Oh look, more yuri for men.KyoAni doing a show about dragons next then:
Dragon maid that is ;P
KyoAni doing a show about dragons next then:
Dragon maid that is ;P
Gargantia 13
KyoAni doing a show about dragons next then:
Dragon maid that is ;P
Gargantia 13
Metroidprimerib should be satisfied at least.
Comedy, Yuri
KyoAni isn't ruined. And I get that this is the type of stuff that will probably sell more too. If this is what it takes for them to make more money to create the shows that I like, I don't care. In the end, they are a business. If they chose this, it's because they see an opportunity in the market.Why is it that people are going ballistic like KyoAni's RUINED with the fact that they're making this Dragon Girl thing?
Folks, you got Euphonium and Silent Voice. Phantom World didn't spell doom for KyoAni and neither will this. Who knows, you might end up liking it.
Yeesh, and people get mad at me for voicing my discontent with a show before watching it.
I'm reading the manga right now and goddamn they bumped her breast size up a few numbers.
I think I just sighed out loud.Getsuyoubi no Tawawa 02-03
Occultic;Nine BTFO by this titty tech.
Good lord the meltdowns over this is amazing.
This seems worse because Takemoto is doing it.It's like the Phantom World announcement all over again.
I dunno whats supposedly bad about Kobayashi-san
damn, disappointed you liked it
Why is it that people are going ballistic like KyoAni's RUINED with the fact that they're making this Dragon Girl thing?
Folks, you got Euphonium and Silent Voice. Phantom World didn't spell doom for KyoAni and neither will this. Who knows, you might end up liking it.
Yeesh, and people get mad at me for voicing my discontent with a show before watching it.
I dunno whats supposedly bad about Kobayashi-san
I've seen more Free fans bitching about this than FMP fans.If I'm to be uncharitable, well, people are still yelling at KyoAni for not making more Full Metal Panic.
I've seen more Free fans bitching about this than FMP fans.
If I was being crass I would say the first 13 episodes. Honestly though you pretty much have to watch it all. It all ties in, even the stuff that doesn't seem like it would.
There's a 2-part recap special called Arcadian Memory that obviously you don't have to bother with, but otherwise you'll need to watch the 2004 Fafner TV series, the 2005 Right of Left special, the 2010 Heaven and Earth movie, and the 2015 Exodus TV series in that order. Fafner is heavily reliant on continuity, shockingly so for an original anime whose entries came out over such a long span of time, so there's no part of the franchise you can easily skip. At any rate, it's the first 10 or so episodes of the original Fafner that are the roughest, mostly because they are rather empty in terms of fleshing out characters or simply giving you any concrete story explanations to latch onto. Once Ubukata comes on board as scriptwriter, that slowly becomes rectified and the back half of the original series is much easier to go through. Right of Left is a huge step up in visual presentation, and then Heaven and Earth is yet another big leap, which is continued in Exodus - once you get to Right of Left, it's smooth sailing.
That's not particularly unusual and is somewhat understandable. I would be somewhat pissed me if they did a Haruhi sequel with Satelight instead of KyoAni. Not to mention not everybody follows anime news religiously so I'm sure for some people that they expect similar staff as prior entries.I'm talking about, in the thread here announcing the Full Metal Panic IV anime staff, there were several posters upset that KyoAni wasn't doing it.
That's not particularly unusual and is somewhat understandable. I would be somewhat pissed me if they did a Haruhi sequel with Satelight instead of KyoAni. Not to mention not everybody follows anime news religiously so I'm sure for some people that they expect similar staff as prior entries.
Too bad they didn't go for Gonzo.
At any rate, there are people who seem to consider KyoAni their exclusive property and get very upset whenever KyoAni makes things that aren't targeted at them. I understand that KyoAni has the best production in the business, and personally I'd love it if KyoAni did more projects that pander to me specifically, but sadly they can't do everything.
Also, I suppose I should point out here that it looks like Pony Canyon is the main sponsor for Kobayashi-san, whereas KyoAni has been the main sponsor for all of their non-Amagi works for the past several years. So it looks like KyoAni is making this at the request of Pony Canyon, rather than the studio themselves being the main force behind the anime's creation as they were for Sound Euphonium.
sweet, glad you liked it
4. More guild people in the form of researchers this time. Seems like something menacing is happening.
Eh, it's probably nothing.
It's okay we will always haveTatamiF/ZMawaru and Eureka.
My Little Cold Blooded AI Can't Possibly Be This Bro
Wanting a franchise to have the same staff and quality as previous entries is fairly basic across pretty much all mediums. Just check the recent Deadpool thread for proof of that. I doubt you would be happy if there was a Hyouka sequel made by Liden Films.
Woah, thanks assholes. Just in case someone skipped the previous episode preview, eh?
What if it was a live action Hyouka sequel?
We are??We're already getting that!
We are??
Erin 28-29
Woah, thanks assholes. Just in case someone skipped the previous episode preview, eh?
Erin 28-29
Woah, thanks assholes. Just in case someone skipped the previous episode preview, eh?
Next episode is a time skip. Yay!
I imagined us running hand in hand along beautiful fields, shittalking and condemning Gargantia alongside E7 all day long. You ruined that dream!!
Looking for a new anime but can't seem to find anything that's interesting except Drifters.
Looking for something with a lot of action, but don't mind the occasional romance either ^^'
I'm pretty up to date, so I don't mind watching an older anime. Anyone got recommendations?
We can fix that by watching Captain Earth together and shittalking about that ! Though I guess everyone does that so it wouldn't be the same. ;(