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August Wrasslin' |OT2| What? It's almost September.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm not reviewing the last 2 matches on the AJPW because they were both boring.

Joe Doering is as dull as it gets. No matter how hard he tries to be Dory Funk.
Akebono is Akebono
Akiyama has never been that great to me.
Omori is sweet, but he's getting up there.

Shiozaki and Suwama do nothing for me. This may happen instead though.

They're on the same team.
I really wanna review some Kensuke Sasaki stuff soon. I love THE POWA WARRIOR

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I bolded the names I actually recognized from the Rikidozan Memorial.

1. CIMA & Sumo Dandy Fuji vs. Magnum Tokyo & Gran Hamada
2. Yuki Ishikawa vs Naoki Sano
3. Yuki Kondo vs Kan Tenjun
4. Dynamite Kansai, Tsubasa Kuragai & Azumi Hyuga vs. Kyoko Inoue, Yoshiko Tamura & Yuka Nakamura
5. Satoru Sayama vs Yoshiaki Fujiwara
6. Junji Hirata & Ryuma Go vs. Osamu Kido & Tadao Yasuda
7. H & Naoki Yamazaki vs. Ryuji Yamakawa & Tomoaki Honma (ew gtfo Japan Ken Kennedy)
8. Shinya Hashimoto & Naoya Ogawa vs. Genichiro Tenryu & B.B. Jones

State of your fucking card, Hash.


Not the best quality, but here is Lethal's kick and ACH's wicked sell job from their epic match this week:

Really enjoy the crowd lighting they use now. Makes it look like those old glow in the dark crap stores that were all the rage back in the 90's.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

I turn up the trouble till I get jobbed out
My five fans like bootaaay feel so much better that way (Alright yeah)
Gonna Mess with your mind, cause thats the only way i'll get signed
Gonna see how much that I can **uck with the quality of this match (yeah)

Gonna stir up the S*IT, Dragonzord wishes i'd just quit
well fuck you get used to it because Jado and Gedo dont give a shit
Step a little closer, close to my fire pretend that the smarks don't just like me ironically
Blandness's my drug, takes me higher and higer

I turn up the jobbing, simmer down the crowd
Turn up the bass so you don't hear my poor selling
IT's a fucking headbutt and it's the only move I do that gets a pop
Drop to your knees and join in when I say

Mister Honma ... Honma

What were you thinking, taking me on
better men have fallen before (now it's your turn) except not
history teaches and I wrote the book except the part where Funaki is the only one who tried to put me over
about how to show assholes the door because i'm very familiar with it

Gonna stir up the S*IT, Dragonzord wishes i'd just quit
well fuck you get used to it because Jado and Gedo dont give a shit
Step a little closer, close to my fire pretend that the smarks don't just like me ironically
Blandness's my drug, takes me higher and higher

I turn up the jobbing, simmer down the crowd
Turn up the bass so you don't hear my poor reaction
IT's a fucking headbutt and it's the only move I do that gets a pop
Drop to your knees and join in when I say

Mister Honma ... Honma..."
There's nothing ironic about the Honmaniacs love for the best goddamned jobber in the world! Also, the brainbuster gets a pop! And his Pillar Crash piledriver. And that wacky Turmeric Clutch pin. Honma rules.

I bolded the names I actually recognized from the Rikidozan Memorial.

1. CIMA & Sumo Dandy Fuji vs. Magnum Tokyo & Gran Hamada
2. Yuki Ishikawa vs Naoki Sano
3. Yuki Kondo vs Kan Tenjun
4. Dynamite Kansai, Tsubasa Kuragai & Azumi Hyuga vs. Kyoko Inoue, Yoshiko Tamura & Yuka Nakamura
5. Satoru Sayama vs Yoshiaki Fujiwara
6. Junji Hirata & Ryuma Go vs. Osamu Kido & Tadao Yasuda
7. H & Naoki Yamazaki vs. Ryuji Yamakawa & Tomoaki Honma (ew gtfo Japan Ken Kennedy)
8. Shinya Hashimoto & Naoya Ogawa vs. Genichiro Tenryu & B.B. Jones

State of your fucking card, Hash.

Ryuji Yamakawa is the fucking man. He was the top guy in BJW and actually put Honma over, unlike all the other miserable old pricks in the promotion such as Matsunaga & Shadow WX. H is Hayabusa when he was storyline forced to abandon his gimmick (and his mask temporarily) by Mr. Gannosuke. Junji Hirata is Super Strong Machine, sans-mask. Satoru Sayama is freaking OG Tiger Mask, man. Naoki Sano; awesome matches with Liger in the late 80's, early 90's that really kickstarted Liger's popularity.


So weird that two other people in this thread have actually heard of Amon Amarth. Link between smarks and Norse metal?
I'll also be seeing Amon Amarth in October. Super excited to see them again, especially since Sabaton is opening for them and they're one of my favorite bands.
I liked that Bret reserved the best praise for Doink and Xanta Klaus (and himself, obviously).

Oh, they mad;


Watching some early CZW. Zandig vs Wifebeater was pretty dumb. That powerbomb on the car door looked like it sucked for Wifebeater;



No One Remembers
I have some fresh and exciting ideas for this community. The first thing we have to do is inspect everyone's wardrobe. No more loose or saggy clothing, everyone is going to be dressing in skinny jeans, shorts that are above the knee and button up shirts. Next, we have to get everyone's music/movie/kideo game right, everyone can consult my lastfm/letterboxd for that starter guide. Last but not least, wrestling. Everyone has to watch NJPW, DDT, Stardom, TNA and PWG. Everything else is optional and discussion of those other promotions should be kept to a minimum. I look forward to working with you all and making this place the hippest wrestling board on the web. No more poorly dressed neckbeards and man babbies with no taste.

Are we only allowed to bang 6/10's???

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
He praised Undertaker, Perfect, Kerry, and Lawler. Hell, he wasn't even that hard on Hogan.

Bootaaay how do you feel about Gedo ripping off Yasshi's look and essentially stealing his gimmick to make money. Pretty gross, right



Ditch Decades 11

  • Andre The Giant vs Antonio Inoki NJPW 6/1/79
  • Shinya Hashimoto vs Victor Zangiev NJPW 4/24/89
  • Toshiaki Kawada vs Akira Taue AJPW 1/15/91
  • Giant Bernard vs Yuji Nagata NJ Cup NJPW 4/30/06

Inoki filled in for Fujinami and had a very strange way of taking him out of the match. The match itself was fun, kind of comedy at times. Pretty light. Zangiev was a Russian amateur who Inoki invited to train with him and had him out doing matches within 2 months. He was 4 months in at this match, but you'd never know. He's pretty rad. He made one appearence in the states in the international tag tournament at Starrcade 1990. He's the most Russian Russian you'll ever see, and is also who Zangief is based on. Short match, but fun. Dude could have been great if he stuck with pros.

Kawada/Taue was an 80s territory brawl, with chairs, a table, lots of hate, and Taue getting busted open by a chair. Definitely the best match of the four. Yuji/Albert was okay. Standard big man vs little man match. Ditch said it was one of the top matches in 2006 NJ, and if that's the case, 2006 must have been a dark year.






You can see a cloud of blood after the slap from Kawada.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So I'm watching the Rikidozan memorial, and I may do a mini review for it but nothing major. I did want to say this. Gran Hamada is the most athletic 50 year old wrestler I've ever seen. He's not like, 'oh he's good for 50' he's just straight up good and so smooth in his executions. I see where Ayako gets it from.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
2000 is a rough year for wrestling. In the States and in Japan. I do like seeing Ogawa punk Hashimoto in a parking lot though. 99-2001 got to be my least favorite period of professional wrestling outside of a few matches (like NWO Muta vs NWO Chono)
TOKYOOOOOO letting some ladies look down his pants.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
2000 is literally the best year of WWF wrestling. Barring WM2K which blows for some unexplained reason. If only X7 had happened a year earlier.
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