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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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Deathy Jr:

How's the house going?

Did you plunder Ikea?

If so, do you now have one room entirely devoted to the Allen Keys you have acquired?
Slow. I'm feeling really lazy to start the moving process. Will spread it out over the next week and start living after new years.

I went to Super A Mart and booked some furniture, they had some great xmas deals going on. I will plunder IKEA on boxing day, but won't be buying any furniture from them. At the moment I'm only furnishing my room and the lounge. Rest will be done later.


I cant think of a single game worthy of getting a GOTY vote this year. Still havent given enough time to recent purchases, and those that I have played are all from last year or older.

And sill waiting for Wipeout and other vita games to arrive in the post.

Dead Man

Slow. I'm feeling really lazy to start the moving process. Will spread it out over the next week and start living after new years.

I went to Super A Mart and booked some furniture, they had some great xmas deals going on. I will plunder IKEA on boxing day, but won't be buying any furniture from them. At the moment I'm only furnishing my room and the lounge. Rest will be done later.

Amart is great on prices, I bought a lounge set there, but the quality is not so great. It's far from terrible, but not as good as I was hoping.

I cant think of a single game worthy of getting a GOTY vote this year. Still havent given enough time to recent purchases, and those that I have played are all from last year or older.

And sill waiting for Wipeout and other vita games to arrive in the post.

Yeah, nothing has really jumped out at me this year.


I wonder if all the GOTY nominations this year are just a sign of either

a) Digital distribution/indie distribution taking over or
b) Just a sign of average games winning votes during a transition period

I think its a case of b).

There's no other explanation for the games that have won this year and last year en masse.


Ikea is awful if you go with a woman. SEXIST BUT TRUEEEEEE!

Actually that goes for all shopping.

And whats the deal with airplane peanuts!



c) People finally want games that express themselves instead of just in terms of pure gameplay finesse.

There's kind of a connection with most of the GOTY-teir games this year. They tell stories, evoke emotion. It's the start of putting bolder narrative into games, treating your audience like goddamn adults, and saying "here's an experience. Enjoy it." And most of them do it without being 'cinematic'. Without aping hollywood blockbusters.

Sure, the western AAA game has been pretty shallow this year. Far Cry 3, Assassin's Creed 3, Mass Effect 3 are assorted flavours of shit. Dishonoured was a decent first attempt at a game but had enough failings in its design to offput players. Halo 4 was fun but its story was hot convoluted garbage.

I guess my real answer would be, it's both. Traditional games have a poor showing, indie / narrative games kicked it up several notches.

And I don't mind in the slightest.
Anyone here ever had trouble updating the 3DS?
I looked at it once, got confused, didn't work the first time so gave up.

Maybe next year!

I didn't notice that... I just saw that he wanted Hunted and Rogue Warrior. Besides, Reptile already took my copy of Gunstringer from someone else :(

I'm just trying to make him feel guilty, I really don't care if they go to another home ;)
Aww fuck now I feel like shit


I would strongly suggest Pushmo/Crashmo
Basically what I want yeah. Also the Guild01 games they couldn't be fucked giving us a retail release for.

NeoGAF Game of the Year Voting Thread 2012. Woo, finally.

DayZ isn't allowed, the cockwenches.

Also I'm just going to go ahead and say AusGAF's game of the year is Sleeping Dogs. With a sample size of three people.

The Darkness 2
The Walking Dead (one of the best of generation easily)
Spec Ops The Line (one of the best uses of the medium EVER)
Tokyo Jungle
Sleepy Dogs

Probably my top 5

Dishonored was fun for a few hours but despite the options given to you it felt oddly linear and one note. Hard to explain. I do appreciate that a modern day Thief can be released as a AAA title very much though!

Far Cry 3 had awesome ambient wildlife. Everything else was typical of the twitch, press a to awesome generation. I enjoyed it while felt absolutely nothing. Flashly soullessness.

What other games did I enjoy this year? Can't recall right now. More snot than man at the moment :(


CK2 had a scripting error in its tutorial and after that I didn't much feel like working out how to play the game.

Also, pushmo is kinda dull. Almost through murals 1. Does it pick up some?


free to good home

Brink Complete Pack
Fallout 3 goty
Fallout NV Ultimate
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition Deluxe
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition


CK2 had a scripting error in its tutorial and after that I didn't much feel like working out how to play the game.

Also, pushmo is kinda dull. Almost through murals 1. Does it pick up some?

Wait until the big twist in the middle. Getting the true end will be a hell of a challenge

i'm not actually serious



c) People finally want games that express themselves instead of just in terms of pure gameplay finesse.

There's kind of a connection with most of the GOTY-teir games this year. They tell stories, evoke emotion. It's the start of putting bolder narrative into games, treating your audience like goddamn adults, and saying "here's an experience. Enjoy it." And most of them do it without being 'cinematic'. Without aping hollywood blockbusters.

What makes you think I was referring to AAA blockbuster games? Most of those are rubbish.


To be honest, I didn't. I did see your 3DS/Vita comment.

But I'm not sure what games you think everyone else has been playing all these years.

Thing is, I'm not entirely sure what everyone has been playing. There is a lot of hype surrounding games of all sorts (indie and mainstream EA/Ubi/Acti stuff) and I tend to tune most of it out.

It's been years since a game has really captured anything I would say has a degree of honesty or emotional integrity, but then again that's not necessarily what I ask for in a game. Good luck to you if that's what you're after.

My experience of games with some alleged subtext and intellectualism was soured by the pretentious rubbish that was Braid. 'Oooh, look, it's about the Manhattan Project' or somesuch tripe. As a result, many games that get mentioned in the same breath get filtered by my inbuilt bullshit detector that is strongly calibrated to ignore anything like Battlefield or promises by Peter Molyneaux or engine stability comments by Bethesda.

So I just tend to go for what I know are solid core mechanics. Sometimes there is a great story attached to it, sometimes not. Half Life, Resident Evil 4, Metal Gear Solid 3, Mario Galaxy, Skyward Sword, Advance Wars, Portal, Pac Man Championship Edition, Outrun 2 are all standouts in recent years in particular.

But the last two games that had any semblance of 'emotional resonance' with me were Beyond Good and Evil, and Oddworld Stranger. Not because of any great original story (I'm sure parallels exist with other works) but because of the coherence of the world and the sincerity behind the writing.

I don't expect that from any game though. It's wrong to go looking for it, because you will only end up being disappointed as a result of game writers in general, being terrible. It's only by pure chance that something like that comes along and is lucky to be bought at all.

/end directionless rant at nothing in particular


free to good home

Brink Complete Pack
Fallout 3 goty
Fallout NV Ultimate
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition Deluxe
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition

I'd take that fallout 3 GOTY if it's a steam code.:p

Edit: Don't care to take it otherwise since I already own a boxed copy of FO3.


The original Wiggles just did their last carols in the domain performance :(
Who cares about Carols in the Domain? Everyone knows it's all about Carols by Candlelight. That's like comparing Sydney to Melbourne.

Aww fuck now I feel like shit

It's all good. Like I said, I have a fairly substantial backlog anyway and probably wouldn't put the time into them that they deserved anyway. As much as I love a bargain, I honestly don't need them right now.
The original Wiggles just did their last carols in the domain performance :(
The wife dragged the little guy out of bed.
Sat on the couch for 10 seconds before bursting out into tears, "BED BED BED BEDDDDDDDD!".

Will have to Plus7 it tomorrow lol

Thing is, I'm not entirely sure what everyone has been playing. There is a lot of hype surrounding games of all sorts (indie and mainstream EA/Ubi/Acti stuff) and I tend to tune most of it out.

It's been years since a game has really captured anything I would say has a degree of honesty or emotional integrity, but then again that's not necessarily what I ask for in a game. Good luck to you if that's what you're after.
Hey you should give Spec Ops The Line a play.
Don't go in expecting much more than a competent 3rd person military shooter.
I feel that you will come away from the whole game happy that you gave it a shot.

It's not a niche product, being made by Hasbro. Toys R Us, Big W and the like will be the places to look at.

Cheers guys, I was roped into buying it late in the piece and didn't realise it was a Hasbro game; when I checked every store at Burwood Westfield and nobody had it I assumed it must be a niche thing. I did end up picking it up at Big W (there's no Big W at Burwood Westfield unfortunately).


Take this description for example:
(incidentally its free on PSN+ now)

The legendary Knytt series continues with Nifflas' latest creation Knytt Underground™
Humans practically destroyed the planet in a war five hundred years ago and have long since abandoned the world. The remaining population called ‘sprites’ are forced to live in tunnels underground.
“Mi” (that's you!) is a mute but extraordinary sprite who develops special powers as she embarks upon a quest to ring the six bells of fate which if not rung every six hundred years will begin a chain reaction that will obliterate the world! With an array of thrilling quests, unique zen-like gameplay and plenty of dynamic characters to meet and guide you on your adventure – Knytt Underground™ delivers a captivating and unparalleled experience that will not disappoint! Can you ring the six bells of fate and save the world before it’s too late? Download today and begin your journey through this vibrant and enchanted underground world!

Can someone elucidate for me what 'zen like gameplay' is? I mean, the trailer makes it look like a cross between Limbo and N+, without the insane difficulty. Zen is, according to google, 'A Japanese school of Mahayana Buddhism emphasizing the value of meditation and intuition rather than ritual worship or study of scriptures.'

Alternatively, the one-ness of body and mind.

I struggle to see that in digital form.

Dead Man

Take this description for example:
(incidentally its free on PSN+ now)

Can someone elucidate for me what 'zen like gameplay' is? I mean, the trailer makes it look like a cross between Limbo and N+, without the insane difficulty. Zen is, according to google, 'A Japanese school of Mahayana Buddhism emphasizing the value of meditation and intuition rather than ritual worship or study of scriptures.'

Alternatively, the one-ness of body and mind.

I struggle to see that in digital form.

It means that even if you do nothing, it makes no difference, the world continues. To avoid jealousy, do not want.
Adorable, the days when they want to actually go to sleep
He refused to have a nap this afternoon so he went from 6:30am all the way to 8pm without breaking stride. It was only once the carols started he passed out on the wife and we couldn't raise him at all lol

Considering both the wife and I had naps today (in turns of course) he did pretty well!

He's concerned for the python eggs he's incubating.

Likely maggots or mould collection. He has taken to stockpiling treats around the house. Even just putting him to bed you can grab out half a muesli bar and most of a gingerbread man. I don't think he understands that the Mayans were wrong. They probably haven't done much education about calenders at day care yet.
Melbourne doing well in the BBL this season! Also NZ got rolled hard in the one dayer lol

While on the topic of Zen, every time the WipEout voice guy says 'Zen' in the zone mode is usually the moment I get speed wobbles and self destruct.

Mute your technology so you can take in the richness of life around you.
Missed this doing the rounds this morning lol



Missed this doing the rounds this morning lol

Aha. Buy it, take it out of the box, set it up, boot it, connect it to innernet, spent 30-60 minutes patching it, put it back in the box in a way that obviously shows it's been open, wrap the fucker up, throw it out, buy an xbox instead.
Aha. Buy it, take it out of the box, set it up, boot it, connect it to innernet, spent 30-60 minutes patching it, put it back in the box in a way that obviously shows it's been open, wrap the fucker up, throw it on ebay at a 10% loss, buy an xbox instead.

Fixed lol

Blows my mind they would tell you to give someone a nearly new Christmas present. I guess it is like buying a new car, you accept that the dealer had to drive it around a little bit to get it from the factory to the lot :)

System update should have been installed on all new production units as soon as it passed testing. Especially since people are saying that stock isn't just sitting on shelves, deliveries have been constant from Nintendo.

Dead Man

"Mummy, why is England called a Kingdom?"
"Because it was ruled by a King."
"Oh... so that's why Australia is called a Country??!"

Oldie but a goodie.

"The Bethesda bundle is now unavailable and we will not get new serials until middle of January next year."

I managed to get the pack and registered Dishonored, but nothing else. Guess that means I can't register anything else for a month?

Turns out (as expected) it was a pricing error:
"Notice: The Bethesda New Years bundle was available for the wrong price for a short period, therefore we have run out of serials."

I did wonder, since it was up for so long (12 or more hours) and figured since it'd been up for so long that it must be legit. The recent Far Cry one was caught in an hour or two.
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