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Autumn Anime 2016 |OT| The seasons change, but we're still Falling for Euri

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Subete no aware
Hmm, might give either of those a try then.
I can't remember if they were good or not, since I read them years ago (Rumi was part of the ill-fated Jmanga initiative that died), but it's basically what you expect from when you read "geek girl dates normal guy" as a log line. I remember them being fun, like Genshiken Nidaime before it turned into the Madarame show, at the very least.


I had finally watched Avatar last month, and Woofington had mentioned this was a good thread to ask about recommendations. Shows or movies are cool

I'm mainly interested in stuff with more realistic "grounded" art (although I have enjoyed Afro Samurai). Basically more like this
I know this is a few days late but hello and welcome!

I think it might be helpful if you could give some parameters for the kind of shows/works you enjoy to help narrow down a list of recommendations.

For the most part I don't think you're going to find many works with the exact visual characteristics that you're requesting. Those kinds of detailed, realistic character designs aren't particularly suited to animation and require an insane amount of work to animate well.

Which isn't to say that I couldn't recommend a few dozen works with those kind of visuals - its just that you will be limiting yourself to a fairly small pool.


Shuumatsu no Izetta 3

I do wish there was more surprises from this show. What happens is executed decently, but there's nothing to make you go "whoa" or "cool". Everything just plays out from the natural conclusion when one side in a war gets a super soldier witch on their side. Fine continues to be a good speaker, and Izetta is relying more on telekinesis, which doesn't seem to be as straining on her as the ice magic.

Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku 3

Props to Winterprison (amazing name by the way) and Ripple for doing some research and finding out the whole dying thing before anyone else kicks the bucket. Props to Ruler for doing what she can to take care of her team. Tama is probably going to bite it next, but at least Ruler tried. Top Speed is great in general. I really want to know what Magicaloid's deal is. Snow White is already losing it. And now we have impetus for fights, to steal candy. What would happen if the bottom two were tied for candy? Would neither of them die, or would both of them? In theory Snow White or whoever could boost up the person with the lowest amount and bring them equal to whoever has the second lowest.
Occultic;Nine 2

This episode was much better than the last one. Thank god they pumped the breaks and explored things more. Interestingly, they explored all of the more interesting characters (the son, the curse girl
who lives with her dead brother's ghost
, the detective, the author and the fortune teller), and shoved Yuta (the website owner) and the boob monster into the background this episode. Not sure if it's a coincidence that this was better and they in this minimally, but admittedly those two were doing more interesting things when they were on screen.

They actually did a much better job introducing characters, mysteries and plot points in this episode than the last one. I'm more interested and much more willing to keep watching at this point.

It also helps that it didn't feel like everyone was rushing through their lines as quickly as possible. I only needed to pause twice to catch newspaper headlines and comments from Myu's Nico Nico stream.
So the mystery movie for the Glasgow anime festival is Your Name.

And I pity people who can't watch Kizu in a movie theater. Can't wait to watch the second part a third time in January again.

Andrew J.


This is a very Japanese movie; the verticality of society, government bureaucracy, and Japan's place in the world post-WWII (especially with regard to America) are all omnipresent themes.

The CG on Godzilla himself is pretty good, but the mechanical CG often looks plastic and fake.
The beam's effects are all great. Shit gets fucked up real good.

The pacing feels a bit off. I know the whole point is to laugh at how long the bureaucracy takes to do anything, but it just feels like the time between action scenes is 3-5 minutes too long.

I don't know if Kayoko is a believable native English speaker to Japanese audiences, but she sure as shit isn't here in America!

Pretty sure that one shot of the missile cruiser is stock footage from the Persian Gulf War or something.

All in all I had a good time, and can confidently recommend it to everyone here, even though it's not-

*sees duckroll's hand hovering over the ban button*

I mean, it's perfect. 10/10. AOTY.


The Great Passage 1

This was the show out of the fall season I was most looking forward to, and the first episode has certainly justified my hype. Perhaps the best overall animation of any show this season - lots of consistent attention to detailed character movement in every scene. The direction is strong, and more inventive than I expected from Kuroyanagi with lots of interesting shots and use of visual symbolism in the midst of a realistic setting. The material itself is unusual not just for anime but for live action as well - what's the last TV show or movie you watched about making a dictionary? The main characters introduced in this opening episode are interesting in grounded ways, particularly the scruffy, bookish salesman who gets recruited to this dictionary project. If the quality keeps up, this could end up being the 2016 TV anime that surpasses Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu - which would be appropriate, since the original character designs here are from Rakugo Shinjuu's mangaka!

I'll have to admit, I only picked this great show up because of this praise, so thanks!
Hi all, just want to introduce myself quick. I'm hoping to have the time to really join the anime community on here. I'm in a few other communities, but I'd like to find one a little more critical than say, The IGN Anime Club, or Anime Fever, where it's mostly "Like for Fairy Tale Boobs" Laugh for "Hinata's Boobs."

I run an anime review website with my Wife, been married almost a full year now. When we started dating she got me into watching seasonal anime. I generally like everything from Showa, Joker Game, to Keijo, Netoge. I enjoy a wide range of genres, but I do always feel like there's a right and wrong way to go about the execution.

This season my Wife and I (we almost always watch anime together) tried something like 35+ of the anime, and now've narrowed it down to like 20 shows (including shorts.) So we tend to watch a lot every season, partly because we run the aforementioned review website and also because we just really love anime.
Hello and welcome!

hit the time rewind spell





I'll admit I'm no Japanese expert, but it's my understanding that much of this is a cultural thing; in Japanese it is much more common to address someone else by their name than in English, where it usually only happens when someone is calling out for a lost loved one as in the Lost example you reference and "Jason" from Heavy Rain.

I'll have to admit, I only picked this great show up because of this praise, so thanks!

You're welcome! I was interested in Great Passage from its initial announcement, but when Kuroyanagi and Aoyama were announced as its staff I became quite hopeful about it, and the first episode ended up surpassing my already high expectations.


3-gatsu no Lion
I really like the relationship between Rei and Akari, she basically saved him from destruction and became the first person to care for him through most of his life. It is surprising how quickly they'd just accept someone off the street but Rei does seem to help the sisters cope with the loss of their parents. The show is still oozing in that good SHAFTness, it's probably my favourite visual style this season. The use of colour alone is so satisfying.

Occultic;Nine 2
What I realised this episode is that if this was written by Uchikoshi I'd probably enjoy it quite a bit. It seems to be going for a similar pseudoscience/supernatural mystery as much of his work does but the big difference is when Uchikoshi would dive into pseudoscience with stuff like Ice9 and morphogenetic fields, you could feel his personal interest in the topics come through in the writing and that made it entertaining. With Occultic;Nine, the supernatural elements seem to be present for purely cryptic purposes and it stops them from being interesting for the viewer. It's two episodes in and the show has yet to give a good reason why the audience should be interested in the Occult.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Chitose is pretty good but Kansai is best girl.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Diamond is Unbreakable - 29

"Let me kill da ho" - JoJo's random use of English always fascinates me and leaves me in tears. Great use of Crazy Diamond through out the episode, absolutely loved the last bit with how Josuke got even.

Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah

I always like how in this film they revive Godzilla and after he obliterates King Ghidorah they realise it might not have been the best idea to make him twice as powerful as he decides to screw everything up.
www.working.com/exclamationpoint 3

As of right now there are only two girls in the cast I'm genuinely liking, the rest are just ok as of right now. The male cast is exponentially better but it's such unfortunate the blonde dude is such a downgrade compared to his kid version. All he does is cry in the restaurant, that shit got old really fast. And the sadistic petty rich girl who treats him like shit because she's in love with him but he doesn't want anything with her, that gag got tired after the second episode and if this is ANYTHING like Working, it won't stop for 3 seasons.

Higashida is a much better main character though. This episode finally introduced the two girls who appear in the credits. Both are actually fairly fun and classmates of his. The dandere girl with pony tails is my favorite of the female cast so far just because her personality quirk is just not wanting to go to school.


Gi(a)rlish Number 2

This is good stuff. Chitose is such a fun MC to watch, reminds me a lot of Momoka from Sabagebu although obviously less of a pure evil sociopath. Excited to see how everything goes completely wrong.

This show really is Shirobako: B Side.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
3-gatsu no Lion 02
I really enjoyed the first episode but this one was such a huge miss that I would probably pull it from my list for early season recommendations. This feels like a very rigid adaptation of weak source material that does not do enough in its transition between mediums. Chapter 3 was particularly weak, with its lifeless and needless monologue about the rules of professional shogi, and a completely flat depiction of a match.

I enjoy a slow pace, but the events being played out here are completely uninteresting. The main character and his surrogate family are captivating but the extended cast beyond them hit as shrill single note caricatures. These weak characters do not even get interesting story beats to justify their inclusion. The pacing problems are compounded by the needless mystery of a dark past that is regularly dangled out of reach. It makes sense for the surrogate family to still need to be explored, but the obfuscation of the main character's background creates a picture far too abstract. We are supposed to be seeing things from his perspective, but it feels like the story sets up roadblocks to the most basic information.


Tiger Mask W3

So they like to recycle names and scenes. I think the larger picture is not bad, but the fight is postponed to next episode, so this is basically an expansion of the first episode from a different angle and some build up to the next opponent.

Hoping to see more of that art they use in the OP and ED.

3-Gatsu no Lion 2

Good follow up from previous episode. Not that strong in direction obviously, but for our purposes it's sufficient. Pretty cool to see the moves during the shogi match. Nikaido's introduction yeah lol. We'll see some more of that next episode. Smith and Izza are also some colourful characters. Which leads to Akari and her secondary job as a hostess. Ties pretty neatly into the obon chapter. Some subtle hints were dropped here and I thought this part was done beautifully. Even better than in the manga.

It looks like Shaft is aiming for about 2 chapters per episode. The goofiness in the first part is better suited in the manga. As the serious parts are done well, it's definitely a keeper.

I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing more of this. Nice soundtrack already.


3-gatsu ep.2
Still love the tone of this show. The character designs are exactly the same as Honey & Clover, but I feel like the use if color here is much, much more dynamic. A little slow (which isn't always a bad thing,) but it held my attention throughout.
Welcome Valdfellgar, and enjoy your stay.

Hello and welcome!


Long Riders! - Episode 2

My Main Character Can't Possible Be This Inept.
My Long Shot Character Models Can't Possibly Be This CGI.

My wife can't stand how worthlessly idiotic the main character is (I mean, the girl has apparently NEVER seen people take their bikes on the train before.) and so she's right out of this one for the season, meaning we're keeping Trickster to watch together (It was between Bloodivores, Trickster, and Long Riders! for the last show we'd keep to watch together and eventually review.)

I'll probably stick it out though. I mean, the show is frustratingly fixated on detailing riding even down to the most basic details that near any human who has ever lived would know, but I'm having the same sort of fun as I did with Battery (My Anime Cast can't possibly be this assholeish!?) in that it's sort of a "so bad it's good" kind of thing for me.

Oh and here's the stuff we're keeping till at least the mid season, we generally keep up with about 15 full and 3-4 short-form anime till at least half way (And it's then we're usually aching to drop a couple because they either got bad or never lived up to their promise):
Izetta: The Last Witch
Magical Girl Raising Project
Monster Hunter Stories: Ride On
Gundam IBO S2
Gakuen Handsome (More of a her thing than me, joke feels a tad one note to me, but she's loving it!)
Scorching Ping Pong Girls
Ninja Girl & Samurai Master
Cheating Craft
To Be Hero
Yuri!!! On Ice
Flip Flappers
Kiss Him, Not me
Girlish Number
March Comes in Like a Lion
Poco's Udon World
Izetta 2 & 3

That was good. Izetta is strong. Minus some random stupid fanservice I really enjoyed the two episodes. Izetta flying with swords and lances looks awesome.

Yuri on Ice 2

Good episode Russian Yuri has a dope backpack.
somebody tell me when the ass wrestling show gets really ridiculous and I'll start watching. I guess right now I'll watch that anime Watchmen since it's a bad season for me.

Is it up on Cruncy or funi?


Aikatsu Stars 27

There really hasn't been much focus on the dresses compared to the first series. Well I don't care much for those, so I'm not complaining. But what started as a boring episode ended up being about everyone's goals. Laura's US4 is the most interesting, though the show probably won't go on long enough for that to be relevant. S4 and M4 haven't interacted much, so it was nice to have Subaru speak with Hime. Alas, he can't get the info he wants. The new song was just okay, but the stage was great.


Majin Bone 2-4

I'm enjoying it enough I guess, but I don't really have anything in particular to say about it. Antonio can be funny but he also wears out his welcome in a lot of scenes and becomes annoying if he isn't annoying at the start.

Oh, also I kept reading "The Bone has a will of its own" in Butthead's voice in my head.


Izetta ep.3
My goodness Izetta tore those fuckers to pieces. That was all pretty damn awesome, and tgat ending with all the soldiers was great! Excellent episode that remaibed visually stunning with great action, characters and story.
Majin Bone 2-4

I'm enjoying it enough I guess, but I don't really have anything in particular to say about it. Antonio can be funny but he also wears out his welcome in a lot of scenes and becomes annoying if he isn't annoying at the start.

Oh, also I kept reading "The Bone has a will of its own" in Butthead's voice in my head.

The show starts coming into its own once the villains start to have their identities established. Which isn't too far off in your regard. Right now the show's basically just getting all the set-up out of the way in regards to how Bones work and who the main characters are.


I know that Daisuki's video player used to be bad before, but now it's watchable and very accessible. I don't really use Funimation, so I wondering what's the problem with them at the moment?
I know that Daisuki's video player used to be bad before, but now it's watchable and very accessible. I don't really use Funimation, so I wondering what's the problem with them at the moment?

Funi's player outputs darker then the original animation, this makes already dark scenes almost impossible to watch.


Having tests and assignments every other day this semester is really fucking with me :(
I'm already 3 weeks behind this whole season, and still haven't finished stuff from last season. I'm gonna have to put mob psycho, soma, 91 days, and Alderamin in the same backlog as Rakugo T_T

Anywho, I finished off another summer anime:

Handa-kun [END]
It was honestly not bad. The payoff at the end felt kinda anti-climactic, and it definitely got a bit boring in places. This wasn't helped by the art style or colour palette, which were probably the most uninspired things in the show.

The first half of the series wasn't really all that funny, but the second half turned this around by having a few really good setups and punchlines. Honestly, the second half was a pretty good time. That being said, I'm not sure i'd recommend it to someone. Its not bad, and you can do significantly worse, but it wasn't great as a comedy. There's a lot of other comedies like it that are much better and you should probably watch those first.

overall: not bad.

Funi's player outputs darker then the original animation, this makes already dark scenes almost impossible to watch.

is this also true about their app player? because I haven't had any issues like that when using their Windows store app.


Aniplex of America is offering the Persona 5 anime special as an import BD. Yes, just that one episode. Apparently there's some bonus material, though it's probably not subtitled.
Kuromukuro is really good. Okamura needs to direct more shows like this instead of 7 Deadly Sexual Predators.

I dunno that I think anything is terribly bad about 7 Deadly Sins, although I do agree I greatly prefer Kuromukuro.

Kuromukuro - Episode 19

Oh looks like this is the "answers" episode. Wait, nope. This is the "there will be answers SOON" episode. Lololol. Trolled.

If I hadn't seen your post I would've assumed the same lol. If anything it just sets up een more questions that scream for immediate answers lol.

Kuromukuro - Episode 20

Okay, looks like this is the "answers" episode! That's interesting. This kinda reminds me of Majestic Prince a little. I'm sure there's more to that backstory. Looks like shit is REALLY happening now. For a race of aliens with Wolverine healing factors and super advanced mecha tech, they seem really incompetent though.... Whatever, Kennosuke rocks!!!

I didn't find anything terribly incompetent myself.
I guess as far as Yukina getting free roam of the ship it more has to do with how small this scouting party is, and I guess the general belief that they wouldn't be encountering any serious trouble during this mission
(I get the impression these things normally go smoother for them.)

I have been a little disappointed how the show sort of seemed to mostly shift attention to Kennosuke till this episode.
I was really happy that Yukina didn't just sit around waiting to be saved and heck even learned some stuff as she futzed her way around the ship.

Kuromukuro - Episode 21

Damn, shit got real. Some of the fights were really, really nice.

I thought this was an amazing episode. My Wife and I were only going to watch two tonight but after the last one we can to continue on, and then this one just made us have to binge even further.
I love how everything actually goes to shit here rather than keeping the status quo.

Kuromukuro - Episode 22

I like how at this point when the show is revealing everything, it turns out that certain assumptions I made earlier in the show aren't really accurate. For a series that is pretty tropey, I think that the narrative and setting is surprisingly layered. It doesn't really do anything particularly shocking or surprising, but the hows and whys, and things that do happen, tend to not end up as predictable as they seem. I feel really bad for a lot of the characters now. :(

Yeah that's something it's really good at.
Seeing some of the flashbacks and the way they actually played out was not at all how I'd envisioned and was dripping with personality.
I generally agree Kuromukuro isn't super original, but it's execution is where the genius lies. I think the pacing is incredible too, how easy it is to get sucked up and just keep watching and watching, very Netflix in that regard.

Funi's player outputs darker then the original animation, this makes already dark scenes almost impossible to watch.

Is that still true? I haven't noticed it being nearly as bad as late, I could've sworn it's improved, or maybe I've just got Stockholm syndrome at this point. I think they're rolling out a new, completely revamped player and apps though soon aren't they? I know they already released a new app, but I read something about further upgrades and improvements?


Magical Girl Raising Project ep.3
Oh man, they are going to try and
kill Snow White
next week already! That rule change is some serious BS to specifically benefit Ruler and Calamity Mary more than anyone. Next week should get pretty nasty between all the magical girls and especially our poor Snow White..

"That's just how it is, pon"

Fuck you, you little evil piece of shit!


March Comes in Like a Lion 2

The execution in this episode was definitely a step down from the premiere.

What I remember most from the first episode was Rei's commute to the shogi hall. That train ride was almost entirely free of internal monologue, using lighting, the motion of the train, and ambient noise to communicate the emotional turmoil he was going through. Throughout that episode, water was used as a visual motif to further project the character's emotions onto the world around him. We don't need to hear what he's feeling, because we can see it.

This episode took the opposite approach. Aside from a small handful of Shaftian embellishments on the visual comedy, everything gets played very straight. Instead of the mood being set by the environment and direction, it's established by an overbearing internal monologue that undercuts any effort at visual storytelling. Obviously visual metaphors get explained to the point that they become totally redundant.

If they're going to forget this adaptation is an anime, I may as well read the manga instead. Maybe they'll remember.
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