Got mine too Mr Tone
Quantum Break? I can't think of anything else.
Yup should have remembered that one. Expectations are low after that first gameplay trailer but I'm hoping I come around to it like I did with AW in the end (depends on how it runs I expect, hated AW on 360).
I think that's Holiday 2015?
Halo 5
Crackdown 3
New Gears
New Fable
I really really hope Scalebound turns into a great project, would love to see Platinum with a sales success. No expectations until we get some proper information on it though.
I'll wait for reviews on Halo 5, Halo 4 wasn't really my cup of team in a lot of ways.
Crackdown reboot is 2016 still apparently, as long as they give it all the time it needs I expect it'll be awesome. Just don't fucking rush it this time MS.
I'm pretty eh on new Gears unless it's a lot like the first game. Disliked Gears 2 and found Gears 3 and 0 pretty spotty at best. That first game is still great to return to though. Dripping in atmosphere.
lol Fable. Did that remake of Fable 1 turn out good? If so I would grab a port.