I'm not using pitchfork homie.
I'm using a thread about a PC music artist making it to OT
Never doubt me again
Monday's episode of WWE RAW, with John Cena's return, drew 3.97 million viewers, down from last week's 4.19 million viewers.
Raw viewing figures:
And no Monday Night Football to slaughter it either... Cena's return, no Ambrose and no Bork...
Football was on actually.
Awkward Twin Towers moments:
- Akeem gets lead out by police, one of whom is black and giving him the most amazing "Is he fucking for real?" look.
- Gene asking the Twin Towers about their terroristic attacks
Football was on actually.
Awkward Twin Towers moments:
- Akeem gets lead out by police, one of whom is black and giving him the most amazing "Is he fucking for real?" look.
- Gene asking the Twin Towers about their terroristic attacks
Meh. Still pre-season. No one gives a shit about that.
Meh. Still pre-season. No one gives a shit about that.
Raw 2007 in London we got 55 minutes between HBK and Cena, has there been a long match on RAW since? Say 35-40 mins or is the likelihood of that long gone?
Hopefully releasing them soon. They are fucking disgusting to look at.
I want this to be a regular role for Sandow
My biggest regret of the summer was going to Warped Tour instead of seeing Menzingers/LemuriaI can go watch the Mezingers and Modern Baseball in 3 days to wash out Spiders and his taste making.
Awkward Twin Towers moments:
- Akeem gets lead out by police, one of whom is black and giving him the most amazing "Is he fucking for real?" look.
- Gene asking the Twin Towers about their terroristic attacks
You don't have a gif for this? Stroooo...
I want this to be a regular role for Sandow
Eh, Monday Night War isn't great, but another new one tomorrow. Could really pick up once they start looking at it go to shit and interview Russo though.
I enjoyed it, but curious how long it will be
Since ep 1/2 pretty much went through 95-97
I like the use of Sandow as Miz's stunt double, in fact I use a stunt double to post unpopular opinions. Guess who it is.
I enjoyed it, but curious how long it will be
Since ep 1/2 pretty much went through 95-97
20 episodes. You know 18 and 19 will be the Russo years.
It's literally like 5 frames.
Starts getting more wins as the Miz than the Miz does. Steals Miz's gimmick for real, Miz vs Miz match to see who is the real Miz, looser takes Sandow's old gig.
Full of guys = 3. Most dead guys from the late 90s were due to drugs or obesity later on and had been wrestling since the 80s. What does Benoit having a ton of brain damage have to do with Malenko's size and push?
I wish a 3rd party had done the Monday Night Wars series so that we don't just get WWE spin on everything.
I wish a 3rd party had done the Monday Night Wars series so that we don't just get WWE spin on everything.
Is Bischoff in any of the interviews? Or Ted Turner?
Are you saying you don't believe the WWE spin of DX being the greatest stable of all time that single handedly saved WWF and sold way more t-shirts than the New World Order? Is that what you're saying?
I'm too dazzled by Bull to answer that. All I know is that the Lex Express was the most over thing in WWF and Luger leaving was a HUGE blow to WWF as he was Hogan 2.0
I feel it important that I mention at this point that I have no idea what the Lex Express even is.
I wish a 3rd party had done the Monday Night Wars series so that we don't just get WWE spin on everything.
Well it seems Devitt is going to keep the paint gimmick when he comes to NXT going by his twitter:
would be awesome but I doubt it. well... maybe for NXT, no way for when he crosses over
My friends still think the Chris Benoit Saga is part of a huge storyline, wat do u think stuff3?
stuff3 said:I've only seen the scooby doo wwe crossover movie.
If you're talking about the Radicalz, Malenko's the only one with a good ending
Eddy and Benoit died, and Saturn has had a ton of problems including ending up a methhead at some point- it's shocking he didn't die.
I was not. I was talking about JesseEwiak saying a bunch of stupid, condescending shit while being the MOST annoyingly smarky asshole of anyone in the threads. As usual.
Any idea who is scheduled for the WWE tryout camp next month?
(answer) some ROH and Dragon Gate names, thats all I can say.
would be awesome but I doubt it. well... maybe for NXT, no way for when he crosses over
also, I see carnage, venom, spawn... whats the other 2?