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August Wrasslin' |OT2| What? It's almost September.



Well, although it was never televised, Vince did propose that he was going to be the father of Stephanies child. I'm glad that one was dropped.

There was also the Paul and Katie Lea Burchill cruel intentions incest angle as well that never made it further than hints

Vince loves him some incest


There was also the Paul and Katie Lea Burchill cruel intentions incest angle as well that never made it further than hints

Vince loves him some incest

That's because he was molested by his mom and a couple of step dads/boyfriends. And had a weird relationship with a cousin growing up.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Only one man was in Real Ass era his entire career

And it ain't Sheamus.

Should make a list of the best years of each wrestler I like.
Did they run angles like Austin beating up Pillman on Superstars until they got rid of it or is there a point in time where it became irrelevant? Same question with the WCW Saturday show.


The Invasion as a whole was one giant fuckup. The guy who was the main reason for WWF coming out on top being the leader of it was beyond stupid.

Yep, if they just gave the money for Goldberg, Flair or Hogan to lead the WCW it would have been a start.

Also some news:

Ambrose will be filming full-time through 9/20, which means if there are no delays, he may make his return doing a run-in at Night of Champions or on Raw the next day.

On Cena on last night Raw:

Regarding the portrayal of Cena on Raw this week, that was all written and put together by Vince McMahon. McMahon felt that after the one-sided match (which they never should have done in hindsight, since the follow-up was so lame and it was rendered as if it might as well have never happened), that the Cena fans would lose faith in him unless he made an immediate statement.

Holy Paranoia.

On Zeb:

Colter wasn’t written out after the Rusev kick. He’s injured, which we’re told he said is from the kick being stiff but there’s also a story he was injured outside the ring as well.

Solomon Crowe:

Solomon Crowe, the former Sami Callihan, has been turned from heel to face in NXT. He dropped the hacker gimmick which HHH hated. He’s now trying to emphasize wrestling skills.

With Shaun Ricker, apparently one of his issues was he went on a tear re-tweeting people who would say that he should be on television. I don’t know if that was the specific thing that got him axed since they were making cuts anyway, but when he was cut, I was told that he had potential but it was specifically brought up that he got himself in hot water with his Twitter. Crowe this past week was doing the same thing. Advice to those in NXT. Never write anything on Twitter that could even be remotely construed as being critical of decision makers in the company, unless it is complete storyline, and even then, don’t do it with being cleared.

Hope it was for storyline cause if not its his fault if some bad happens.
Here's the full Cena news from the WON :

Regarding the portrayal of Cena on Raw this week, that was all written and put together by Vince McMahon. My feeling on the final segment, where Cena laid out all three members of the Wyatts with Attitude Adjustments is that it was the right idea for a great segment, but it should have aired on either 9/8, or preferably 9/15. Cena should have at least sold the beating from SummerSlam on this week’s show, and started a build for a comeback story instead of him being back with no repercussions from the first match. You’ve got Swagger with taped ribs for week from less of a beating while you are trying to have Michaels tell people Cena should retire due to this horrific beating, and he’s fine, not a scratch, and not selling a thing. It would have been better to save Lesnar vs. Cena for perhaps Survivor Series, but they had no other face ready to headline and it’s the renewal month, so the September show is more important than the November show. Given that, he still could have sold the beating, vowed he was training harder than ever and would be at his best ever, while Heyman and Lesnar laughed off the idea of him being competition based on the first match. Then, in his first match back, either 9/8 or 9/15, they could have had Heyman at ringside (or Lesnar if it’s a show he’s booked on), shocked while Cena runs wild with the idea Cena really has recovered and is throwing around top heels. McMahon felt that after the one-sided match (which they never should have done in hindsight, since the follow-up was so lame and it was rendered as if it might as well have never happened), that the Cena fans would lose faith in him unless he made an immediate statement.

And a full explanation of Cena's "never will turn heel" interview.

Cena was interviewed by Power Magazine this past week and said that he’s got a heel run in him, but says he does what the company tells him to do and that a heel turn will never happen. To me, never doesn’t exist in pro wrestling, because circumstances constantly change. That said, right now, the idea of turning Cena heel would be mind-bogglingly stupid. The key is merchandise. With Bryan and Punk gone, Cena’s merchandise was recently and may still be outselling the entire rest of the roster combined. Heel turns kill merch sales, not to mention ticket sales to kids, which make up a strong percentage of the WWE audience and the Cena shows this year were doing more than $60,000 above the non-Cena shows in ticket sales (and shows without Cena are doing well below the usual levels for house shows in the cities they have been in while Cena shows have not). There is always the chance that Cena will get hotter as a ticket seller with a heel turn. Historically, with the exception of Hogan (whose merch sales were dead when he made the turn), modern era top babyface turns didn’t work unless you have the hotter babyface on the rise (like Austin was with Bret Hart when they did the double turn). Dwayne Johnson turned back-and-forth, but Austin’s turn, no matter how entertaining it was, led to huge drops in attendance, ratings and merch sales and the company never got back to previous levels. WCW attempted turns with Sting and Goldberg were such flops they flipped back every time within a few weeks. If Bryan, or Reigns, or someone, is at the point as champion where they are outdrawing Cena and selling at close to the same level, you could consider a turn, but even then, you still have the issues where Make-a-Wish and other corporate partners who bank on Cena as a spokesperson or face would get upset. But today, with no Punk, no Bryan, and Reigns months from being ready, any suggestion of turning him today is up there with the ill-fated Austin turn. Austin’s turn failed for these reasons. The first was there was no super face to oppose him (the idea was HHH as the face, but then HHH decided against turning and forming a team with Austin, and if you remember that period, HHH was actually positioned equal or even ahead of him when they were together). The other is that there are some talents who bring new people into the game. When those people are faces and turn, and there are only a handful of them in the last 30 years and of them, only Hogan and Lawler (who was successful going back-and-forth) ever did for any length of time and with had success. I would call Hogan’s turn a success because the company did great business for two-and-a-half years, but the long-run of the cool heels killing the faces was not good in the long run. Whether a percentage of the audience boos him, and they do at TV and PPVs and they don’t at house shows, those are already paying customers, many of whom came in before Cena. Of those who came in with Cena, their big favorites were Cena, Mysterio and maybe Batista, and Cena was No. 1 throughout and is the last one left They are clearly building Reigns and Ambrose for a future, and Wyatt is probably going to be a face at some point as well. When the new characters are at the point they are carrying the ball, and Reigns may already be on track getting there, you absolutely could consider a Cena turn from a wrestling standpoint. But perhaps Make-a-Wish changes the game and it won’t happen even when the storyline time down the line could be right.


After 12 years of saying Cena is Superman, a one night beatdown scares Vince into thinking fans would lose faith in him...



After 12 years of saying Cena is Superman, a one night beatdown scares Vince into thinking fans would lose faith in him...


Imagine if this was Bryan who was suppose to receive this beating. How would he been booked the next night? I bet he wouldn't be taking out 3 men.


Of course that segment was written by Vince.

Cena looks like a beast but then he will be back at being the scrappy underdog accomplishing nothing in the process.


Some more notes from the WON:

Regarding fallout of Mysterio’s taped appearance at TripleMania last week, there has been nothing, at least as of press time. Nobody from WWE had contacted Mysterio about anything since May. No phone calls, e-mails, letters (aside from his checks, which are coming regularly). Nobody asked why he did the show, threatened him for doing it, or anything. He also wasn’t asked to appear at the house show in his home city of San Diego on 8/23. WWE legal didn’t contact AAA either. We also haven’t heard of any contact with Del Rio. What’s notable is that Del Rio is booked for a show in Puerto Rico in less than 90 days, and he’s also starting to accept U.S. indie bookings even though WWE told him that he’s not allowed to do so for one year as far as the U.S. goes. Del Rio hasn’t done any media this past week. WWE has also not made any contact or threats to AAA about using Del Rio.

Regarding the network in Canada on Rogers, the reason there are so small archives is because this whole thing was rushed to launch because they have to show improved numbers over the next three months. They hadn’t gotten CRTC approval yet. Rogers is discussing offering the network to other cable systems covering the rest of the country.

Regarding WrestleMania payoffs, we didn’t hear any complaints, but then again, the show ended up doing 690,000 buys on PPV and while substantially less than pre-network numbers, it was still a big number. Batista was asked about Mania payoffs on The LAW when promoting the movie, and kind of dodged the subject saying it wasn’t something he could answer and be politically correct. “From the talent’s perspective, that’s a tough question because I could put myself in a politically incorrect spot. As of this moment, with the WWE Network losing money, I don’t think the talent is benefitting the way they should.”

But it’s the PPV shows going forward where the PPV numbers really fell hard. The key outsiders (Hogan, Rock and Austin), because they weren’t advertised and pushed ahead of time and not in a match, were all given a flat fee as opposed to the usual percentage deal top guys are figured in for. Lesnar also has a guaranteed figure, and Undertaker has his big downside guarantee even though he only works a few shows a year, so it’s kind of understood his big guarantee is his Mania payoff.

RVD is either about to finish up his current run, or did finish it up at the Smackdown tapings on 8/26 with his loss on this week’s show to Rollins being his being written out. RVD has a cyclical agreement where he’ll go for a few months as opposed to having a long-term contract. When both sides are in agreement, he can be brought back for several more months. The deal pretty much guarantees he won’t be pushed hard and his role will largely be putting over new talent.

For those asking about former NFL star Shawne Merriman, who was training to be both a wrestler and an announcer, and had signed a deal around WrestleMania time, he is no longer under contract and has no affiliation with the company.

A new season of “Tough Enough” earmarked for the WWE Network looks like the victim of budget cuts. It was originally scheduled for a July taping, but over the last week, its budget was heavily cut back, and at the last minute, the entire show was scrapped. There was talk of doing it in the fall, but there’s been no talk at all in recent weeks of a time frame or shooting schedule.

WWE is clamping down somewhat on foreign network subscriptions. One reader, from the U.K., who signed up as soon as it was launched, was canceled by WWE. He, like many, used a U.S. address to subscribe, but in paying by Paypal, it had his real address. WWE took the subscription up until recently. Others in the U.K. having used false addresses are not having any problems.

There were a number of other changes in the lead-up to this past week's Raw. The package with Lesnar and Heyman that they played was originally earmarked for the 9/1 show, not the 8/25 show.

Also, Rusev vs. Swagger was not on the original Raw script as the plan was to put Cesaro vs. Swagger for the U.S title shot, which Cesaro would win, with the same Dallas follow-up.

Ryback is taking time off for injuries, writing “Going away for a while to get some stuff fixed. Have not been myself for quite some time.” He then deleted his tweet. He suffered what was described as a lower body injury that is still being evaluated, but is not expected to be out of action for a significant length of time.


This Cena stuff is so lame.

Hogan sold earthquakes injuries for Months!

Shit he sold a Boss Man beat down for months. And a Bundy beat down for months. Hulk > Cena when it comes to...just about everything. Much better at at selling, both in a match and for an angle. MUCH better at promos. Maybe not as athletic.
Imagine if this was Bryan who was suppose to receive this beating. How would he been booked the next night? I bet he wouldn't be taking out 3 men.

I'm under the impression they wouldn't have had the same match. Tell me what Lesnar gains from destroying Bryan, given history?


I'm under the impression they wouldn't have had the same match. Tell me what Lesnar gains from destroying Bryan, given history?

Here was the original plan for the match:

Lesnar's SummerSlam and Night of Champions matches with John Cena were originally set to be Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan until Bryan got injured. The idea would have been that Lesnar returned to crush the hearts of fans with a reality check by defeating Bryan, continued his dominance and then Reigns would have saved the day and ended Lesnar's reign.

Sounds like it would of been close to the same kind of match. I doubt him having his dream match with Lesnar likely filled with MMA stuff would of qualified as crushing the hearts of fans.

I think at least now when the match happens its going be much different than the original idea. Its going to be match he wants it to be.
Here was the original plan for the match:

Sounds like it would of been close to the same kind of match. I doubt him having his dream match with Lesnar likely filled with MMA stuff would of qualified as crushing the hearts of fans.

I think at least now when the match happens its going be much different than the original idea. Its going to be match he wants it to be.
WWE continues to be tone-deaf then. Whatever. Nothing new.
Shit he sold a Boss Man beat down for months. And a Bundy beat down for months. Hulk > Cena when it comes to...just about everything. Much better at at selling, both in a match and for an angle. MUCH better at promos. Maybe not as athletic.

Of course, when you're only on TV once every few weeks anyway, it's a lot easier to put people out for long periods of time. How long did Austin, Rock, or Triple H "go away" aside from actual injuries?
All this news from the Observer getting posted, but no one posts the best news from it.

New Japan is seriously looking into doing the 1/4 show at the Tokyo Dome as a regular PPV show in North America. If so, the working idea would be to use high-profile English language announcers.
Another thing from the Observer.

I think Dave uses Google or some other algorithm to determine how big a star someone is. Obviously, this refers to MMA, Boxing, and WWE but here's the Top 50 stars in the world of punchsports with their percent change from last year next to them:

1. Floyd Mayweather 1 76.0%
2. Dwayne Johnson 2 -2.0%
3. Manny Pacquiao 6 48.3%
4. John Cena 5 -3.3%
5. C.M. Punk 9 96.2%
6. Ronda Rousey 7 34.6%
7. Undertaker 15 56.3%
8. Marcos Maidana -- 738.1%
9. Hulk Hogan 10 69.0%
10. Canelo Alvarez 3 -67.8%
11. Anderson Silva 4 -73.2%
12. Dave Bautista 29 85.1%
13. Brock Lesnar 19 58.0%
14. HHH 11 -14.6%
15. Daniel Bryan 26 109.6%
16. Timothy Bradley 39 89.3%
17. Steve Austin 20 35.5%
18. Jon Jones 12 -13.7%
19. A.J. Lee 16 32.1%
20. Sting -- 347.6%
21. Randy Orton 14 -12.0%
22. Roman Reigns -- 394.1%
23. Nikki Bella 47 130.3%
24. Stephanie McMahon -- 79.1%
25. Eva Marie 44 127.3%
26. Gina Carano -- -3.0%
27. Big Show 22 -12.7%
28. Ric Flair 28 5.7%
29. Georges St-Pierre 8 -61.5%
30. Brie Bella -- 184.2%
31. Bray Wyatt -- 138.1%
32. Jeff Hardy 33 6.7%
33. Paige -- 450.0%
34. Chris Weidman 13 -56.0%
35. Dean Ambrose -- 207.1%
36. Rey Mysterio 31 -12.5%
37. Shawn Michaels 30 -7.0%
38. Vince McMahon 42 41.4%
39. Rampage Jackson 46 22.6%
40. Daniel Cormier -- 330.0%
41. Chael Sonnen 21 -53.8%
42. Juan Manuel Marquez 27 -42.9%
43. Dana White 35 -10.0%
44. Chris Jericho 38 3.0%
45. Seth Rollins -- 290.0%
46. Miesha Tate 18 -61.0%
47. Sheamus 43 -13.9%
48. Natalya 49 26.1%
49. Amir Khan 56 52.6%
50. The Miz 36 -18.2%


Of course, when you're only on TV once every few weeks anyway, it's a lot easier to put people out for long periods of time. How long did Austin, Rock, or Triple H "go away" aside from actual injuries?

Are you really still trying to pretend that Cena has done more for other careers than Hogan did? That Cena's booking hasn't ruined way more guys than Hulk's did? For most of the last 10 years, Cena had more TV matches in a year than Hulk did his entire Hulkamania run for WWF. Hulk took more time off selling the Earthquake angle than Cena has his entire 9 years as top guy.

The only time Cena has taken off was for a real injury or shoot a movie, and outside of The Marine, he didn't even take time off for his movies. He was gone for ONE WEEK for the most brutal and one sided beat down ever in a main event. The last time he had a match with Brock, he got the shit knocked out of him, said he was taking time off, and was back the next night completely fine. Cena's booking has been far, far more damaging than Hulk's ever was. While Hulk was only on TV a couple of times a year, the company was held down by Savage/DiBiase/Jake/Warrior/Rude/Duggan/Andre/Steamboat and there were always guys almost as over as him who could headline shows all over the country.

At one point in the 80s, WWE was running 3 shows at a time, and each could draw. They can't even draw with 2 shows now.


Jay Lethal is putting in some of the best heel work of 2014.


"In action with Seleziya and the camera man is Truth Martini.../w some loser."

Good shit.
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