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AusGAF 10 - Node Country for Old Men

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Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Broken Age is great. Really high quality, definitely too polished for Early Access.
It's not early access, and it's not a beta. It's the finished first chapter of a two-chapter game. They even said so in their recent update!

Not sure why it's being held back, aside from originally promising beta access maybe.
Yeah, it's being held back to give backers a chance to play it early. Otherwise, you'd expect many would be pretty pissed off, especially after they did the thing where they're splitting it up in order to try and get more money.

Yeah, alright, The Genius.

Obviously Jiwon and Yooyoung had meant it as a joke initially -- that sort of thing has happened a lot so far -- but it got way out of hand. When Hongchul 'found' Junghyun's bill last week he returned it. Clearly Doohwe was upset and they still let it continue. Massive dick move IMO and not in the spirit of the show (but then, this season is called 'rulebreaker', so I whatever I guess).

From what was shown, Jinho seemed like he couldn't even be bothered in a 'well, if they're going to play dirty like this, I'm not even going to bother' type way. I don't reckon he'll last long though, which is a shame because without him it's just going to be a bunch of arseholes pecking at each other without many redeeming qualities.

Sangmin doing he usual manipulation, he seems to get away with just about anything he does since others respect him as an 'elder' of sorts. I thought it was pretty cruel how he dealt with Yohwan though, but then, Yohwan was far too trusting.

And Yiwon and Yooyoung? Well, fuck those two. Yooyoung seems to border on a sociopath much of the time. Yiwon I still don't know about, haven't warmed to him at all, when he had the ability for redemption and still screwed Doohwe? Yeah, fuck that guy.

Certainly made for compelling viewing, but I hope it continues to be less about being a jerk and more about the games, which was what drew me to the show.
Asked out a another girl on Okcupid.

She said "yes" but she's not so sure about her availability next week! (has to check her roster).

Looks like I've got a another potential date next week. Here's hoping I don't get stood up this time *fingers crossed*

I've made suggestions before, and this will be my last one on the subject, but it's a numbers game. Especially with internet dating. You should be asking more out then just one a week. Also if they can't find time in a whole week to get a coffee or something chances are they aren't all that interested. Just my two cents, take it as you will.

In unrelated news I still haven't gotten my PC parts. Not happy. Turns out he'd ripped off 2 other people, though for the amount I don't know why you'd bother, $200ish in total.


I've made suggestions before, and this will be my last one on the subject, but it's a numbers game. Especially with internet dating. You should be asking more out then just one a week. Also if they can't find time in a whole week to get a coffee or something chances are they aren't all that interested. Just my two cents, take it as you will.

In unrelated news I still haven't gotten my PC parts. Not happy. Turns out he'd ripped off 2 other people, though for the amount I don't know why you'd bother, $200ish in total.
Yep, but there's not that many girls on here, and I've got a lot of other stuff coming up that I'd rather do than spending my time browsing OKC and msging several girls at once so I'll just take my chances with this one. No big loss otherwise.


50% off Razer store if you like them on FB. Not that it matters because it seems like anything worth buying has already sold out. :(


Yeah it's basically good to go (compared to most AAA releases it's in great condition!) no real issues with animation/textures/scripting.
Really good menus and functionality. UI is great.

Not sure why it's being held back, aside from originally promising beta access maybe.
I'm thinking more that they don't want to sell it retail as a two-part game.

50% off Razer store if you like them on FB. Not that it matters because it seems like anything worth buying has already sold out. :(
Is that an Australian store? I'm in bad need (want) of a cheap mech. keyboard :/
I'm thinking more that they don't want to sell it retail as a two-part game.

Is that an Australian store? I'm in bad need (want) of a cheap mech. keyboard :/

It's a pretty poor sale. They have a huge markup on Australian prices, and $20 odd shipping. Basically gets the prices in line with what you would find locally.


I want a tag give me a tag
Yep, but there's not that many girls on here, and I've got a lot of other stuff coming up that I'd rather do than spending my time browsing OKC and msging several girls at once so I'll just take my chances with this one. No big loss otherwise.

your havin' a crack and enjoying yourself. that's what matters


If pandemic.com was available I would register it to petition for The Saboteur 2.
yes, I know that Pandemic's website was pandemicstudios.com. Shut up.


Fuck, forgot I had that. Got caught between new Next Car Game update and Ryo update for Sonic Transformed.
Yeah, I saw the Next Car Game update after I'd finished up everything last night. Too hot/melted to actually fire it up to see what they'd changed. Tonight, we shall solve that first Vella room (with no help from the Internets, dammit! :) and have a look at the NCG update.


Man, that game was so close to perfection. Fucking EA.
It really, really was. Thinking about it now, it could've been EA's Assassin's Creed. I don't even know what happened to the staff who worked on it, but I have a feeling they didn't band together and form another company :/

Absolutely nothing I didn't like about that game, still my favourite open-world title to this day... will always have a soft spot for it <3

Yeah, I saw the Next Car Game update after I'd finished up everything last night. Too hot/melted to actually fire it up to see what they'd changed. Tonight, we shall solve that first Vella room (with no help from the Internets, dammit! :) and have a look at the NCG update.
I don't think I knew you'd bought into it! There weren't any massive changes (see this thread) but I personally could see provisions for lots of upgrades/tuning. That they've openly stated they want the tuning/upgrades to be like Street Rod only gets me more excited.


Weird, some dude sent me an Email asking if he could work on my dumb burger game.

First time I've ever had to write a rejection letter instead of receiving one.

Dead Man

It really, really was. Thinking about it now, it could've been EA's Assassin's Creed. I don't even know what happened to the staff who worked on it, but I have a feeling they didn't band together and form another company :/

Absolutely nothing I didn't like about that game, still my favourite open-world title to this day... will always have a soft spot for it <3

I replay it about once a year, I love the atmosphere and blowing up nazi towers never gets old. If they had had 6 months extra to polish it and had worked out some of the AI and voice acting it could have been sublime. I was very surprised when I found out the lead voice actor is actually British, I thought it was a rubbish accent and expected it to be an American.


Staring at a huge spreadsheet labelled "2014" where I'm planning out my whole year week by week is simultaneously exciting and terrifying

mostly terrifying oh god i don't have time for everything I want to do and something will go wrong and I'm probably forgetting some important things that will blow everything else out aaagh god

And yeah it was downright criminal what happened to Pandemic. Thanks, Bono!


It really, really was. Thinking about it now, it could've been EA's Assassin's Creed. I don't even know what happened to the staff who worked on it, but I have a feeling they didn't band together and form another company :/

Well one of them made Lunar Flight...


I totally agree with everything you've said, I guess I just didn't get as emotional about it and let it detract from the episode. But you're right, at least Sangmin's motivations are understandable and it helps that he outright states what they are. He knows that he won't be able to beat Jinho in a 1v1 deathmatch so he has to use other means to get him eliminated. Jiwon and Yooyoung seemed to just want to win the single match even at the cost of taking someone completely out of the game and upsetting them so much.

I didn't really understand the phone call part as I wasn't paying as much attention by that point. So Jiwon called him sometime before the show and offered to help him in the upcoming game? It wasn't during the show before the deathmatch, was it? I don't understand why he would trust so much based on that. Things can obviously change in a match depending on the game and alliances. I guess that's easier to say when you are watching the show and can see all sides though. But If Jiwon really wanted to help him, I would be asking why he took the ID in the first place.

It wasn't so much me getting emotional about what happened, although that is unavoidable, it was more-so that
what they did really detracted from what could have been a half-decent episode. Like I said earlier, the main match was really a non-event because of them, the episode revolved around Sangmin finding the token and then went on to what they did. The main match is what makes the show so good, the fact that they nullified it is what detracted from the episode.

Rewatch the very end of the episode, from 1:15:45 onwards, and you'll see Doohee say that he received a call earlier in the week from Jiwon, and it was that call that influenced his decision in the deathmatch. Then after you see Jiwon's reaction to this, rewind to 5:18 – 5:20, right near the beginning and see where Jiwon briefly mentions the call he made as Doohee arrives.

I've been reminded that there may be the chance for comeuppance later on, much like in Season 1. Eliminated persons return later on and you can bet your life on who's going to cop the brunt of that if/when it happens.

Yeah, alright, The Genius.

Obviously Jiwon and Yooyoung had meant it as a joke initially -- that sort of thing has happened a lot so far -- but it got way out of hand. When Hongchul 'found' Junghyun's bill last week he returned it. Clearly Doohwe was upset and they still let it continue. Massive dick move IMO and not in the spirit of the show (but then, this season is called 'rulebreaker', so I whatever I guess).

From what was shown, Jinho seemed like he couldn't even be bothered in a 'well, if they're going to play dirty like this, I'm not even going to bother' type way. I don't reckon he'll last long though, which is a shame because without him it's just going to be a bunch of arseholes pecking at each other without many redeeming qualities.

Sangmin doing he usual manipulation, he seems to get away with just about anything he does since others respect him as an 'elder' of sorts. I thought it was pretty cruel how he dealt with Yohwan though, but then, Yohwan was far too trusting.

And Yiwon and Yooyoung? Well, fuck those two. Yooyoung seems to border on a sociopath much of the time. Yiwon I still don't know about, haven't warmed to him at all, when he had the ability for redemption and still screwed Doohwe? Yeah, fuck that guy.

Certainly made for compelling viewing, but I hope it continues to be less about being a jerk and more about the games, which was what drew me to the show.

Yep, they had multiple opportunities to come clean before it went as far as it did and they didn't. The disappointing bit was that Doohee had nothing to encourage them to return it, he had no power over them at all and nothing of value to barter because they already had it. The most he could have done was tell them he knew one of them had it and to cough it up, rather than just ask if they knew where it was. I suspected Jiwon, as he put his hands in his jacket pockets when Doohee asked the room about it, which can be a pretty good indicator.

Yohwan really needs to wise up. He's clearly intelligent, but is easily manipulated and makes some strange decisions. When he had the last remaining bomb, he knew he had them by the balls and he didn't use that to his advantage at all. The exchange suggestion from Yooyoung was 2 garnets for the bomb, but Yohwan originally wanted the garnets to destroy a bomb, so it would've been fruitless for him. His revised exchange was the bomb for resources that would hand him the win, and with only one winner there they have no reason to do that other than to give him just below what he needs to make him the elimination candidate. The best for him was exchanging the bomb for a token of life, but Yooyoung and Jiwon had painted themselves into a corner with the ID theft that wasn't even necessary for them to win by that point (only to use as it a dump for resources to avoid elimination).

Looking at the card distribution again, if Yohwan held onto the bomb, he'd be blocking them so hard. If they wanted the win, they'd have to trade with either Jinho, Yohwan, or both to monopolise any resource. Seen here. He's not to know that, but having exactly what they needed was all he needed to know.

The other thing Yohwan messed up on was handing the safe location to Sangmin. It's Sangmin. He has the password, why would he cough it up when all he needs is the location? If he gave the password, there is no way it was going to be correct.


Well one of them made Lunar Flight...
No shit, that was your mate? Nice. Any idea what he worked on in it?

BTW I've decided that my next pin is going to be Fish Tales. The friend of mine who owns that Centaur knows someone who has it, might be willing to sell :)
The Genius...

When he had the last remaining bomb, he knew he had them by the balls and he didn't use that to his advantage at all.
Remember though that Yohwan knew Jiwon had Doohwe's ID and tried to get it from him in order to give Yohwan a win (he was going to trade with himself I think, and then return the card), meaning that the 5-man group would've all had a bomb each which would've hit them pretty hard.

Didn't work out at all since he wasn't convincing enough, and he probably should've held onto the bomb longer until he could get his strategy secured.
Aaldi Liquor Online are doing free delivery on orders over $100 this weekend. A good deal for beer lovers (or booze lovers in general I guess) who live in Brisbane.

The price on the Hoegaarden and Leffe's is pretty good. Cod what are Etrella's like?


No shit, that was your mate? Nice. Any idea what he worked on in it?

BTW I've decided that my next pin is going to be Fish Tales. The friend of mine who owns that Centaur knows someone who has it, might be willing to sell :)

The very same!

Fish Tales is a great game and I hope to have one myself some day. Have you played a real one?
The price on the Hoegaarden and Leffe's is pretty good. Cod what are Etrella's like?
Cheap Spanish stuff. Good ultra cold on an ultra hot day (like now!) but not for much else. Could be worse, it could be Cruzcampo or the Dia% home brand stuff (trust me, I tried both).

Not much flavour to speak of, but it's fizzy, cold and (less) refreshing (than water).
Cheap Spanish stuff. Good ultra cold on an ultra hot day (like now!) but not for much else. Could be worse, it could be Cruzcampo or the Dia% home brand stuff (trust me, I tried both).

Not much flavour to speak of, but it's fizzy, cold and (less) refreshing (than water).

What a ringing endorsement!

Doesn't sound worth it for $45. Anything else decent on the Aaldi Liquor site? http://www.aldiliquor.com.au/beer

The Storms, Rivets, Fraser's etc look pretty suspect.


More to the point I get stuck on the 'look like a pedophile with your weird scraggly unshaven face' thing and I look terrible and I always just shave the whole thing off

Dead Man

Dear Ausgaf, I am an asian male, how do I grow beard

You should have made sure your Asians were further back in your family tree like me. Chinese grandma couldn't stop all the Irish leaking out. Too late now, condolences.

More to the point I get stuck on the 'look like a pedophile with your weird scraggly unshaven face' thing and I look terrible and I always just shave the whole thing off

That may need to just be persisted through.
If you just want a cheap cold beer that's not completely awful, then it's perfectly fine. It's basically Carlton Draught, or PBR, or whatever, made for the Spanish market.

I'll give it a try sometime, but not worth a carton. Not when you get Hoegaarden for the same price.


The Genius...

Remember though that Yohwan knew Jiwon had Doohwe's ID and tried to get it from him in order to give Yohwan a win (he was going to trade with himself I think, and then return the card), meaning that the 5-man group would've all had a bomb each which would've hit them pretty hard.

Didn't work out at all since he wasn't convincing enough, and he probably should've held onto the bomb longer until he could get his strategy secured.

When I read this, I wasn't sure if I had somehow missed this or if I had forgotten it entirely. Both were equal possibilities.

I went back and found that segment and it seems I had forgotten.
It was a good deal, but Sangmin's proposal won out in the end because Jiwon gained guaranteed immunity out of it. As a group, they had monopolised the bomb cards already, so there was little incentive to risk it.

Had Yohwan held onto the bomb, he may have forced them to use garnets to destroy theirs. Yooyoung did mention that would be their response had Yohwan not gone through with the trade. In doing so, Yohwan would have a monopoly on bomb cards and could have won. Even with Doohee's ID, the others couldn't monopolise anything without Yohwan or Jinho's help and those bridges were severely burnt.

It could've also ended up with a result of "if you want to trade anything, return Doohee's ID and then we can talk". Game back on and it's a little more interesting then.


Sangmin and Jinho are still my favourites. Yohwan I want to like more but wow he's very dumb in this series. Hongchul I like because he's funny and I don't think he really cares about these games at all. Yooyoung I despise, especially after last ep and this ep.

Also have to state again that I sure hope the games are more skill based from now on. Even without the terrible thing that happened, the main game this ep would still have been a non-event because of alliances.

Yohwan and Jinho are pretty much damned if all these alliance based games continues. Which might be what the PD wants so that only celebrities are left. I wouldn't put it past them at all.


I want a tag give me a tag
Sangmin and Jinho are still my favourites. Yohwan I want to like more but wow he's very dumb in this series. Hongchul I like because he's funny and I don't think he really cares about these games at all. Yooyoung I despise, especially after last ep and this ep.

Also have to state again that I sure hope the games are more skill based from now on. Even without the terrible thing that happened, the main game this ep would still have been a non-event because of alliances.

Yohwan and Jinho are pretty much damned if all these alliance based games continues. Which might be what the PD wants so that only celebrities are left. I wouldn't put it past them at all.

yooyoung is evil.
atleast shit whats his name, hat wearer, FELT bad. I hope doohee and boxer and yellow all become bffs <3
Beer sounds nice. Don't have any and it's far too hot to go buy some. I'm doomed.
yes I agree.
aniseed I shotgun the rest of the cider in the fridge. It's my bday so I get it. you can drink the VB.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I might go out super early tomorrow and pick something up before it gets unbearable.

Baby finally arrived last night. Beers to wet the head tomorrow night I reckon. I'm exhausted though and I only just watched.

Yay baby! Congrats on your expanded family :D
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