youtube.com/user/WrestletalkTV) will make the jump to proper TV on Sunday, August 26th at 11PM on Challenge, immediately after Impact and the first guest will be Chris Jericho.

Jamie OD said:
Holy crap Ibushi Vs Omega was great!

Seriously. I was worried it'd end up TOO crazy, going nearly 40 minutes, but in the end it was just an amazingly fun match. Although, there were a good 4 or 5 spots that had me wincing out of concern for both guys safety.


You know, all things aside.....Punk's title reign has probably been the best in ring performance of a WWE champion since the company went PG.

Well Punk is a great in-ring performer so it's no surprise to me. It's a shame he wasn't a heel though. :(

WWE and their fetish for PG Champions. :'(
Summerslam is tonight? well that shows how excited I am for this and I can usually take any WWE PPV with an average card. Well in the interest of tradition, prediction time is go.

Pre Show
Santino Vs Cesaro for the US title
When Santino was first given the belt I figured it was a good thing, he's a solid comedy wrestler, with the fans behind him maybe WWE would actually do something with him and the belt, but clearly I forgot that this is WWE so no they did jack shit.
So I welcome the idea of a title change, Cesaro is supposed to be a good wrestler but WWE have given me like 1 match against Christian to push this point, maybe if Cesaro gets the belt he can get the matches and I by extension get the entertainment. And maybe he also gets a new theme that isn't Create A Wrestler music.
Winner: Cesaro

Air Boom vs PTP for the Tag Team Titles
Well i'll be damned, a tag title match that has slowly been building up, i'm shocked. I'd like to see PTP win this if only so Kofi can move on to try and get through the glass ceiling that only I seem to want him to breakthrough. PTP aren't that great, especially without AW but whatever.
Winners: Prime Time Players

Miz vs Mysterio for the IC title
Thrown together matches? I don't know what you're talking about, these men have had a heated rivalry like when a year ago they battled for the WWE title! Okay so there is no such rivalry, this is a thrown together at the last second deal and I give no fucks for it.
Winner: Miz (three heel title victories? probably not happening but i'm gambling on it)

Kane vs Daniel Bryan
There is build up for this dotted around the last few months but WWE decided to not actually book Kane in the last few shows so good job idiots. In a better world this match would be where Kane puts over Bryan like a champ and Bryan breaks that ppv losing streak with a clean victory over the monster solidifying him as a heel to be wary off with his deadly technical skills that could slay the monster.
In reality lol chokeslam, AJ laughs , Bryan screams no, Kane floats around midcard purgatory as the Kane cycle dictates. Bryan is probably over enough to take another loss. Should be a solid match if Kane is on motivated mode, Bryan had enjoyable matches against Show and Henry so he can battle big men effectively.
Winner: Kane

Chris Jericho vs Zigger
A reasonably well built up match, it should be used as a tool to put Ziggles over, after all Mr MITB hasn't seemed too threatening being brogue'd a few times every month by Sheamus. Jericho is possibly off on Fozzy business anyway, he may as well let the losing streak continue. Potentially the match of the night.
Winner: Ziggler (heels for everyone!)

Sheamus vs Del Rio for the WHC
Winner: Sheamus
Seriously does anyone care for this months long feud? Sheamus has been built so well in the Cena mould I really do struggle to see him lose anything ever, save us Wade Barrett.

CM Punk vs Cena vs Big Show for the WWE title
Ah Big Show, I remember how your presence at WM25 made a potentially awesome Cena/Edge main event fall out of the window and in its place we got a fun but not really big feeling match.
And here he is again, Cena/Punk would be the match people want to see one on one but Show is here so any real intrigue has sort of fallen to the wayside. that said Big show is good in multi man matches (yes good, come at me GAF) so it's not all bad.
One assumes that Punk/Cena is being saved for NoC next month which I think is in Cena's hometown, so Big Show is out.
As for who wins out of Cena and Punk it could go either way, no way Cena leaves this year without a title reign even if it's just a month. Heel Punk is lacklustre so far so it would be wise to not clip his wings already with a title loss, have Cena look like he's working for the title win for a change when he likely swipes it at NoC.
Winner: CM Punk

I don't care for face HHH and i've never cared for Lesnar, this main event fell flat for me the very moment it was rumoured months ago. All I ask is that HHH takes a brutal beating like Cena did because it was the most entertained i'd been by Lesnar since well ever. HHH doesn't need this win, Lesnar a man who should be a killing machine is looking kind of weak right now so he does need the win, i'll chance the odds that Lesnar avoid burying time if The Coo knows what is right for THIS BUSINESS!
Winner: Lesnar

Other stuff: hopefully Wade Barrett turns up, in actuality Funkasaurus. But the Funk may get wrecked by our saviour Sandow so it could balance out.
Slight chance of Cody and Cara as well but don't count on it.

Too many heel wins on these predictions but oh well.
A few names are being discussed for the Hall of Fame already this year:

Kevin Nash

Mick Foley

Bob Backlund

It kills me that some of my friends pick HOF over the DGUSA show. Old people crying while you stand up and sit down or badass wrestling. I did a couple HOF's, I'm good. It's on the blu ray.

Anyone else think Lesnar is going over tonight in order to set up a rematch at Mania where HHH beats him on the biggest stage of them all?

That would be fine. Need to have at least one win out of him.
Who main events? Triple H or Cena?

HHH because otherwise Punk gets to main event with Cena and we can't have that in this year now can we?
Actually I was thinking the belt would go on last but the way Raw finished and the match order on WWE's site indicates HHH snaffling the top spot.


Anyone else think Lesnar is going over tonight in order to set up a rematch at Mania where HHH beats him on the biggest stage of them all?

I think Lesnar goes over and Triple H gets his revenge sometime down the line (like maybe firing him after Mania).



First up the pre-show match:

Santino started off well...

But soon Cesaro was taking charge.

Despite this Santino managed to almost pin Cesaro but in the end it just wasn't enough.
WINNER Antonio Cesaro



So not worth it


United States Championship: Santino Marella vs. Antonio Cesaro (Pre-show)
So far none of the title matches on the pre-show have led to a title change. So logic dictates that neither will this one. Add to that how Cesaro has won alot in the past few weeks and once again, WWE booking says it will be Santino. Regardless, Santino should be putting the young guy over. Esp. since he's just a comedy character and Cesaro could genuinly be a top guy some day. So screw logic.
Winner and new US Champion: Antonio Cesaro


WWE Tag Team Championships: Kofi Kingston & R-Truth vs. The Prime Time Players (Darren Young & Titus O'Neil)
Kofi and R-Truth are boring as hell, which is a shame, esp. in Truth's case, because he was amazing as a heel in his feud with Cena. He could've been a top player last year, but they booked him to weakly and turned him face :( Little Jimmy the John Cena fan in the crowd rocks the socks of Little Jimmy the invisible joke char. But I digress, the PTP are ready to push the tag-team division to new heights, they could use the titles to put them over and the babyface teams could provide them with decent midcard feuds. If WWE is really serious about pushing the tag-division... Ugh, who am I kidding. R-Truth and Kofi will win this one just because they entertain the kids in PG WWE.
Winners and still Tag-Team Champions: Kofi and R-Truth.


Intercontinental Championship: The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio
Ever since Cody lost the IC Title it's turned back to a hot-potato title that is used to elevate talent that already won bigger titles. First Christian, now Miz and this Saturday: Rey Mysterio. That said, I'm looking forward to this match, I hope they get 15 minutes. Miz has been amazingly enjoyable lately, it's impressive how much he improved in the ring over the years. Mysterio, really a shell of his former self, can still put on a good match. He'll be the champ going out of SummerSlam, because we'll have plenty of heel champs at the end of the night that need some balancing out.
Winner and new Intercontinental Champion: Rey Mysterio


Kane vs. Daniel Bryan
Soulplaya and Owl are right about one thing, Kane is great at putting young talent over. That's exactly what he'll do. Bryan will control this match (as in call the spots) and he'll turn it into another classic. That guy can get a great match out of anyone, even a slowpoke like Kane. Bryan is just transitioning onto his next feud, so by all intents and purposes he needs to win this match. And he will.
Winner: Daniel Bryan


Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler
This feud has been entertaining and lets face it, with these two we could have a serious contendor for match of the night. however I expect Jericho to win this. He'll be gone for a while, but I expect that when he returns he'll enter a feud with Ziggler over the outcome of this match and I expect Ziggler to be champ by the end of SummerSlam and for a while after that. Jericho will feud with him over the title down the line and put him over then. But at SummerSlam:
Winner: Chris Jericho


World Heavyweight Championship: Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio
Del Rio will once again lose to Sheamus. Nobody can believe the guy can beat Sheamus, with the way they've been booked over the past months. It doesn't matter. Sheamus will win (maybe via DQ after interference by Ricardo) and Del Rio will tear him apart after the match. Ziggler will come out, cash in, eat a Brogue Kick regardless and kick out from that, ZigZag Sheamus and win the WHC. Ziggler will be the first to survive a Brogue Kick in forever (I'm thinking Bryan kicked out of one at Extreme Rules, but I'm not sure) and look like a million bucks.
Winner via DQ and still World Heavyweight Champion: Sheamus.

Dolph Ziggler vs Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Championship:
Winner and new World Heavyweight Champion: Dolph Ziggler


Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar
So, it sucks that Cena was put over at Extreme Rules, as it hurt Brock. But lets face it, Brock is only there for a few dates and Cena is there every night. I sorta get why they put Cena over. I don't agree with it, but I understand it. Triple H is another story though, and completely against everyone's expectations, I expect Brock to win this one, setting up a rematch with Triple H for either SS or WM29. This match should be brutal though, say what you will about Trips, the guy does know how to put on landmark matches. I hope it goes 30 minutes and I hope that just like Brock vs. Cena, we'll see some "accidental" bleeding.


WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. Big Show
This one is hard to call. Because it all matters on what's going to happen at WrestleMania 29. If the plan is for Rock vs. Punk, then Cena will take this one and be the champ until the Rumble. If the plan is for a second Rock vs Cena then Punk will go over here. Big Show will lose though, that much is certain. Now, they could also wait for Cena to win the title untill Night of Champions or maybe even Survivor Series. I would like that, so that might be the case. Regardless, as far as storyline goes we've seen Punk gradually turn tweener over the past few weeks, and I believe that was set up for a full Heel turn at SummerSlam. So my pick will be Punk turns full heel and destroys Cena. Wether that happens before or after the match? Fuck if I know. I'm gonna go with my hopes here and say Punk will retain the title tonight, go full heel and Cena won't get the title untill Survivor Series, meaning we'll get heel Punk vs babyface Rock come WrestleMania 29. That would be my way of booking it, so:
Winner and still WWE Champion: CM Punk

Someone said prediction time?
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