This new intro for Thunder In Paradise is bumming me out so much. It's some shitty porno music with some guy talking about how he's 'walking in the desert.' I get the impression that they realized the original theme was so freaking 80s in a show from 1993. But it's a show starring Hulk Hogan and a super powered vehicle on a beach. Of course it sounds 80s! It should!
So I'm just playing the original theme over the intro from now on. The intro is just girls in bikinis running around. This is awful, what happened to this show. So many 90s butts. This music is so bad, this intro goes on forever, and I've yet to even see Hulk. It's still just chicks in the beach/pool/whatever. WHO CARES. ITS THE SAME WOMEN TOO. THIS IS SO FUCKING CHEAP. Written by Tom Greene. With an extra E. Oh thank god the intro is over. That was seriously worse than anything in the first 'movie.'
Kiki Shepard is cutting grass with a really fake looking kukri. And she's really bad at it. Carol Alt is here. Wait is that the little girl from the pilot? Spence's 'daughter' or whatever. But her mom actress is gone, so it can't be. They came all the way out in the woods to see some shitty, unimpressive flowers on some dead tree. Spare me, brother. Carol looks a lot better here than in the pilot. Kiki Shepard makes a crown out of the flowers and gives it to the little girl. A) She's Jesus B) Why does the little girl keep getting haunted/magical accessories? In the pilot it was the shark tooth necklace that told where the treasure was buried. Uhhh, Carol Alt's accent has completely vanished from the pilot. She went from having a Harley Quinn/Valley Girl accent to not having one at all. I think they all get high in the forest. But I think the tree is CURSED like the tiki from Brady Bunch when they went to hawaii
HOLY SHIT HULK IS SUDDENLY HERE WITH LADIES AND RUNNING THROUGH SOME ARABIC CITY BEING CHASED BY DUDES WITH CURVED BLADES! THIS WAS A HUGE FUCKING JUMP. HOLY SHIT THUNDER CAN TALK NOW. FUCK WHAT ALL HAPPENED BETWEEN THE PILOT AND NOW GOD DAMN IM EXCITED AGAIN! Sword dudes upgraded and got a bunch of AK-47s somewhere between scenes. Remember in the pilot how they were on a mission to save some woman and her son because of a client that ended up having no effect on the rest of the plot and was only there to give Hulk an action scene? Boy, I hope that doesn't happen again. APPARENTLY THEYRE SAVING A PRINCESS. GOD DAMN TALKING THUNDER IS AWESOME. THIS IS LIKE THE BEST SHIT IN THE WHOLE SERIES. It sounds like a Kamen Rider belt.
So I'm not really sure if the budget got cut which had them resorting to using bad CG in place of using the boat in actual action sequences, or if the budget got increased, so they could use bad cg in place of actual action sequences. It's hard to tell in the 90s. Hogan calls Thunder their 'scarab,' And there's a big 'SCARAB' thing on the side of the boat on this episode that wasn't in the pilot. So I wonder if this was a product placement thing(lol like anyone would sponsor thunder in paradise) or if that's just what the new sentient Thunder's new model type is called. Creepface says 'douse em, bro.' and I sigh. Hulk talks about triangulating targets. Something weird about Hulk Hogan saying that. It's too short to show, but these dudes have IBM keyboards in their pilot seats now, and Creepface's 'typing' on them is so stereotypical IM HACKING THE MAINFRAME shit.
WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED. I think we're looking at the comeback of the century, brothers. The ultimate Hulk Up. JK it was a bad dream from his 'daughter.' Hulk does his caring parent routine and even does the 'sure you don't wanna talk about it?' It's kind of funny. Still no sign of British Lady. I wonder if they'll even address it. Apparently the crowd gives you super powers to have dreams. Carol Alts dream is about some Juventud Guerrera looking dude coming to sweep her off her feet. Still doesn't explain her accent going out the window.
'Every Mans souls knows perfect love. His life is a quest to find it.' Give me a break, brother. He's less Juvi-like up close. Apparently Juventud lite is a character now. And boy is he a bad actor. Oh my god. They recast Giant Gonzalez in Thunder In Paradise Two as a NEW CHARACTER.
Here he is in the original
and here he is in the new episode.
Did they really think on one will notice because he has a beard? Or did they just not care? If Andre was alive, I could just imagine Hogan begging him to come do this show, and Andre being like 'I have a real movie career, ya dingus.' You know what though? Gonzalez looks awesome. This is gonna turn out that Thunder In Paradise ends up making me into a Giant Gonzales fan. He should have been an actor. He's intimidating looking, and he's actually a decent 'goon' actor. He also pushes ugly Juvi, so that's another point for Gonzales and puts ol chump in his place. Apparently Gonzales has cannons hidden all over the place that can kill anyone. So he's like a walking Death Star. He looks nothing like Juventud, but I'm going to keep calling the Prince Juventud. Man, this show would be way better if Juventud was in it.
Carol Alt's lack of accent REALLY bothers me now. Kiki Palmer is making up some BS rules about curses and stuff. Hogan ain't having it. I like how this Arabis prince's bodyguards are white dudes. All of them. I feel like the big guy might be a wrestler, but I can't place him. Creepface is jealous, but I thought they were a thing in the original? I guess they were? I can't keep up with this shit. Creepface is more attractive than Horseface Juvi though. Which doesn't say much. Juvi does have marvelous hair though. There's some action. Apparently nothing matters from the Pilot except Hogan's new daughter. Like Kiki showed up out of nowhere. And Creepface didn't get with Carol Alt. BIG DUDE IS TUGBOAT! That's where I knew him from. He gets jobbed out by Hogan. Shoulda brought 'Arabic' Earthquake with you. Woulda ended Spencemania, brother.
In case you forgot this was from the people what brought you Baywatch, there's suddenly a slow-mo romantic scene with a corny ballad in the background. Is me asking for Carol Alt's accent back like chanting Husky Harris? Fuck it. BRING THE ACCENT BACK! Now you're just boring. She was way sassier in the first episodes too. Sure is a lot of emphasis on Carol Alt and Horse Juvi. I thought this show was about the Hulkster, brother! This love shit is so corny. This is the corniest thing so far, and we're talking about Thunder In Paradise here. This is new levels. I recommend looking this 'love scene' up. It's a spectacle to behold, complete with holding hands and spinning. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really wish Giant Gonzales was on my screen right now. Hopefully he stabs this dude and pushes him more. Gonzales ain't having this shit.
Ugly Juvi's bodyguard is ready to SHOCK THE WORLD! This prince dude needs a change of clothes. THE BOAT IS DEAD, HULK HASN'T KILLED ANYONE, GONZALES HAS BEEN OFFSCREEN FOR LIKE 10 MINUTES, MRS. GARRETT IS GONE, THE THEME IS GONE, CAROL ALT HAS NO ACCENT, THIS CORNBALL DUDE IS STILL USING HIS LAME LINES, I NEED HELP. THIS IS A RECORD LOW FOR THIS SHOW. Sorry, mini breakdown. Dude talking about taste the moonlight. And more making out. Because we didn't just have 5 minutes solid of that. Cut to Juvi and Carol Alt getting in the car.
Suddenly you see a cut to Hogan, Creepface, and Hulk Jr. and you can tell Hulk's like, 'Oh I'm sorry. I thought this was my show, not yours, Carol, brother.' Cut to the Hogan estate. Hulk Jr is filing her taxes or something. That's not gonna make your British mom come back, Jess. I'm really bothered by the lack of Thunder on this episode of THUNDER In Paradise. They haven't even brought it up since it got sploded. It's like a whole different show now. Carol Alt seems unbothered by all the guards with guns. OH RIGHT THUNDER IS AROUND BECAUSE THEY BLEW IT UP IN THE DREAM! I forgot. Thanks for reminding me Hulk Jr. She had the dream again. But my point still stands, WE STILL HAVEN'T SEEN THUNDER THIS ENTIRE EPISODE. And more making out. Boy they sure do love this. Carol Alt's character has completely vanished. Juvi buys her a sexy lingerie. What a fucking pig. Oh Carol Alt is the princess from the start now. I get it. Giant Gonzales enters the room and jobs out Tugboat in the process. Turns out Juvi is scum. Creepface was right, but you just had to pursue the juicy juicy juice. Gonzales crushes Carol Alt's communicator.
In what world are these buttons usable?
35 minutes in, and I need a break. So far I think this episode overall is better than the first. Mostly because no British lady. Also since Disney took over at this point, there is so much Disney product placement in Hulk's House. Pooh Bear plushes in Hulk Jr's room, A Minnie Mouse plush in Hulk's room, and a Lone Ranger doll in Hulk's room.