Raw Jan 6 1997
Knickerbocker Arena, Albany New York
Main Event Vader vs Bret Hart
Show Opens with a Vader Promo about how he will beat Bret tonight.
Match #1 Owen Hart vs Mankind W/ Paul Bearer
Owen goes for the sharpshooter early but mankind reaches the ropes. Mankind is working over Owen's face in the corner with knees and fishhooks. Owen bites his hand to get out. They take the fight outside where Owen hits mankind with his slammy and His tag title belt. Some ECW chants here. Owen is working over mankind after a near fall. Whips him into the corner, goes for a running sholder but hits the post. Mankind hits a Pile Driver for the win.
Winner Mankind.
To the Back.: HBK is with Jose Lothario and his son Pete and talks about how he will be hurting Sid for what he did to Jose last week. Talks about not interfering in the main event.
Match #2: Fake Diesel and Fake Razor vs Doug Furnum and Phil Lafon.
Nothing good here. Fake dudes control the match. Phil Lafon has a pretty good hot tag. Phil Lafon seems pretty cool. Lafon and furnum hit their finish in Fake Razor
winners:Lafon and Furnum
To the Ring.
Jim Ross is in the Ring with the WWF Champion Sid. His music is playing for some reason in the background. Cut a SID promo about how he is the Ruler of Worlds, Born the Man and is a kick or be kicked world. HBK interurpts to it the commentary table. He is wearing a robe and does a little strip tease. Sid is pretty amused. Does commentary shirtless.
Main Event: Vader vs Bret Hart
Starts out with Vader Working Bret. Hits a second rope splash to Bret for a near fall. Vader goes for the Vader bomb but its blocked. Bret starts his comeback with an elbow drop and several slams. Vader and Bret take it outside when Sid comes out and tells the camera man to follow him. Meanwhile stone cold sneaks up and Gives Bret the Stunner while the ref is distracted by Vader. Vader hits the Vader Bomb for the Win.
He will face the undertaker at the rumble
To the Back.[/B:] Sid is with Pete Lothario and tells Shawn it shouldnt have come to this. He the Power Bombs Pete onto a table. HBK runs tot he back where he attends to Pete vowing revenge on Sid.
See you next Week everybody!
Anyone know the name of this move?
Seems to hurt the guy doing it as much as the guy taking it.
Anyone know the name of this move?
Seems to hurt the guy doing it as much as the guy taking it.
Good stuff with UFC tonight guys. I saw a soul leave a body. Quite the experience.
Anyone know the name of this move?
Dead goddamn body. Soto brought his A-Game though. Glad it wasn't a Cormier death
Flatliner again. He's just doing it via entering the ring and springing off the bottom rope with his foot. This seems to be a new trend; I've seen people do Codebreakers and Cutters out of it too.
...And all I did was enter that way because it was cooler D:
Now that you mention it, it does look like a flatliner. Cool.
Watch out TitusMR NO DAYS OFF
Good stuff with UFC tonight guys. I saw a soul leave a body. Quite the experience.
I'm pretty sure I stumbled onto a pedophiles account while trying to find more episodes of Thunder In Paradise in English. They have all these episodes of the little girl from Thunder In Paradise...
So I'm watching the Rikidozan memorial, and I may do a mini review for it but nothing major. I did want to say this. Gran Hamada is the most athletic 50 year old wrestler I've ever seen. He's not like, 'oh he's good for 50' he's just straight up good and so smooth in his executions. I see where Ayako gets it from.
Because they want to seem cool and adult and think liking anime makes it harder?
Hey, let's not get overboard. WWE is infinitely more stupid than anime.
.The best part of the WWE is that the fans try to justify their hatred of the product in some way. Like, NXT is the greatest and makes up for the fact that the other 5 hours a week are shit! lol
Animu fans trying to attack our wrasslin'. They can't handle that it sucks so they have to rag on real sports entertainment.
This is gonna sound very silly, but is The Rock still technically Rocky Maivia in canon? Hear me out. He was called by 'The Rock' a few times pre-Nation as a nickname for Rocky Maivia, and he was still called by 'Rocky Maivia' for a bit after officially becoming 'The Rock'. Also, his chants are 'Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!' and he acknowledges that as chanting his name.
I wish they would stop shitting on Doink. I can't be the only one who marked for Doink.
Because they want to seem cool and adult and think liking anime makes it harder?
Hey, let's not get overboard. WWE is infinitely more stupid than anime.
At least we don't have that lolli garbagé.
Animu fans trying to attack our wrasslin'. They can't handle that it sucks so they have to rag on real sports entertainment.
Did anyone ever kick out of Stan Hansens lariat in AJPW? When he hits it, it doesn't seem to matter how long it takes for him to go for the cover it is a guaranteed pin.
I like finishers being finishers but just wondered if anyone did kick out. Anyone get the rub?
Did anyone ever kick out of Stan Hansens lariat in AJPW? When he hits it, it doesn't seem to matter how long it takes for him to go for the cover it is a guaranteed pin.
I like finishers being finishers but just wondered if anyone did kick out. Anyone get the rub?
Yes... But only after Hansen rolled around on the floor for awhile, but Hansen if you know from past Hansen matches that he can still get the win even when he's incapacitated for a moment. Forgot who it was against, though. Might have been Misawa(might have happenend a couple of more times too with a different wrestler)?
I actually kicked out of one the other day in KoC II(the non running attack version), and I started marking out.