thanks, but i was thinking about the one where he has this expression
EDIT: just saw Sunny's post, thanks !
He was doing perfectly fine in 1997. The Undertaker of all people made it through unscathed, so I always felt most people could have. Taker didn't re-invent himself until years after the Attitude Era began.The Attitude Era had no room for him. He would have needed to reinvent himself somehow. I don't know if he could have.
thanks, but i was thinking about the one where he has this expression
EDIT: quite late
It's a stupid fucking gamefaqs topic, that's reason enough
He was doing perfectly fine in 1997. The Undertaker of all people made it through unscathed, so I always felt most people could have. Taker didn't re-invent himself until years after the Attitude Era began.
Bret-Austin III would've happened. Bret-Jericho, Bret-Angle, Bret-Rock, Bret-Lesnar potentially. Those types of matches would have been terrific and unlike some other guys, he would've put them over with no problem.
Yeah if The Undertaker of all people can survive the Attitude Era, Bret absolutely could.
Undertaker became a psychotic devil worshipper who got mr McMahon to break kayfabe. Guy makes tweaks every few years.
Taker leaned on Satan, what could Bret lean on?
Taker leaned on Satan, what could Bret lean on?
Yeah if The Undertaker of all people can survive the Attitude Era, Bret absolutely could.
¡HarlequinPanic!;177047768 said:all this timeline stuff is convincing me of is that every single person mentioned would have had a better life if they weren't wrestling.
'cept for taker
Fucking hell, Bram.
Would he have liked to stick around? Maybe not. I know Owen noted on one occasion he didn't at all and turned down a lot of raunchy ideas. Maybe Wrestling with Shadows mentioned it briefly, too.I heard a lot in Wrestling with Shadows how Bret himself was saying there was no place for a guy like him. I just don't know if you can be a guy without a place for so long.
Isn't that the guy Charlotte is married to? That sucks, I hope she's ok.
Isn't that the guy Charlotte is married to? That sucks, I hope she's ok... as ok as someone can be in that situation anyway.
It's not Charlotte, they split up a few months back;
"Now confirmed that the arrest of Bram (Thomas Latimer) did not involve his wife (or now ex-wife) Charlotte (a/k/a Ashley Fliehr)."
Well I woke up to find Zahra is STILL employed. So I expect Hulk Hogan to do a run-in tonight on Raw.
Well I woke up to find Zahra is STILL employed. So I expect Hulk Hogan to do a run-in tonight on Raw.
Still not the worst thing WWE has done this past week.
Which wasCharlotte telling us the Four Horsemen were the greatest faction ever in the WWE.
Eh? Nothing's going to change with her, don't expect it to. This stuff was made public back when Seth's wiener showed up in places
He told a gay student to "take that object out of your mouth when speaking to me"
Warrior mocked a woman upset at his homophobic remarks and told her "Don't have an orgasm honey."
When an Iranian student asked the Warrior a question, Warrior told the student to "get a towel."
Warrior then played a video of himself ripping an Iraqi flag to pieces.
The Warrior speech was so out of line that the UConn Republicans issued a public apology stating, "We brought the Ultimate Warrior to campus because we wanted to host a thought-provoking discussion from an individual who would appeal to a broader range of students than normal, given his background. Sadly, the Warrior's presentation accomplished none of these goals and we were horrified like most of the UConn community by the display."
Bill DeMott's stuff was made public long before he ever got fired
Fucking hell, Bram.
too soon?
srsly, fuck that guy.
WWE only ever does something when the mainstream media cottons onto it. They only pre-emptively did something about Hogan because they knew it'd be a huge story.
And yeah, the Warrior stuff kinda sickens me. In many ways he was an abhorrent human being.
That being said, how shitty can a person be to get to the point of not only no redemption, but also no positives being gleaned from who they are?
There are still bright PARTS of the character of the Ultimate Warrior that can be "used" so to speak. The question is, when is it just not possible?
That being said, how shitty can a person be to get to the point of not only no redemption, but also no positives being gleaned from who they are?
There are still bright PARTS of the character of the Ultimate Warrior that can be "used" so to speak. The question is, when is it just not possible?
Still not the worst thing WWE has done this past week.
Which wasCharlotte telling us the Four Horsemen were the greatest faction ever in the WWE.
On the one hand, I believe there is most definitely good in the message WWE are promoting with Warrior's image and, when reviewing the DVD tribute box-set they made for Warrior earlier in the year, I got the impression that it was as much for his daughters as it was anything so that they can continue being proud of their father in the years to come. But, on the other hand, presenting a guy with such vile, reprehensible views (that he made absolutely no secret of during his time estranged from wrestling) as a hero of heroes and extolling his spirit as something everyone should aspire to just doesn't sit right with me.
Man the day that Vince dies there will be just as much celebration as there will be mourning
Because they can't say wrestling they have to say wwe....
Man the day that Vince dies there will be just as much celebration as there will be mourning
That being said, how shitty can a person be to get to the point of not only no redemption, but also no positives being gleaned from who they are?
There are still bright PARTS of the character of the Ultimate Warrior that can be "used" so to speak. The question is, when is it just not possible?