You can choose to not get an abortion.
You should be able to choose to wear a burqa. See how you're argument falls on its face?
The Burqa is related to namus, just as virginity of a man's daughter must be kept intact before marriage. The women can choose to have sex, or to not wear a burqa, but it will damage the namus of the man.
Bringing dishonor is a thing that many women fear of doing because it can have bad consequences, such as death (honour killings). In Germany two years ago a father killed his daughter because she stole condoms, it brought dishonor, and he explicitly said this is why he killed her.
Namus is not exclusive to Islam to be clear, its a cultural concept of the region which has different uses in the religions. This is where the concept of honour killings, women having to meet different standards than men when it comes to things such as adultery and so on come from, it's part of namus, and the burqa is as well. Also the interpretations in Islam of how much a man or woman must cover themselves varies.
Namus is not about choice, it's about protecting the honor (namus is honour) of the
man's family. Revealing yourself to other men violates her namus, and thus the husband's.
The concept of namus and its negative effect is more pronounced in Central Asia, but these concepts do not erase themselves from refugees and still exists even in conservative Muslim families who aren't migrants/refugees.
Again of course the women can make the choice to not wear it but what surrounds that disobedience is why it's so internalised. Even if the husband doesn't care for it one needs to remember that you are still heavily judged by your community and extended family because they still see the namus being violated.
A stronger argument is respecting religious and cultural freedom but the argument of it being a women's choice is weak. There are better ways to educate and move away from concepts such as namus and I don't think banning the burqa is the right way, but saying the burqa is inherently good or a women's choice is wrong as well in my opinion because from what it's related to.