The government has paid nearly a million dollars to cover its sudden axing of Australia's peak drug and alcohol body, documents reveal.
Dr Washer, who has resigned because he says the lack of funding made his position untenable, said the decision was ''a bloody tragedy''. ''This wasn't subject to any review . . . it was dumb advising dumber, and dumb won,'' he said.
''ADCA was a high priority organisation, and they will have to reinvent it at some stage, but with at least a million dollars wasted along the way,'' he [Mike Daube] said. ''If they quite rightly think this [library] is important, why did they scrap ADCA before they had worked out how to keep it going?''
Senator Nash did not respond to questions about whether this was an efficient use of taxpayer funding. However, she told Senate Estimates that she made the decision because there was duplication between ADCA and other agencies, and proper funding arrangements had not been put in place under the previous Labor government.