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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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Just one?

all my other reasons flew out the window once they bad mouthed TWD.

Speaking of TWD, and I know this is going to be a radical opinion for anyone who watched season 1 / 2 of that show, but the television series The Walking Dead? Yo, Season 3 is fucking amazing. If you kind of enjoyed Season 1, and stopped watching at Season 2 like myself, skip all of Season 2 and jump into Season 3. It's amazingly good television.

I've never seen a show recover as well as TWD.


FigmaLinkAusGaf: mine arrived today, it's pretty nice! Though it reminded me why I never buy posable figures...I just hate fiddlin with all the parts and joints! And I suck at posing><

Boring Link standing on desk!

Don't put him in the kitchen when you get yours cods!:p
all my other reasons flew out the window once they bad mouthed TWD.

Speaking of TWD, and I know this is going to be a radical opinion for anyone who watched season 1 / 2 of that show, but the television series The Walking Dead? Yo, Season 3 is fucking amazing. If you kind of enjoyed Season 1, and stopped watching at Season 2 like myself, skip all of Season 2 and jump into Season 3. It's amazingly good television.

I've never seen a show recover as well as TWD.

Are you saying you didn't watch the final episodes of season 2? Fuck man you are missing out. It started slow but the last few s were edge of your seat stuff. But agreed season 3 is the best yet. Without a doubt one of the best shows on tv

Also the other good game dude was junglist. He always seemed a bit odd to me. I wasn't too bummed when he got canned. Especially when it turned out Hex wasn't just eye candy and actually knew her shit. And I thought they gave ME3 their game of the year. This was only from twitter though. Didn't watch the show


all my other reasons flew out the window once they bad mouthed TWD.

Speaking of TWD, and I know this is going to be a radical opinion for anyone who watched season 1 / 2 of that show, but the television series The Walking Dead? Yo, Season 3 is fucking amazing. If you kind of enjoyed Season 1, and stopped watching at Season 2 like myself, skip all of Season 2 and jump into Season 3. It's amazingly good television.

I've never seen a show recover as well as TWD.

I agree with Kritz on Season 3's amazingness and have long been a voice proclaiming the quality of the show in a sea full of people shitting on it.

But do not skip Season 2 people. First half of Season 2 is dreadfully awful but with an amazing payoff. Then they changed showrunners half way through the season and the second half of Season 2, and Season 3, is some really great television as a result. Do not skip this latter half of Season 2, there are some extremely high quality episodes in there.


Explain yourself instead of offering a vague sense of superiority :p

Basically if it's interactive in any form and you derive enjoyment through that interaction itself (rather than, say, from an output that the interaction produces), then I define it as a game. This catches pretty much anything where players/the audience have at least a semi-collaborative impact on their own experience, alongside whatever authorial intent is included. This might be unnecessarily wide, especially when it can encompass hugely systemic games alongside almost linear choose-your-own-adventure things with relatively little player impact, but given that no other media forms actively invoke audience participation it's kind of a null point.
I'm aching for the day when traditional animation makes a comeback. And not "traditional" in the way that The Simpsons looks like a late 90s Flash animation, like REAL stuff.
Me too. I really prefer the way it looks. 3D animation just feels kind of rubbery and soulless to me, even if it can look really pretty at times. I was very disappointed after hearing that Disney wasn't doing any more traditional animations.
Bajo didn't get it from what I recall, didn't play past the first ep (or didn't even finish that, I don't know)
I'm kind of perplexed as to what he's doing on the show. There are so many passionate, talented journalists out there who actually finish the games they review. Imagine if David and Margaret watched 20 minutes of a film before canning it.


My point was more telling me I was 'stating the obvious' isn't that clear when there are people out there (though perhaps not in this thread) arguing that TWD isn't a game.

I'm kind of perplexed as to what he's doing on the show. There are so many passionate, talented journalists out there who actually finish the games they review. Imagine if David and Margaret watched 20 minutes of a film before canning it.

Well, I think Hex reviewed it primarily, not him


Are you saying you didn't watch the final episodes of season 2? Fuck man you are missing out. It started slow but the last few s were edge of your seat stuff. But agreed season 3 is the best yet. Without a doubt one of the best shows on tv

I explicitly also watched the season 2 finale after people saying I should. Without the context of the later half of season 2, which I didn't know was any good, I kind of didn't really enjoy it.

Now I've moved onto trying to crank out Boardwalk Empire after putting that show off for so long.


I thought you said it is?

I'm saying that I think it's a game, assuming its kind of like Heavy Rain or any adventure type game. There is only one path through the game, a linear path and a focus on the story.

I think 'game' or 'entertainment software' is broad enough a category for a digital equivalent of page turning to fall under it.
Yeah it's a bit like Heavy Rain but more low budget and less qte. Both are narrative experiences that I will always remember about this generation.

Dead Man

I'm kind of perplexed as to what he's doing on the show. There are so many passionate, talented journalists out there who actually finish the games they review. Imagine if David and Margaret watched 20 minutes of a film before canning it.

They should have got rid of him and kept Jungle guy with Hex, that would have been a pretty great team I think.
How am I supposed to spend money on cheap Megadrive games, Kickstart the LA Game Space, give Double Fine yet more money or save THQ from obscurity when my credit card has been cancelled because someone dodgy got hold of the number and started raising test transactions? Now I won't have a credit card until next week!

Don't put him in the kitchen when you get yours cods!:p
I got mine shipped SAL because I'm cheap and not in a hurry, so I wouldn't be surprised if I don't see it until next year... but I want it now!

Now I've moved onto trying to crank out Boardwalk Empire after putting that show off for so long.
Let me know whether the current season is worth bothering with. Enjoyed the first, was apathetic towards the second, haven't watched any of the third yet.


Very big call to say that AC3 is honestly the best game of the year.
I think a lot of people put a lot of weight behind the title of Game of the Year. They also have this mindset that GOTY also means "technically best" or "subjective winner" when placed against all other game releases.

Really, though, GAME OF THE YEEEAAAAAR basically means "the game that resonated most with me." For some people, yeah, it could be AC3; the fact that the third (28th) instalment of a popular franchise or it's a game set in someone's favourite time period or the fact that you play as a native American could all, whether individually or together, means that it get placed at the top of someone's list.

I might deem that opinion "wrong" or "subjectively incorrect" but I don't really have a right to do much more than add my voice to the discussion on what I believe to be the best game and to back that up with reasoning. At the end of the day, that opinion can be called into question by multiple other people for their own reasons.

It's weird that Video Games has this mindset where there is a right or wrong answer to "My Game of the Year," when not many other media have such a binary approach. For some people the latest Brittney Spears album will be the best release, the latest Will Farrell movie a top contender and a Dan Brown book at the top of their greatest list for some years. I don't agree with any of those but I understand that they scratch an itch for those people and resonate in ways that will never for me.

In those other media, you can have discussion about what your favourite of the year was and it's sufficient to say "I really like Adam Sandler movies" and people will accept that. They may not agree, but an understanding is reached. Video Games, however, if you were to say "Assassin's Creed is my favourite franchise and this game is awesome and it's fantastic!" video game fans will still turn around and reply with "you're wrong."

Good Game like Assassin's Creed. Their opinion. The only concern I have is if they reason it well enough and articulate the factors that placed it above and beyond all the other releases.

I don't know, I just think people make too much of a fuss and place far too much importance on Game of the Year lists. Mainly, I think people use those lists to validate their own decision and if it doesn't match up, they need to rage about it.

Pixeljunk and S&P2 were actually enjoyable though. Price, value and time are independent of each other.
I'm not sure if everyone realised, but I was being facetious when I made the "Journey couldn't be GOTY because it wasn't long enough" remark. I also thought the "I gave $5 to a busker as I walked past but I gotta get 15 hours outta a game" was a clear indication of this too.

Just to be clear though, I do not believe that games need to be a particular length of offer replayability to be considered for GOTY. Experience is all that matters and Journey packed far more experience into 3 hours than most games I've played in the last couple of years.



I want a tag give me a tag
Mass Effect 3 or Diablo III for game of the year for me. Both have eaten up too much of my time. So fun. But by god Nintendo Land is shooting up the charts.
Sorry to go off topic, looking for a camera to buy 200-300 dollars. I know some of you are into photography, this camera is going to be used for a US/Canada trip next year so I guess if possible it should be good in low light etc
Not sure why but at some point over the years GOTY became a critical decision rather than a subjective one. I blame years of reading magazines that give review scores out of 100.

It certainly is the only Assassin's Creed franchise game this year though! So I can understand if they just like that franchise above all else.


Good Game like Assassin's Creed. Their opinion.
It wasn't their opinion actually. We're all basing this off Choc's tweet which was completely wrong. They didn't even put Assassins Creed 3 in their GOTY shortlist (DayZ, Borderlands 2, Mass Effect 3, Guild Wars 2, Halo 4, XCom, Journey). The winner was
Mass Effect 3
. You can watch it here if you scroll down to best game 2012 http://www.abc.net.au/tv/goodgame/.

TLDR: GOTY still objective, JASE wrong. Also Choc was wrong but we knew that.
Good Game like Assassin's Creed. Their opinion. The only concern I have is if they reason it well enough and articulate the factors that placed it above and beyond all the other releases.
Probably also have to consider their audience, too.

Mainly, I think people use those lists to validate their own decision and if it doesn't match up, they need to rage about it.
Also a nice way to look back on all the awesome games you played this year.
Not sure why but at some point over the years GOTY became a critical decision rather than a subjective one. I blame years of reading magazines that give review scores out of 100.

It certainly is the only Assassin's Creed franchise game this year though! So I can understand if they just like that franchise above all else.

It wasn't their opinion actually. We're all basing this off Choc's tweet which was completely wrong. They didn't even put Assassins Creed 3 in their GOTY shortlist (DayZ, Borderlands 2, Mass Effect 3, Guild Wars 2, Halo 4, XCom, Journey). The winner was
Mass Effect 3
. You can watch it here if you scroll down to best game 2012 http://www.abc.net.au/tv/goodgame/.

TLDR: GOTY still objective, JASE wrong. Also Choc was wrong but we knew that.

That is actually a pretty solid list of games. I'm assuming. I haven't played half of them, but they were the games you guys were losing your shit over.
Sorry to go off topic, looking for a camera to buy 200-300 dollars.
Hopefully should be close to your $300 mark, but the wife has a Canon S100 and I think it's a really good camera. It's pocket-sized, can be used on full auto, but you can override most things (including manual focus!) like with a "real" camera, it has GPS too. There might be an S101 or S110 or something out now.

Here's a couple of shots straight out of the camera:
It wasn't their opinion actually. We're all basing this off Choc's tweet which was completely wrong. They didn't even put Assassins Creed 3 in their GOTY shortlist (DayZ, Borderlands 2, Mass Effect 3, Guild Wars 2, Halo 4, XCom, Journey). The winner was
Mass Effect 3
. You can watch it here if you scroll down to best game 2012 http://www.abc.net.au/tv/goodgame/.

TLDR: GOTY still objective, JASE wrong. Also Choc was wrong but we knew that.
Why you hate me? :(

I was just about to post that choc was wrong, having gone to watch their reasoning for choosing AC3. I love the fact that choc got the wrong game and raged for no reason. apart from being biologically compelled to. I'd like to hear his rage for ME3 being picked.


AC3, Choc, Junglist... how come GG discussions always turn into such a steaming hot mess?

I haven't seen the latest ep yet, looking forward to watching it later today.
AC3, Choc, Junglist... how come GG discussions always turn into such a steaming hot mess?

I haven't seen the latest ep yet, looking forward to watching it later today.

Because they're the most visible faces of an industry people here feel pretty protective of?


Damn it I just remembered how disappointing ME3 was. FUUUUUU!

At least it's not fundamentally bad like AC3 was.


I don't really watch it that often, but I like GG. The very fact that public broadcasting pours cash into a videogame program is extremely reassuring. Unfortunately I hear that management doesn't understand this iView streaming thing (where they're pulling most of their numbers) so they're probably always going to be balancing on this knife-edge, at least until we have more politicians who have actually played videogames and understand their value.

Imagine that... it might happen one day.
Damn it I just remembered how disappointing ME3 was.
OK, sure, the last few minutes were terrible and invalidated just about everything I'd done in the three games. But up to that moment, I really enjoyed it. Felt pretty satisfying as the third part in the trilogy.
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