There's nothing to do in Calexico. Mex is cool.What's worse, Calexico or Mexicali? Also, I suck.
Who the fuck is going to a show because Ryback is there?
guten morgen freunde[/ig]
That dude in red looks dope. Like a Tanahashi/Nakamura fusion.
I legit think the idea was always so that he could lose it dirty to Jericho because Owens was going to lose the Universal Title before WM. Basically the main event at that point was Owens, Reigns and Rollins and they had squeezed every last possible ounce of blood from Rollins so they had to keep Reigns looking strong with a thing that could lead to Owens/Jericho.
My phone screen just destroyed itself for no raisins. Am I being cursed?!
hey klonere
My phone screen just destroyed itself for no raisins. Am I being cursed?!
. . . brother?
That dude in red looks dope. Like a Tanahashi/Nakamura fusion.
You watch Twin Peaks yet?Menome.
That was fun, I bought on Kanemaru's near fall with Deep Impact.
Fun seeing Suzuki out there smiling and having fun.
I'm not sure what the circumstances were but I'd like to believe that as part of turning over a new leaf, you shed your insatiable need to disparage Sting every time the opportunity presented itself.
Sexy Star being buried by the business gives me life.
You watch Twin Peaks yet?
Afternoon wrassle fam .Fuck Sexy Star
Beefy are you in the UK, only way I can consider it being afternoon for you
US biased motherfuckers, get in line and respect the superior timezones.
It's 3:15pm
I amfrom the future
May Young Classic is up On Demand on the WWE Network
Just so this doesn't get lost.
I fucking love this logo.soon
Hunico-cara alone justifies it.need a mexicana flag after AAA