Hi Ausgaffers, I have a daughter now! She was born last week. It all seems so much easier this time around even with the complication of a toddler. He loves her though and it's so cute when a three year old talks in baby talk to a baby. Hope you're all doing well.
Hi Ausgaffers, I have a daughter now! She was born last week. It all seems so much easier this time around even with the complication of a toddler. He loves her though and it's so cute when a three year old talks in baby talk to a baby. Hope you're all doing well.
Am I the only one hearing libs on TV talk about slashing spending?
If I can ask a personal question, how did you skinny?
Been on OKC for a bit, no bites, not much of interest. I'll keep it going though. And RadGAF needs to catch up too, even if it is something boring (but wonderful) like beer.I met my dude on OKCupid. So I guess I can vouch for that site. Mostly. Lot of twats there though.
I'd suggest we hang out but I'm not very exciting. BBQ's sound more exciting than what I do.
Try Tinder, it's so damn easy to use, it's a mobile app and the way it works is basically a giant game of dating-chicken, you get shown a bunch of profiles from people around your area and you basically say yes/no to a bunch of people and if you say yes and they say yes back you get a match and you can msg each other through the app and set up dates and the like.
Oh congratulations in becoming skinny and fucking handsome.![]()
Woo! All parental appointments are done until Christmas now. So glad it's over, don't go back to work until next Monday! Next week we have Thursday off for Cup day so another short week
Nothing unusual, OkCupid is the main one along with Tinder which has gotten more popular apparently.
I hear Grindr is nowhere near as good as it should be, comparative to it's social status (although as a married straight man I only have 2nd hand knowledge from some gay guys I know, pretty sure it's only for dudes too?). Sounds super basic which is shocking considering if they improved the system it would only help them grow exponentially.
Otherwise yeah, OkCupid seems to have the best success rate going on anecdotal evidence from friends.
Also congrats on the weight loss! Hoping to start DDP Yoga next week and ease myself into some weight loss of my own!
Also the best way in my opinion is still to go out to social events and have a few drinks! Expanding your friendship group is a nice way to branch out and organically come across single people in their friendship groups (worked for me!).
Maybe take up pinball!
Hoping to start DDP Yoga next week and ease myself into some weight loss of my own!
Yeah I've moved the couch in the office out in preparation. Mainly want to be able to move around without joint pain for a start!CheersTried some DDP Yoga actually, seems pretty solid but living in a box of a room at my friends place doesn't really give me room to move very much, definitely on the cards once I get my own place again. Been doing a lot of back and leg stretches though, I think it's helped my posture (along with weight-loss of course).
Woo glad I held off buying this. Will feel less jipped when I buy the dlc!We gain Stick it to the Man (PS4/PS3/Vita), Payday 2, Puppeteer, Muramasa Rebirth (Vita) & Everybodys Golf (Vita) next Wednesday night!
He was 80% beard.
Wow Spelunky was free on PS+ for this month? I didn't notice at all @_@
Oh well, d/ling now, whatevs
/edit oh it's some kind of trial run thing with 'unlock full game' plastered on the front. Weird!
I can't see how much it is on the PSN store for some reason :<
lol i had $10 Psn credit for some reason. bought bought bought
Hey, that $10 bonus thing for PSN was Australia only, yes? Wouldn't work with a US account?
Don't buy a racing wheel!I so feel like going out and buying a racing wheel right now but I'm afraid whatever I buy won't have PS4 support.
Do any Brisbanites have any tips on finding a studio apartment to rent in the city for 3 months?
Now that the wedding is done and dusted and the house crap is mostly done, I'd be keen for a RadGAF meetup!
Been too long.
MitchGAF? Anyone?
Yeh looking at it soon, brad and I have both been interstate or overseas for the last month and a bit, but stay tuned
look guys. no excuse not to get the best game currently available for cheap.