I continue to be fascinated by Meltzer's star ratings. I checked out the main event of slams after meltzer jizzed over it... and ESPECIALLY coming off the G1, I'm fucking baffled at a match like that getting a 4.75/5 rating. don't get me wrong, it was a fun match, watching hosses do their special moves on eachother over and over is pure heyman-style and fun to watch, but... Meltzer gave Naito/Tanahashi at the Tokyo Dome this year a 4.5. That match was fucking art and a must watch imo. This Slams main event was dumb fun but I wouldn't even tell you to go out of your watch to watch it. It was really nothing special.
I think you're crazy if you don't think Meltzer grades on a curve at this point. After enduring 5 and a half hours of complete shit, I guess I can see how a good main event comes off better than it actually is... while a match like Naito/Tanahashi had to follow Takahashi/Kushida and Goto/Shibata, two other must watch matches of 2017.
Even just looking at wwe matches, he gave Undertaker/Shawn a 4.75. Like is there ANY comparison between the slams main event and fucking Taker/Shawn from Mania 25? come on son.