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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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"We are going to keep the promise that we actually made, not the promise that some people thought that we made, or the promise that some people might have liked us to make."

Considering he got into government on the back of the "carbon tax lie" he can go fuck himself



Tony Abbott and the Coalition have confirmed that they will commit the same amount of federal school funding as the Government over the forward estimates. Every single school in Australia will receive, dollar for dollar, the same federal funding over the next four years whether there is a Liberal or Labor Government after September 7.

I also thought this was a good read this morning.


A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I also thought this was a good read this morning.

Thanks for posting. <3 Peter Martin. I think I've linked this before but in anticipation of the debt ceiling becoming a news item again this week this is a good column by him on the issue.

- Well done Joe Hockey. The $500 billion debt limit.
Peter Martin said:
The government’s debt ceiling is like a personal credit card limit, only sillier. Unlike a credit card limit it need not take account of ability to repay. It is a political limit imposed at by the parliament rather than an outside constraint imposed by the lender.
A few more pieces on the same issue:
- Blog post with a bit of background on the ceiling and some talk on the ceiling and the commission of audit by Prof. Bill Mitchell

- The World Today story from a few weeks ago
Chris Richardson said:
I don't think we need a debt ceiling, full stop. Remember this is a fairly new invention in Australia and it's a dumb one. Parliament already looks closely at every budget. You can ask Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser just how closely we look at budgets.

We have Parliament passing in effect the expenditure and revenue decisions in the budget. That means they've directly or indirectly already made decisions about debt. If you have another layer of decision, that's dumb. It's asking for trouble as the US has recently proved.

We'd be much better off having no debt limit. If we've got to have one, let's have a massive increase so that it does not prove to be a problem.

There's a fairly broad spectrum of economists who think the debt ceiling isn't necessary and they have various reasons why.



Genuine refugees will no longer be forced to live a life in limbo after the Senate voted to support the Greens’ move to scrap Tony Abbott’s Temporary Protection Visas late on Monday night.

“Scrapping these cruel visas is a win for decency and a win for the generosity that has made this country great,” the Greens’ immigration spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

“Compassion for vulnerable people has always been an Australian value and our actions in the parliament today have been in defence of those principles of decency.

“Leaving refugees languishing in limbo is no way to respond to a looming humanitarian crisis in our region.”

Forming one of the main planks of the Abbott Government’s six point plan of cruelty, Temporary Protection Visas were proven to fail in 1999 when their introduction preceded a massive spike in refugee arrivals by boat.

Designed solely to target people who have already arrived in Australia, Tony Abbott’s Temporary Protection Visas were not intended to act as a deterrent.

“This was punishment simply for punishments sake,” Senator Hanson-Young said.

“By denying family reunion visas, TPVs force more women and children onto boats in a desperate bid to reach safety and their families. We have seen the tragic results of this in the past.

“Tony Abbott is trying to take this country backwards but the Greens will continue to use the Parliament to stand up for vulnerable people, now and into the future.”

Good news.



Morgan: 51.5-48.5 to Labor
The first poll conducted since the government&#8217;s Gonski reversal finds, not unexpectedly, a sharp move to Labor.

The fortnightly Morgan poll, conducted from a sample of 2018 by face-to-face and SMS, provides further support for the recently recorded move against the Coalition, perhaps exacerbated by the Gonksi debacle. Labor is up no less than six points on the primary vote to 38.5%, with the Coalition down only a point to 41.5% off a below-par base from the previous poll. That leaves the Greens to fall 2.5% to 8.5%, with the Palmer United Party down 1.5% to 3.5% and others down one to 8%. This translates to a 51.5-48.5 lead to Labor on both respondent-allocated and 2013 election preferences.

it begins for reals


They are literally falling apart at the seams. Abbott is threatening to drag all the MP's through Christmas if he doesn't get his way.
They are literally falling apart at the seams. Abbott is threatening to drag all the MP's through Christmas if he doesn't get his way.

From an outsider, it seems like they tried to being American-style conservative governing and ran into the brick wall that the state parties are separate from the national party.


I wonder how many of you will support the abolition of the ABC once Sophie Mirabella becomes its managing director. :p


Claims ASIO raided office of lawyer representing East Timor in spying case

A lawyer representing East Timor in its spying case against Australia says his office has been raided by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO).

Bernard Collaery says two agents seized electronic and paper files this afternoon from his law practice in Canberra.


Same-sex marriage: High Court reserves decision on Commonwealth challenge to ACT laws

Australia's first ever same-sex marriages will take place from Saturday, after the High Court reserved its decision on the Commonwealth's challenge to ACT's same-sex marriage laws.

The court says it will hand down its decision next Thursday, and in the meantime will allow same-sex marriages to take place in Canberra.



Wouldn't it be logical just to support throwing her the fuck out instead of dismantling the entire corporation

You could but it'd be futile. You'd have to wait for a chance in government. Which means at least three years of watching ABC reporters suck off the coalition. Three years of cancellations for every show that has ever criticised the coalition and three years of anti-labor shows being greenlit.

Could you handle it? :p


You could but it'd be futile. You'd have to wait for a chance in government. Which means at least three years of watching ABC reporters suck off the coalition. Three years of cancellations for every show that has ever criticised the coalition and three years of anti-labor shows being greenlit.

Could you handle it? :p

I'd probably just extend my don't-watch-tv habit to encompass the ABC if I felt like they were being editorially affected by the reigning government.


You could but it'd be futile. You'd have to wait for a chance in government. Which means at least three years of watching ABC reporters suck off the coalition. Three years of cancellations for every show that has ever criticised the coalition and three years of anti-labor shows being greenlit.

Could you handle it? :p

The managing director does not have complete control of the ABC.

Besides the current Managing Director is a Liberal

Dead Man

You could but it'd be futile. You'd have to wait for a chance in government. Which means at least three years of watching ABC reporters suck off the coalition. Three years of cancellations for every show that has ever criticised the coalition and three years of anti-labor shows being greenlit.

Could you handle it? :p

You don't actually know how the ABC is run, do you?




Abbott says a lot of things. In that particular instance he was talking about sharing government.

Also good words from Christine Milne regarding good debt, bad debt and investing in infrastructure... where were you 3 years ago?


Abbott says a lot of things. In that particular instance he was talking about sharing government.

Also good words from Christine Milne regarding good debt, bad debt and investing in infrastructure... where were you 3 years ago?

I'm glad to see we are finally just abolishing the debt ceiling. It really serves no purpose or place.


Abbott says a lot of things. In that particular instance he was talking about sharing government.

Also good words from Christine Milne regarding good debt, bad debt and investing in infrastructure... where were you 3 years ago?

Why are the Greens making responsible financial statements? Murdoch papers and Arksy said they're commie pinko watermelons who want everybody to get gay married while pregnant with asylum seeker babies while the fetuses are high on marijuana, before being aborted?


That was a lot of finger pointing and name dropping without a single example of what the bias is. Reminds me of Arksy a page back.


Holding four views in the space of two weeks and saying that you're right every time is a triviality, you heard it from the Australian first.
I read this article earlier today. It was basically the editor masturbating directly onto the page.

They pop up every week or so, it was one of the things that made me simultaneously love and hate reading the Australian. So many deliciously retarded articles.



This write up of it is just as funny

For all its faults, the piece manages to perfectly capture the fear and panic brought on in our newspapers by the digital revolution. It’s like a mosquito trapped in amber, but instead of a mosquito it’s a 60-year-old man having the new photocopier explained to him before angrily asking what was wrong with the old photocopier.

One day, maybe, the DNA from that 60-year-old man will be extracted and make possible the most tedious theme park the world has ever seen, and these titans of journalism can once again roam the earth.

Until then we’ll have to forge on without them, and settle for news of our dystopic future as told by children and robots.
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