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August Wrasslin' |OT2| Bummed Boys Bashing Big Balls By Beach-shore


But if you're on WWE, you've gotta wrassle that style and then even if you're bad on the mic, you've got to talk and America isn't ready for a brummie trying to sound intimidating. His presence works, but WWE doesn't want that from it's "superstars".
They have to inspire to be like Mic God Jinder Mahal. They can only dream to repeat a single promo every week in the same monotone voice.


Someone needs to start coming through the crowd the way Stan Hansen did



I'm actually surprised WWE never banned crowd signs at any point. Attitude Era crowds were loaded with them.


Not sure about attitude era because that was the wild west but WWE has been commonly known to have security take signs if they do not like what they say. It is why you see more written sloppily o. The spot signs instead of fancy ones


Dunne legit has the best heel presence in the business.

He legit has the best look in the business.

Not that he has the best body or height like somebody like Johnny Mundo or Drew McIntyre.

Its just his looks make you want to see him get slapped, nobody evokes that emotion out of me asides from him.


Everything about Dunne from his look to promos to his matches is perfect heel work. He's not some anti-hero badass you wanna cheer to stick it to Vince, he's an obnoxious little shit you wanna watch get his ass beat.


Everything about Dunne from his look to promos to his matches is perfect heel work. He's not some anti-hero badass you wanna cheer to stick it to Vince, he's an obnoxious little shit you wanna watch get his ass beat.

Yeah, in the UK tournament at the end of day 1 when he decked his next opponent and Regal pulled him off and Dunne just puts his hands up and refuses to make eye contact is great. He's not being anti-authority, he's just being a dick.


Yeah, in the UK tournament at the end of day 1 when he decked his next opponent and Regal pulled him off and Dunne just puts his hands up and refuses to make eye contact is great. He's not being anti-authority, he's just being a dick.
I wish Regal was 10 years younger. Imagine a feud with Dunne against commissioner Regal.

I mean they could easily do it a feud in the way they did with Samoa Joe, but Dunne/Regal matches would have been amazing.


Off topic but I finished the first Matt Smith season of Doctor Who last night. I like him as the Doctor and he's different enough from Tennant.
Off topic but I finished the first Matt Smith season of Doctor Who last night. I like him as the Doctor and he's different enough from Tennant.

I try to not compare them too much because the whole point is to bring something new to the role. I think Smith and Tennant brought their own style just fine. I know why people didn't like Smith, but I blame that more on Moffat than Smith


I try to not compare them too much because the whole point is to bring something new to the role. I think Smith and Tennant brought their own style just fine. I know why people didn't like Smith, but I blame that more on Moffat than Smith

the season finale with the Pandorica felt like something that belonged in a Tennant season though


Off topic but I finished the first Matt Smith season of Doctor Who last night. I like him as the Doctor and he's different enough from Tennant.
Matt Smith definitely grew on me over time.

Speaking of Tennant. Boy is he fucking amazing in Broadchurch. Just got into season 2 of that.


I try to not compare them too much because the whole point is to bring something new to the role. I think Smith and Tennant brought their own style just fine. I know why people didn't like Smith, but I blame that more on Moffat than Smith

I think Matt works because of his whole ensemble. You have Amy, Rory, River Song, Madame Vastra and Jenny, and even Strax


Eh, I think it was definitely a Smith episode because they made the Smith stuff so tweeny

The River Song arc though is one of my favorite things in a TV show

It felt like a Tennant thing to me because the basis of it was trying to lock up The Doctor because he was too dangerous for the rest of the universe, and Tennant's Doctor basically became slowly more dangerous over time after losing Rose.
It felt like a Tennant thing to me because the basis of it was trying to lock up The Doctor because he was too dangerous for the rest of the universe, and Tennant's Doctor basically became slowly more dangerous over time after losing Rose.

That is true

I couldn't get into the Capaldi seasons even though I liked Capaldi as the Doctor. I just did not care for Clara and Moffat's writing got so bad
The way WWE handled HBK in 96 after he "took on 9 thugs" is some next level shit. He must have had Vince by the balls because I never realized how big this love fest was as a kid.


I've never understood why Vince defended HBK so goddamn much in the mid 90s. The dude was clearly a PR nightmare waiting to happen



He wrecked Strowman and people either booed him for it or said "why wasn't this a heel turn"
I dunno, I think people overall really enjoyed that feud.

People were just annoyed that TRYING TO MURDER SOMEONE didn't result in a full heel turn, or any punishment from the police or Kurt Angle whatsoever.
I always heard wild rumours that Shawn and Vince had a tryst back in the 90s
It's always been theorized that Vince is possibly bi, seems possible.
is nakamura ever going to have a good match on the main roster

like yeah he's getting shit opponents but dude is clearly barely trying to even have something of an okay match with them
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