Can Undertaker comeback and beat Brock?
It makes sense. But I doubt Taker's able to go anymore.
Can Undertaker comeback and beat Brock?
Can Undertaker comeback and beat Brock?
Do we really want to see that?
NoCan Undertaker comeback and beat Brock?
And I still think it's Bryan. Reigns is too early.
John Cena Reportedly Dealing With Major Injury Problems, Concern Over His WWE Future
And Bryan is too fragile.
..And I asked him what standouts he likes. "Oh, I like the guy who the does the..", and he starts doing motions in the air with his it Sami Zayn? "Sami Zayn! I love that guy! The stuff he does, it's amazing! Oh my God, he's the best!". And he said he goes to Vince, "Oh, I tell Vince, I tell all the guys and I say, oh the stuff he does and they all go, "Oh no, he just does a bunch of flippy shit".
By Mania? Doubtful. The whole reason they're touch and go with him right now is because that's their goddamn main for Mania, and they know it. It doesn't matter when he comes back so long as he wins the Rumble. Hell, I bet they hold him off until then.
And Brock's not nearly as destructive as you guys think, the only reason Taker got hurt was because it was a bump on the outside. Everything else was fine. He's not reckless.
Seriously the sight of Bryan reversing the F5 Into a Yes Lock will be remembered forever. He's been watching his G1, he'll 1up Nakamura if he has to.
The recent Sina news is making my will to live even weaker than it already is, friends.
I don't think I can handle this ;_;
The recent Sina news is making my will to live even weaker than it already is, friends.
I don't think I can handle this ;_;
The recent Sina news is making my will to live even weaker than it already is, friends.
I don't think I can handle this ;_;
It's funny, that move is basically tailor made to have a good reversal out of it. Benoit did it with the crossface a couple times, Eddie did the DDT onto the belt, etc
Odds? John overcomes those.
The recent Sina news is making my will to live even weaker than it already is, friends.
He does that spinning shit with ADR and Cesaro that one time and it was always badass.
That reverse spot WILL HAPPEN. Win or lose.
Brock in the Elimnation Chamber doe. He'll eliminate everyone and everything.
Cena's going to 'reverse' ie have Brock throw him in position to do the awful looking legdrop off the F5, and it will look like a botch. But Cena will think it looks just as good as Dolph's fameasser off the G2S
No one thanked Aiii for his investigative journalism
Pretty much. If it's at Mania, that's the finish because he's not being Brock with the knee or anything.
Now THAT was a good goddamn finisher reversal too
No one thanked Aiii for his investigative journalism
No one thanked Aiii for his investigative journalism
No one thanked Aiii for his investigative journalism
it's an unspoken bond, Aiii knows that we appreciate him
But can he overcome these particular odds at this moment in time?
I'm not so sure, friend ;_;
it's an unspoken bond, Aiii knows that we appreciate him
Where is this Cena news? I see nothing on PWTorch or
Is this one of those stories from Smart Shootin' or Hit the Smark?
And for those that don't, there's that nifty ignore feature.
From pwinsider:
Also, goes with the story of how originally they wanted Bray to look strong but then Vince changed his mind and needed Cena to go Super again.
The recent Sina news is making my will to live even weaker than it already is, friends.
I don't think I can handle this ;_;
The interference bugged me, but not because it wasn't causing DQs. I just didn't want that in the match. The other problems didn't bother me. I think it was great and one of the top WWE matches of the 90s.