Best: The Lady Next To Me Who Asked About/Flinched At Everything
One of the reasons I like going to wrestling shows put on by local promotions is because I fit more naturally into their vibe. I’ve never been the guy who tries to constantly heckle wrestlers and get himself over (you won’t see me doing that F**K YOU F**K YOU F**K YOU middle-fingers-to-the-face thing to wrestlers ever) (well, almost ever), but I occasionally like to get into it and yell out asinine shit like a normal wrestling fan.
WWE shows are bad for this for a few reasons, the big ones being:
1. The wrestlers can’t hear you, so there’s no point unless you’re sending in a live report to 411 and want people to think you were the coolest, smartest and most popular person in your section.
2. There are a lot of kids around you, and while you can keep your Shouted Things PG and under, the good stuff without curse words requires too much capacity for abstract thought for them. Like, I can’t yell YOU’RE BEING RACIST at Sheamus for throwing a burrito into a river because the kid in the John Cena shirt’s gonna turn around and look at me weird.
3. That’s the other thing: people at WWE shows love to turn around and look at whoever just said anything. It’s probably why they’re at WWE shows, they love looking at people who talk. It’s never malicious, but if Brock Lesnar’s staring down Shawn Michaels and you, the average, reasonable man, decides to yell BREAK HIS ARM at the top of your lungs, 30 people are gonna turn around and look at you. Why? Because that’s not what you’re supposed to say here, and they don’t understand why you’re saying things.
Long story short, Damien Sandow should walk out with a stack of books and just f**king throw them at people as hard as he can.
Anyway, the point I’m getting at is that people in bigger wrestling fan sections form these weird social contracts, and you end up sorta briefly chatting with someone and they turn into YER BUDDY for the rest of the night. Mine was a lady in my row who was there with a small child, but who chose to spend the night asking me who everyone was, why anybody was booing anybody and whether or not I remembered the Von Erichs. She FLIPPED THE HELL OUT WITH FEAR when the Raw pyro started, so my job for the rest of the night was to warn her whenever somebody with pyro was about to show up. It was stressful. I was being forced to speak a lot, and deal with everyone looking at me when I did. I’M SORRY I KNOW KANE’S COMING OUT NEXT OKAY, THEY PUT HIS SHIT ON THE RING POSTS.
I liked this part, esp the last paragraph:
Was out all day yesterday and missed RAW. So did they give Ryback a push towards The Miz?
When is Batista going to get tired of real sports and come back like Brock Lesnar?
you guys want 4 move Batista back that badly?
you guys want 4 move Batista back that badly?
you guys want 4 move Batista back that badly?
you guys want 4 move Batista back that badly?
I hope you guys get face Batista back whit hes unlimited title matches.
CM Punk demands respect. He's the WWE Champion!
We don't allow for signatures on NeoGAFPEACE
|Date | Avg Audience | Hour 1 | Hour 2 | Hour 3 |
|7/23| 6,019,000 | 5,439,000| 6,318,000| 6,300,000|
|7/30| 4,495,000 |4,064,000 | 4,719,000| 4,701,000 |
|8/6| 4,367,000 |4,007,000 |4,648,000| 4,446,000 |
I will just assume all this bad talk about Batista is due to envy.
That's not fair at all Owl.
Sheamus is a much better wrestler than Batista
Once MNF starts up again it'll drift even more lower.
That's not fair at all Owl.
Sheamus is a much better wrestler than Batista
you mean that guy with the ugliest powerbomb HAHAHAHAIT IS
Tom F'n Cruise and the other marks here envy Batista cause he did what their other heroes couldn't.
Have the belt and be a GREAT champion.
you mean that guy with the ugliest powerbomb HAHAHAHA
That's not fair at all Owl.
Sheamus is a much better wrestler than Batista
agreedI was going to mention this in my post but felt that I could not stand against the wrath of Wrasslegaf, but you have braved all and I will now stand beside you to speak this truth as well.
I just want Batista promos.
Haters are to be referred to as "non-basketballs" if the hate is held for Batista.And fuck the haters.