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August Wrasslin' |OT| Make a.. make a good...uh...a good wrestling thread

Just dropped in to say Cheap Heat is the worst it's ever been and I'm sad that I think I'm going to move on.

The new host is too cheeseball and with Cheap Heat becoming the official ESPN podcast, the bro level and yes-men feel is off the chart.

If you're looking for the best analysis on WWE then I recommend Talking Shit with Daniel Bryan and Renee Young.
Harley race has the best look



Pimpin aint pimpin aint easy man

Pimpin aint pimpin aint easy man

Pimpin aint pimpin aint easy man

Pimpin aint pimpin aint easy man

Pimpin aint pimpin aint easy man

Pimpin aint pimpin aint easy man

Pimpin aint pimpin aint easy man
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Go on.
Must have been around 8 or so, there was this girl for reasons I can't remember we got into an argument like kids do. Anyway she slapped me across the face and I just paused and saw red, she was a small girl even for an 8 year old, I was the fat kid of the class, I was also massively into WWF like a lot of the kids were at the time. What happened next was I put her in a sleeper hold, fully locked tight and swinging her side to side like a rag doll. Kids around pulled us apart, her face changed colour and everything. After that it was solved normally with the head teacher, we were fine after that, ran into each other as teens and had a friendly chat.

What makes this embarrassing for me is since I got older I have felt so bad about the whole thing and feel like I owe her another apology. Doesn't help that my bro who was there at the time to this day still breaks my balls over the whole thing, we even saw her in a department store like 2 years ago and I really wanted to go over and catch up and apologise but she was with her mom at the time and obviously couldn't do it in front of her mom so we just left the store lol.

What a fucking mark.


On Thursday, less than 24 hours after a bittersweet pizza party at the Gawker Media office in New York City to commemorate the bankruptcy-induced end of the company’s independence, the hits kept on coming in court. Back in Pinellas County, Florida, Hulk Hogan (real name Terry Bollea) got control of the assets of former Gawker editor-in-chief A.J. Daulerio. Daulerio was the Gawker staffer most instrumental in the posting of the Hogan sex tape,which led to Hogan getting a favorable jury verdict in an invasion of privacy trial in March.

Daulerio’s co-defendants, Gawker Media and Nick Denton, have both filed for bankruptcy. As a result, the $115 million in compensatory damages awarded by the jury are all Daulerio’s responsibility. Daulerio also owes $100,000 in punitive damages. In an affidavit filed Wednesday, Daulerio explained that his assets boil down to 0.0059% of Gawker’s Cayman Islands-based sister company, 44.7% of RGFree, the parent company of Ratter, which is no longer operational and was never profitable, $1,505.78 in a checking a account, and a small amount of personal affects.

On Monday, the checking account was frozen due to a court order. with a hold for $230.2 million, twice the amount of the judgment (not clear why it’s doubled) being placed on by Chase. Then, on Thursday, Daulerio took to the Ratter Twitter account to protest:


That hashtag is aimed at billionaire Peter Thiel, who’s admitted to funding Hogan’s legal bills to punish Gawker, by the way.

As the Tampa Bay Times’ Claire McNeill, who was at the hearing, explained on Twitter, the control of Daulerio’s assets include the rights from his Gawker employment contract that make the company pay for any legal judgments against him:




Stop working yourselves into a gah dang shoot! I'm just now watching the tag team triple threat laser match.

(I'm leaving that autocorrect untouched.)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
This thread continues to be weird about WM2000. It's nowhere near the worst WM. It's not even the worst WM of the Attitude Era. It is the worst WWF PPV of 2000 though, which is saying something at is it is generally considered one of their strongest years show wise.

MC Safety

Triple H spoke recently about squash matches:

"We're resetting Braun Strowman. We're resetting who he is, and resetting his character and his personality so that you can learn more about him and feel for him. It's the same thing with Nia Jax and any of these characters that we do those things with.

"When I write NXT, I never go, 'I just need to get so and so a match,' and give them an enhancement match. It's not what I want to do. I give it to them so I can see a different part of his personality. If I give [Shinsuke] Nakamura an enhancement match in NXT at this point, it's so I can get the entertainment side of him out that I can't get if he's out there and he's going to wrestle Samoa Joe.

"I want to see a different side of him, so I give him something that he can do that different side in and show me that personality."

I'm learning Braun Stroman and Nia Jax can beat up tomato cans. What a fascinating personality development that is.


This thread continues to be weird about WM2000. It's nowhere near the worst WM. It's not even the worst WM of the Attitude Era. It is the worst WWF PPV of 2000 though, which is saying something at is it is generally considered one of their strongest years show wise.
Halfway through. It's on pace to be as bad as XV. Maybe worse. Time will tell.
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