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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Indonesia's going to flip when they notice that Tony Abbott said that they have an obligation under international law to take in boats that flounder in their waters.


I usually like Keating but I think he's gone senile. Either that or he's being deliberately deceptive with his revisionist history.



Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull today announced that he had appointed three senior executives, including Simon Hackett, Internode founder and doyen of Australia’s broadband industry, to be non-executive directors sitting on the board of the National Broadband Network Company.

“The three new non-executive directors are Patrick Flannigan, Simon Hackett, and Justin Milne,” wrote Turnbull. “They further enhance the board’s capabilities and expertise to provide appropriate oversight and guidance to this vitally important national project.”

I did not see that coming...



Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull today announced that he had appointed three senior executives, including Simon Hackett, Internode founder and doyen of Australia’s broadband industry, to be non-executive directors sitting on the board of the National Broadband Network Company.

“The three new non-executive directors are Patrick Flannigan, Simon Hackett, and Justin Milne,” wrote Turnbull. “They further enhance the board’s capabilities and expertise to provide appropriate oversight and guidance to this vitally important national project.”

I did not see that coming...
Wow, we might not end up with the massive waste of money that is FTTN after all.


'Formidable' Bronwyn Bishop elected Speaker of 'Hogwarts' Parliament

Manager of Opposition Business Tony Burke compared her to a Harry Potter villain.

"When they all return to Hogwarts, Dumbledore is gone and Dolores Umbridge is now in charge of the school," he said.
Indonesia's going to flip when they notice that Tony Abbott said that they have an obligation under international law to take in boats that flounder in their waters.

He actually said that? My god, he is actually retarded isn't he... You can't treat neighbouring countries this way! Especially when we already have long standing problems, and we need them to help with regional issues. Holy shit.



Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull today announced that he had appointed three senior executives, including Simon Hackett, Internode founder and doyen of Australia’s broadband industry, to be non-executive directors sitting on the board of the National Broadband Network Company.

“The three new non-executive directors are Patrick Flannigan, Simon Hackett, and Justin Milne,” wrote Turnbull. “They further enhance the board’s capabilities and expertise to provide appropriate oversight and guidance to this vitally important national project.”

I did not see that coming...

The words conflict of interest keep coming up within Abbott's government. Combined with the extra levels of secrecy it's a pot ready to boil over. The nbn board most likely won't be where it happens, but you can only play russian roulette so many times.


Wow, we might not end up with the massive waste of money that is FTTN after all.

Now what will happen is the board will recommend FTTP, but because its an extra 5billion or whatever it was, Abbott will be like "BUT MUM ITS TO EXPENSIVE" and ditch the whole program.


He actually said that? My god, he is actually retarded isn't he... You can't treat neighbouring countries this way! Especially when we already have long standing problems, and we need them to help with regional issues. Holy shit.

it's especially hilarious in light of tony's stance of international law butting in on Australian sovereign affairs, which is generally speaking "I can't be having with this"

I mean the UN basically said Australia violated, like, 143 counts of international law in its treatment of refugees and ol' Tony's trying to tell the Indonesians that International Law says they should be taking the refugees, not us.



A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
it's especially hilarious in light of tony's stance of international law butting in on Australian sovereign affairs, which is generally speaking "I can't be having with this"

I mean the UN basically said Australia violated, like, 143 counts of international law in its treatment of refugees and ol' Tony's trying to tell the Indonesians that International Law says they should be taking the refugees, not us.
The adults are back in charge. Unfortunately the adults in question seem to be of the humourless, oblivious and bumbling variety commonly found in children's fiction.
UN? You just said the word!

Arksy attack!

The adults are back in charge. Unfortunately the adults in question seem to be of the humourless, oblivious and bumbling variety commonly found in children's fiction.

They also seem to have no idea how foreign affairs work. Appealing to bogans with the "I do what I want, bitch" approach may have won them votes in the election but you can't think like a bogan when actually making policy. Indonesia isn't some quaint island full of "economic migrants" (whatever that means, but grrrr) where you can buy cheap DVDs and pop in for a chat with poor old schapelle.


Lol. For what it's worth I'm upset I'll miss the first few sessions of Parliament and sorely hope Labor win the debt ceiling battle.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Lol. For what it's worth I'm upset I'll miss the first few sessions of Parliament and sorely hope Labor win the debt ceiling battle.
They probably won't, but I don't think they, or the Greens, particularly care. They're just using this opportunity to lambast the Coalition for the nonsense they spewed in opposition and to try and stop Hockey from clearing the decks.

The debt ceiling will be raised whenever it needs to be, to whatever it needs to be, plus or minus some political point-scoring on the side. This isn't the USA.


The Debt Ceiling should be abolished but the Coalition are complete morons if they think they could just raise the Debt Ceiling to such an extent without copping it after all the shit they pulled in opposition.


The debt ceiling makes no sense. My vague hope that Labor would take the high road was obviously in vain.

It forces the libs to push the debt ceiling again in 2016. Around about the next election.

Labor aren't interested in the debt, so much as the opportunity to highlight Abbott's hypocrisy. It will also rile up the right against themselves.


People that have paid attention to Speaker behaviour before: Was the Electricity Bill ruling par for the course? Either way it's shameful.

Also I wish Scott Morrison would stop the "We're hiding the information because we don't want it to get back to people smugglers" bullshit


People that have paid attention to Speaker behaviour before: Was the Electricity Bill ruling par for the course? Either way it's shameful.

Also I wish Scott Morrison would stop the "We're hiding the information because we don't want it to get back to people smugglers" bullshit

Those dang people smugglers, good thing they never worked out this 'phone' technology


In South Australian political news: The Attorney-General has decided that four months before the election is the perfect time to rush proportional representation for the Upper House through Parliament. I hope State Labor sees reason and slows down while leaving it on the table. I like proportional representation but I can't support this.
In South Australian political news: The Attorney-General has decided that four months before the election is the perfect time to rush proportional representation for the Upper House through Parliament. I hope State Labor sees reason and slows down while leaving it on the table. I like proportional representation but I can't support this.

So what's going to happen in SA? Is Labor going to get smashed like in Tasmania or is there some small chance they could scrape back in? Maybe on the back of a Car Industry jobs campaign?

Hopefully, for the Labor party and me(!), Victoria comes back about this time next year, but if it doesn't the ACT will be the last holdout. And people make fun of those of us who live in Canberra!


In South Australian political news: The Attorney-General has decided that four months before the election is the perfect time to rush proportional representation for the Upper House through Parliament. I hope State Labor sees reason and slows down while leaving it on the table. I like proportional representation but I can't support this.


A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Holy shit. Trainwreck in progress on 7:30 right now.
Rudd gone, bi-election to come. Smart move by the LNP to run a highly respected candidate against him at the election to improve his political profile, Dr Glasson should romp home.



Good Ol Kev, can't resist getting one last gob at the spotlight and upstaging Tony, even from a disaster

Griffith to flip in the next few months I guess

PM Abbott on Rudd resigning: 'Sooner or later someone outlives their usefulness.'


A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
What's happeninv on he 7:30 report?
Abbott said "stop the boats" more times than he did during the entire election campaign, for a start. He also sounded like an abusive boyfriend explaining why he reads his girlfriend's texts on the topic of spying on Indonesia. General blatant hypocrisy and dodging of questions. Threw in a few bizarre statements like "testosterone contest" and asking Leigh Sales if she wanted to stop the boats. It's pretty clear the man just doesn't function well in an interview environment.
Abbott said "stop the boats" more times than he did during the entire election campaign, for a start. He also sounded like an abusive boyfriend explaining why he reads his girlfriend's texts on the topic of spying on Indonesia. General blatant hypocrisy and dodging of questions. Threw in a few bizarre statements like "testosterone contest" and asking Leigh Sales if she wanted to stop the boats. It's pretty clear the man just doesn't function well in an interview environment.

Hahaha oh fuck. Seriously?

"You don't want Jones to come back, do you?"


Abbott said "stop the boats" more times than he did during the entire election campaign, for a start. He also sounded like an abusive boyfriend explaining why he reads his girlfriend's texts on the topic of spying on Indonesia. General blatant hypocrisy and dodging of questions. Threw in a few bizarre statements like "testosterone contest" and asking Leigh Sales if she wanted to stop the boats. It's pretty clear the man just doesn't function well in an interview environment.

God I can't wait for hungover iview tomorrow. Hoping for a repeat of 1998 next election except in our favour.

Did anyone watch Keating? He is theoritically the libertarian right's hero, came from nothing. Don't agree with his treasury work but a one in a life time politician.


God I can't wait for hungover iview tomorrow. Hoping for a repeat of 1998 next election except in our favour.

Did anyone watch Keating? He is theoritically the libertarian right's hero, came from nothing. Don't agree with his treasury work but a one in a life time politician.

Keating remains the greatest Labor PM our nation has had. I have to say that despite my own political views I have a lot of time for the Labor right in their brutal policy pragmatism and their ability to comprimise. Floating the dollar and Superannuation? From a left wing party? Amazing.


As I said I don't agree with his treasury work haha. But he was an amazing politician. You should try and watch the interviews anyway. A brilliant intellect.


Good for political bitching, bad for the country.

Second this

Bill Shorten is leader, he is calculating.

My first reaction was oh no dirty politics, but the reality is Abbott made the first move here. A record raise in the debt ceiling and blame it on Labor.

I agree debt isn't an issue, but handing the Libs a cheque for 200 billion dollars and saying see ya after the next election is the definition of irresponsiblility. They need to be accountable. With these media blackouts, backroom dealings at APEC, handshakes with the likes of Murdoch and embarassing slogan filled interviews like Tony's above I'm not in a trusting mood.


Keating remains the greatest Labor PM our nation has had. I have to say that despite my own political views I have a lot of time for the Labor right in their brutal policy pragmatism and their ability to comprimise. Floating the dollar and Superannuation? From a left wing party? Amazing.

Keating actually opposed floating the dollar. Hawke had to pressure him to support it.


I can't believe people can say "I'm not discriminatory" with one side of their face and then say "But you can't get married, only same-sex unioned" with the other. That's pretty much the fucking definition of discrimination right there. Even if we existed in a perfect world where civil unions were legally treated the same as marriage, which they aren't for the record, it still wouldn't be the same because you'd be denying them access to the word 'marriage', you gormless, spineless gits.

Failed by one vote, btw. Unsurprising given the federalist issues.

/edit and there's this fucking guy

12.02pm AEST

Labor MLC Helen Westwood has started crying during her speech in favour of the bill as she reads out a letter she received.

The letter says:
Marriage is not a game for poofters and sluts. How do you think this sits at large for children being raised by queers?

It was at this point Westwood started crying and could not read on for a moment. She was encouraged by both sides of the chamber and told to take a breath and keep going.

She reads on:

We feel sorry for your children and grandchildren who have to say "my grandmother was a lesbian slut".

Westwood said the man who sent the letter signed his name - which she does not reveal - and she decided to read it out because it was not from someone who was uneducated or did not have a voice. It was from a Sydney barrister who is a member of the NSW bar association.

Westwood says he works in victim's compensation and she is worried what will happen when someone with an injury goes to this barrister and they happen to be gay.
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