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Autumn Anime 2016 |OT| The seasons change, but we're still Falling for Euri

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Izetta 12

Even though it feels rushed, but nice to see it's happy ending, and i guess can't be helped because it only got 12 episodes.
But still, RIP Sophie and Sieg , wish you two would had a better life.


Izetta 12

This show wasn't perfect but holy fuck. Flying tanks barrage. Trains used as whips. THE FUCKING EIFFEL TOWER WAS USED AS A WEAPON. And then a DBZ Spirit Bomb.

Fantastic finale to a series that didn't really disappoint.


Fafner 21

^RIP in Rippest of RIPs

If Exodus manages to make me care about these characters it will be an achievement in its own right.

Can't believe they're making an actual plot point of a guy that apparently blacks out when he's wearing his stupid ass helmet. And that they're taking it seriously seemingly.
Fafner 21

Can't believe they're making an actual plot point of a guy that apparently blacks out when he's wearing his stupid ass helmet. And that they're taking it seriously seemingly.

While piloting Fafners, pilots enter an altered state of consciousness where their personalities can change from their usual personalities.


Shuumatsu no Izetta 12

Decent finale at least. Lots of guys died, but I think only one named girl bit it. That's one way to stop a magical arms race. Happy ending more or less, and I guess that's about as much as those people could ask for.


Izetta Episode 12:

Well then, that was a happier ending then I was expecting
given that Izetta is at least still alive though we got no indication if she is even cognizant in that wheelchair. The action scene was really ace as well and yet it all rings a bit hollow probably because of the story crunch.
www.Working!!! 12

God damn Adachi and Yuuta were straight up bosses this episode. One of them
kisses his girlfriend, and now she carries a knife around him
and the other
pushes his love interest to the table about to let his instincts take over, but ultimately confesses back to her

Shiho is better as a sweet looking girl that says yandere shit than as she was before. Great episode.


Girlish Number 10

I was put off from watching Hibike after seeing those screenshots but I figured I'd watch this since I saw some really good stuff on twitter screencaps.

I was really unsure what sort of character they were trying to make Chitose to be, she had a very obscure impression on me but rest assured, it was on the interesting side. This is partly due to me jumping into conclusions based on what the show seemed to hint but it constantly proved me wrong which is good in some ways but I'm not entirely sure I agree with the way it went about it in the first place.

It employs irony in moments that aren't central to its narrative theme (voice acting career) but when it comes to situations involving her job, the show is serious about Chitose's attitude matching up to her performance. Chitose has talent in the way she handles herself compared to others, she is a lot more composed before a performance and actually manages to meet expectations sometimes even if it is barely. She of course still has a long way to go which is fine as long as she makes an effort. Unfortunately her excellence in handling herself is what I perceive fuels her egotistical nature as well which prevents her from growing, I've heard of people with talent being reckless in one other show: Ping Pong which is a great reminder.

Episode had many cues of people yelling or saying "hard work" lol, Chitose ought to take the hint.

No one watches or cares about Bubbuku Burranko.

I saw some screens on twitter(yes, this is my life now), it looked funny.

One of them could have died, but love Mamoru being able to give them enough energy to restart

Battle against El-01 is close but not up there with the previous zonder nanomachines like the sun battle in the city with the Goldion Hammer, thats still the best.


I kind of envisioned Reina's crush over Taki as a platonic one, and even given her no-nonsense attitude I had managed to rationalize most of her exchanges with Kumiko as deep admiration more than actual romantic feelings for him.

I mean, I feel the show has been pretty clear on what kind of attraction she had towards him. It's your fault for deluding yourself. ;p

In Reina's defense, it doesn't seem like she's actually trying to hit on him or anything. Maybe she's just waiting till she's 18 and uhhhh a free person in a free country.

The punchline really was Kumiko's vow of support, since even up to Reina's crying you could chalk it up to her just caring that much about Taki's misfortune rather than her being actually happy that he wasn't, uh... "taken".

Uhh if we're still talking about Reina here then I certainly took the tears as her being sad about Taki and nothing so ... brazenly distasteful.

Kumiko could've not said anything, or even said something more subtle/ambiguous if she wanted to comfort or reassure her, but having her say "I'll be rooting for you" in such a delicate situation made it seem like she was openly supporting Reina's romantic pursuit of Taki, which was wrong on so many levels it wasn't even funny.

Yes ... I ... have nothing, won't defend that bit.

She surely did it only to cheer Reina up !

U.S. Shonen Jump has a habit of doing that. After they went digital and Bakuman ended they decided to try and start doing Jump Starts, basically where they translate the first few chapters of a new Shonen series and see if it sticks. Problem is they don't really have the manpower to translate more than a handful (I get the feeling piracy keeps U.S. Jump from really stabilizing all that well).

Anyway this means that of the Jump Starts they do translate even then only a couple get picked to continue full time with the magazine. And Western and Japanese sensibilities don't always align. So sometimes titles America is enjoying get canned in Japan.

So it first happened with Food Wars/Shokugeki, where they didn't even bother to localize it in the first place, they chose other manga to try with the west and all those ended up tanking. Sometime later they included the first chapter of Food Wars to drum up interest, and then again some time later they plunked us into the middle of that series Tournament arc, with just a few paragraphs to reintroduce the concept and current events.

And yeah, same thing happened with Academia. They didn't bother to Jump Start it when it first launched in Japan, sometime later they realized it too was a hit, printed the first chapter in the Magazine, and then threw readers into the Tournament Arc with again just a couple paragraphs to explain the basic gist. In both cases it was always in the final moments of the tournament, the last few match ups lol.

Expecting people to warmly receive stories they're thrown into the middle of, strikes me as bizzare but maybe they're just tacitly acknowledging the scale of piracy.

Terrific film, check out Arrival as well, same director.

Not sure if it even managed to arrive in my country's cinemas. lol

While piloting Fafners, pilots enter an altered state of consciousness where their personalities can change from their usual personalities.

None of the other pilots exhibits similar changes in behavior and the fact that it's apparently triggered by the ridiculous helmet only adds to hilarity.
Gintama 302

Shogun still alive and kicking. Then who was the one that got their head sliced off.

Man Okita is a damn beast. Also kondo and Hijikata for the win.


Nadesico: Prince of Darkness
Nadesico: Prince of Darkness is a movie set a number of years after the end of the television series. The word I feel that best sums up the movie is jarring. There are a lot of changes from the ending of the Nadesico TV series and those plot elements don't feel like a natural continuation of where the story was going but rather the opposite direction, hence the jarring feeling. The movie starts out showing the tombstone of both Akito and Yurika, the main characters from the television series. Apparently they had died some time after the television series and the movie doesn't really explain until halfway through what happened exactly. This kind of feels like this plot element was used for shock value instead of being a valuable mystery or emotional element in of itself. For example if the movie had opened with the space shuttle explosion then I think that could have given some emotional weight to later scenes as well as make the movie feel more of a continuation rather than the audience just scratching their heads for the first fifteen minutes. I don't think the movie is a good sequel partially because of these huge jumps in characters' statuses and I also don't think it's a good standalone work because of how some of these events and elements are framed inside the movie itself. Another example would be the Jovian Federation which at the end of the TV series was still very much a power but now in the movie is pretty much a dead entity. There's little explanation as to what happened in the preceding years but those preceding years are vital to understanding the mentality of a number of the characters and organizations. It's like the audience is seeing a sequel to a sequel that never happened.

When did the city setting turn into some generic commercial rampant dystopia?
I can understand why people hate this movie with a burning passion as it really undermines the ending of the television series from almost all sides. Akito and Yurika's relationship, which is a crucial aspect of the ending of the TV series, is virtually nonexistent in the movie. Akito and Yurika literally don't say one word to each other for the entire film. Another aspect is that Earth and Jupiter were in some impasse and now in the movie they have a joint government? That undercuts the never-ending war feeling that the TV ending gave off. The ruins which were tossed somewhere at the ending of the TV series are somehow found and back to being used again with little explanation. I almost want to say that this version of Akito is a 180 from the TV series but I can actually see how he could end up like his movie counterpart as Akito was becoming increasingly indifferent to killing and more hardened over the course of the TV series. I appreciate why people don't like this variant of Akito as he's pretty much hellbent on killing people and the softer goofier elements of his character are completely gone.

That's how you know he's a bad man.
As a standalone movie the film is fairly underwhelming. A good chunk of the story is 'putting the band back together' but the band doesn't really do much in the end and are mostly background. Why spend a third of the film getting the old cast back together when Ruri pretty much disables the fleet largely by herself in one swoop? The movie's climax is ridiculously short and isn't worth the buildup as it largely boils down to a duel between Akito and some new villain called Hokushin (who as far as I can tell was never even in the TV series). There's also some characters that are brought into the film such as Yukina who is used in the movie for a few scenes and a somewhat big deal is brought up about her tagging along but nothing ever comes of it. Another new character called Lapis is brought up as being Akito's eyes/ears but she doesn't do anything either. The movie feels akin to a pilot episode of a brand new series rather than a work that can stand by itself.
Well on the visual side, it looked like a movie. It was nice seeing the character designs not look like shit even if they screwed over Ryoko's design by getting rid of her green hair. Ruri's character design looks sort of off, possibly due to her being older. However Yurika's new design is vastly improved over her TV version. The biggest difference though was the background art which looks leaps and bounds better than the TV series. I'm a little stunned this is by the same art director as the original TV series (and OG Fafner too lol).
I think this is the first time where I've seen Toshihisa Koyama, the art director, put out a work with good art direction (I can't remember if the DEEN Fate/Stay Night TV series had it). The mechanical animation looks better than their TV series counterparts due to a heavier use of shading and overall higher level of polish. The color design is significantly improved too even if the color design is supposed to be darker and more realistic than the TV series so as to match the tone of the movie. It does look a bit more generic though, akin to the color design in those EXTREMEEEEE OVAs in the 80's with a darker color palette. Fitting I guess.

This shot of Akito's Aestivalis crying was supposed to be representative of Akito's mental state but instead it's a reflection of the fans'.
So I went into this expecting it to be as bad as E7 AO. It's not that bad. It's not a good movie either though. The movie lacks the cleverness and social commentary that the TV series. I think it would have been a lot better received though if the supposed followups had focused on redeeming Akito's character instead of it currently existing as the end-point for the Nadesico franchise. The movie as it stands is a form of coitus interruptus (if you get off on masochism I guess) where it's somewhat intriguing with the direction of the franchise but it's also absolutely unfulfilling by itself. I'm also not sure that if future entries in the Nadesico franchise were to be like this then it might be better to just let the franchise die. Oh well, it looks like the anime investors decided for me. Must suck to be a Nadesico fan.

Seriously though, how the fuck do you have Ruri as the main character for an entire film and she never calls anyone an idiot for the entire runtime? How do you fuck up this bad? How???


Mob Psycho 100 7

Dinner scene continues to be a useful barometer regarding Mob & Ritsu's relationship as Ritus's conspicuous absence further establishes the sense of isolation he's felt due to his inferiority complex. His latent power manifesting after the Teru vs Mob stuff is frightening as he know where the path he's on ultimately leads and Teru acting as the bridge to connect Ritsu and Mob only makes sense since he's the only one of the three who knows both sides of the coin given his reformation. Reigen scene with the conmen was great too as it sets up that even with powers these kids have, the world of adults is still a scary, scary place. One of which looks to intersect with Mob's own world next ep.


Nadesico: Prince of Darkness

It's like the audience is seeing a sequel to a sequel that never happened.

The sequel did sort of happen - as a Saturn game which came out about a month after the film and fills in the plot gaps. A rather irritating sales tactic, if you ask me - but then Nadesico was super popular, so...


Izetta: The Last Witch - Ep. 12
That was a pretty cool fight.
I wish thier powers were more distinct, but it's not such a big deal.
Witches tossing tanks at reach other will never be boring.

The ending of the episode was a bit rushed and
the whole draining all magic from the world bit
was a bit of asspull, but at least we got a happy yuri ending, so it wasn't too bad.

Speaking of bad:

Magical Girl Raising Project - Ep. 12
The final fight was complet horseshit.
Ripple knows the one and only to kill Swim Swim and yet she only uses attack that she knows are useless.
Apperently she totally forgot how she was supposed to win this fight.
Somehow a single grenade was enough to kill Swim Swim this time, but the massive explosion of sounds, that created a huge crater, from last episode wasn't.
There was some stupid expostion ,but I don't feel like bitching about it right now.
Also, Snow White was still useless. She has done absolutley nothing for the entire duration of the death, except for helping a few random citizens that don't fucking matter.

It's the Akame ga Kill of magical girls but worse.
That show at least had a few likable characters, such as Bols and Chelsea, and some of the villains, such as Esdeath, were crazy enough to be entertaining.
Raising Project has neither.

There are much better Magical Girl anime out there, don't waste your time with this one.
Madoka Magica is the obvious recommandation here, but the more appropriate one would probably be Mai-HiME( the anime, not the manga).
Athough, it takes a while before bad stuff starts happening in that show, so keep that in mind before watching.
Expecting people to warmly receive stories they're thrown into the middle of, strikes me as bizzare but maybe they're just tacitly acknowledging the scale of piracy.

Well, I think it's partly acknowledging piracy and also an admittance than audiences want that one to one release schedule. While they could start translating from Chapter 1 and catch up on 90 chapters+however many the manga would generate between the start of their efforts and when they actually caught up, I don't think it's possible with the current size of Shonen Jump's staffing and translations teams (I think they even outsource translation if I recall correctly. They actually contract for help.)
None of the other pilots exhibits similar changes in behavior and the fact that it's apparently triggered by the ridiculous helmet only adds to hilarity.
It was mentioned that the altered consciousness manifests in different ways for different pilots. None as drastic as turning hot-blooded like the helmet, but the other pilots have been shown taking drastic shifts from their regular behaviors, either going berserk, overly timid, or completely cold.


Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku 12

Lots of explanations about stuff that don't really matter to our characters.
Not sure why Ripple kept doing a bunch of stuff to Swim until she remembered she had a flash grenade. I guess Mary had some extra supplies lying around that roof? That rabbit's foot seems to have healing properties if it saved Ripple. Snow White's mind reading comes in handy yet again. Ripple does all the hard work yet again. I guess that's about as good an ending one could hope for. Pity Snow White only became cool off-screen after the main story ended.

Decent overall. Some issues regarding flashbacks of doom and the main character being useless, but it delivered what it promised and was entertaining the whole way. I'd easily put it in the upper half of post-Madoka MG shows. Hopefully the future light novels are adapted later down the road.
Doggie Mafia 1

I'm assuming even folks who follow the show are lost on specifics when this aired? I don't know the significance of the mafia family, the characters (assuming they're in the present), or the importance of this arc as of right now.

I also giggled that I just came from a food porn video game that zooms in on the plate when they present it, into a show that has shots like these.
THAT'S IT! I've come up with a new recip-eeeeeeeeeeeeeenh

But who cares about food porn. When you have chairs that look like this.
God damn I would fuck that chair.

Moving on, lmao at the guy's scene where he deduces why the friend was lying. I mean the rest of the shit in his reasoning is fine, but the one particular aspect of the order of items is a bit silly. People can shuffle items around in a bag. The order is meaningless.

Also what's up with the main guy's jacket when he turns around. It fucking floats up cartoonishly. I mean more so than anybody else in here.


Neo Member
i recently watched Ano Natsu de Matteru and i liked it enough, crunchyroll recommended kokoro connect, how is it? is there another romance like ano natsu worth checking out on crunchyroll?
i recently watched Ano Natsu de Matteru and i liked it enough, crunchyroll recommended kokoro connect, how is it? is there another romance like ano natsu worth checking out on crunchyroll?

Kokoro Connect is more dramatic, but I like it too. Primarily because best girl is my favorite girl in any anime, and
she wins
. Might give that a watch again at some point.
Doggie Mafia Part II: The betrayal of the tennis ball

That OP was nice visually, but the song was trash. Way to ruin the atmosphere. 91 Days has you beat.

I like the kids. Seems a fairly solid idea in hyper violent mafia media to have a character have a soft spot for kids. Show their nice side.

Ango is fairly meh. Not as good as FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANGO. As we continue in the storyline of the mysterious organization and the betrayal of a family member, I'm still fairly lost as to what the significance of any of this is, but I'm watching it for the moment to moment scenes I guess. I wasn't expecting to understand anything by jumping into a prequel arc.

The bandages dude seems ruthless, but so much of the depth is ruined with the need to make him do cat faces and tickle his friends. I know anime needs to remind me it's anime, but you can show a gleeful childlike side without rosy cheeks and anime faces.

Who the hell sees a fucking ominous ball and picks it up without a second thought. You fucking idiot. Are we sure he isn't a biologist in a sci fi space movie that sees a new alien species and decides to try and touch it?

There was nothing visually I particularly liked this episode. No food or furniture to share.
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