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Autumn Anime 2016 |OT| The seasons change, but we're still Falling for Euri

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If production committees were in the habit of pulling aired episodes because they were bad, a lot more episodes would be getting pulled.

Also, I'll point out that producers are involved in the planning of an anime, including its scriptwriting, so if the publisher's producer objected to the pacing of the adaptation they would have ample opportunity to say so before animation even began.


I'm surprised people are defending Occult as a good adaptation. Maybe a good show (haven't seen it myself) but as far as adapting the source material goes surely throwing a third of the series' entire run in just the first episode counts as bad adapting? It obviously put a lot of people off.


Gundam IBO S2-4

Still mediocre as can be. This show is crying out desperately for a credible villain.

Tiger Mask 4

Legit episode. I can only imagine the money NJPW is pumping into this is really helping Toei, since this is part of their big push to get more kids into wrestling.
Amusing to see little touches of reality too like wrestlers being concerned about their place on a card.

Great Passage 2

10 years! Jesus.
Lol thank god the younger editor dude has an attitude of "eh fuck it, it's just a job" because the older editor is ludicrously passionate about dictionaries.

Digimon Appli monsters 3

lots of cool little game references. Roleplaymon's dumb little backstory had me in stitches. Digimon designs and personalities continue to be stellar.
So what's the scandal? Maybe the original author didn't know what a fuck up it was going to be until it aired?!

You'd think he'd be pretty involved with the ongoing production though. Or maybe it's one of those cases where he was kind of hands off and got hit with the reality of how much they cut. I wonder if we'all ever know exactly what's going on.


No Episode 28 is when "New to Dragon Ball Super" material starts with the Universe 6 Tournament arc. The previous arcs aren't straight recaps because they did change somethings around (plot points and characters) but the endings are similar enough to the movies that you don't need to watch them.

There's also the issue that some of those changes added to those arcs don't really stick. They messed up with the Pillaf gang's scenes in Battle of Gods, but the Black arc picks up right from where they ended Battle of Gods, not from Super's version of the story, and they don't even attempt to give any transition. They're just there suddenly living with Bulma. There was also a big Gohan subplot added to RoF that was completely forgotten by the time the Black arc started.
You'd think he'd be pretty involved with the ongoing production though. Or maybe it's one of those cases where he was kind of hands off and got hit with the reality of how much they cut. I wonder if we'all ever know exactly what's going on.

The original author, Chiyomaru Shikura, wrote the OP and ED songs for the anime and has been involved in many, many anime as the head of MAGES. His company is credited for series composition. I find it highly implausible that he was not aware of how the anime intended to handle the adaptation pacing.


Dragon Ball Super 63

Finally Vegeta.

Now Trunks is degraded to glueing the urn.

The preview confirms the
potara fusion of Zamasu and Zamasu. So as Beerus has send Gowasu. Goku and Vegeta should also have the means again.


Sound! Euphonium S2 - Episode 03


Previous S2 Eupho review(s):
Episode 01
Episode 02

I ended up making a blog as a unified location for all these Eupho writeups (cause it's hard to keep track of 13 posts for many people), so if you want a single place to check for these posts, or an easy way to refer people to them, they're at https://thoraxes.wordpress.com/
Also a link to the neogaf post with the URLs for all 13 Season 1 episodes is here.


- Starting out the episode with breathing exercises. This is a common method to ensure that you maintain airflow properly. Basically it gives you a good point to focus your air, and makes it so that you sit up with proper posture when breathing (breathe from the diaphragm). They also help warm up your diaphragm and lung muscles. Typical breath exercises have differing durations too.

The most common one in my wind ensemble days was where you'd take a breath over a long period then exhale during a short period. So in 12 seconds, hold 12 seconds, out 6 seconds. Then gradually reverse the durations between the two. In 10, hold 10, out 8... etc. until you get to something crazy like in 2, hold 20, out 15. Basically it's a way to exercise the lungs to give you better quantity of air. Most professional musicians will have lung capacities comparable to professional athletes due to how much they use them. At one point my lungs held 7 liters of air (measured using a machine) and I could hold my breath for 3 minutes. For my size, that was quite good.

- You also get super dizzy from the more intense ones, obviously.


- In the next little cut, they're all singing a concert B-flat, which is the note that bands tunes to. The correct note is pressed on the keyboard, and the audio matches this in both the keyboard tone and voices of the band members. This is important because since not everyone has perfect pitch, it's harder for people to hear the ideal tonal center they need to strive for during tuning. Singing is a way to internalize the sound and get a good mental center on how you should sound.

Often my band conductors would have us sing our entire pieces just so we could listen to our own parts better, and know how we fit in with the ensemble. Dynamics are important in these exercises because you don't have the amplification of the instrument, so you have better awareness of your part's importance as well.


- All these next shorts cuts remind me of my own time in band camps. The practices rooms and outdoor sectionals really make me feel nostalgic. The cut of the horn girls and trumpets especially so.


- Taki sure is a slave-driver. Ten times back-to-back? That's gotta kill chops. However, it's really good that they get a sense of consistency both physically and mentally. If they can stay mentally focused the whole time, that's a huge win for the ensemble. It also gets them more in a routine with the performance, and since they keep running the whole thing, they're less likely to be nervous when they actually have to perform the pieces back-to-back. In practice it's all about the individual, but doing this kind of... well, image training, is really helpful.

- Almost can't believe Kumiko is going through with this. She's really grown.


- This dialogue is all good, however a level of detail for the viewing audience could be added by them mentioning measure numbers. I suppose by this point both Taki/Hashimoto/Satomi and ensemble members know exactly what the other is doing, where they messed up or did well, when and where. You can see the amount of respect Hashimoto commands despite coming across as a goofball just by the way the percussionists respond.

- In the cut where they show the closeup of the euphonium Kumiko is playing, you can see the make, model, and country of origin engraved into the second valve. As is common practice with most Yamaha instruments, they do say 'Made in Japan'. The animation is on point and looks fantastic too. I love how you can see the agility of Kumiko's fingers are finally able to keep up with the part she struggled with so much last season.


- Kumiko ;_; Good job!


- Hashimoto is pointing out the whole technique versus performance issue here. It's a rite of passage for all players that they get good, but to be good and then express something in your playing is a different level of performance entirely. In this case her personality is reflected in her playing, that much is obvious. Hashimoto is obviously exaggerating with how he thinks the solo should be, but is doing so to try and get her to move the most distance he can towards that ideal. Mizore is likely super embarrassed/ashamed by being singled out. Her body language explains a lot. Pointing to Reina and her "superior" attitude when playing is a good threshold to reach, though Reina's reaction was hilarious. I almost feel like Taki's more soothing but stern approach would be a better fit for fixing Mizore's problems in terms of performance. However, I don't think Mizore's performance problems are only tied to her personal skill and current level of expressive playing.

- Taki, siiiiiiick burn.


- Oh wow, Reina is super-serious about this. I knew it affected her, but the fact that she's going to confront it head-on is very interesting. If I had to guess based on the super limited interactions we've seen between the two, I don't think he's in a relationship with Satomi.

- Another good/cute reaction from Kumiko when approached by Asuka. Always funny.


- I'm with Kumiko in that I want to know why, but the fact that Asuka seems entirely stonewalled on the situation seems kinda crazy. Though, she should just flat out reject her or something.


- Oh boy, so it does have to do with Mizore. Although Asuka's answer is pretty cold here, in her position I can't really say I disagree with her choice in the matter. I do want to know what happened between Nozomi and Mizore, and how Nozomi doesn't get what's actually happening. She's making the best choice for the ensemble despite sounding like he bad guy. I also don't think Nozomi should come back mid-competition season. Asuka's tone of voice in this part is almost patronizing in a way, so I kinda don't like the way she says what she does, but at the same time, I can't disagree with her.


- I wonder how Kumiko is going to handle this. She's gotten personally stronger, but this almost seems above what she can do at the moment. Maybe she'll try to figure out a way to reconcile the two?

- You go Reina! And Hashimoto showing up and Kumiko's reaction is too good, haha.

- Ah, there it is! Taki lost his wife! ;_; This is so sad. To think that his wife's passing affected him that much that Hashimoto was super worried for him says a lot. The fact that he's almost tearing up just thinking about Taki wanting to get closer to music again and asking for his help is almost making me want to tear up. I will say the way Hashimoto messed up and let it slip, and both his and Kumiko's reactions to his slip-up were good.


- The Taki impression is good, haha.

- It's just megaton after megaton for Kumiko during this camp. She just got told some secrets that are definitely going to weigh on her. I wonder if she'll be able to keep her cool.


- Then there's this late-night convo between Natsuki and Yuuko regarding Nozomi. Natsuki seems to be somewhat clued into what's going on, but doesn't get the big picture. Asking Yuuko means she should know at least SOMETHING about Mizore, right? Kumiko's inherent fluffiness thwarted her eavesdropping. I'm legitimately laughing out loud at her poor attempt to hide.

- I'm glad even Yuuko is following up on this too. It's really nice to hear her just dish on a subject and have a normal conversation for once. I'm kind of glad she's on Mizore's side too. She's not wrong about evaluation forms either. It's funny how no matter what the language is, they all look like the same forms. Her arguments hold merit. Yuuko just seems like a cool person who really cares about her friends. The dialogue in this scene felt really natural in terms of delivery, which helped draw me into this scene more than I expected.


- Haha at Reina suggesting Shuichi. Reina's side of the argument also hold merit, and in music I can't help but agree with her more.


- This scene with Asuka at the end is great. Very beautiful stuff, and it seems like she's a person that has an easier time expressing herself through her music than with words. Perhaps that's why she always gives music her all? I could really feel the emotion in the playing and the scenery at the end.


Great episode as always, and with more of the pieces of the puzzle filled in, i'm very excited to see where all these plot threads end up. Taki and his past, Mizore, the 2nd years and past drama, Mizore/Nozomi and the Asuka/Yuuko versus Natsuki friendships, and Reina's worries about Taki are all really interesting things that have been brought up this season, among others. For only one episode, it sure is dense with complex band politics, interpersonal drama, internal struggles and trying to overcome them, and a mixture of all of the above! Quite engaging stuff, and I can't wait to see where it goes next!
I'm surprised people are defending Occult as a good adaptation. Maybe a good show (haven't seen it myself) but as far as adapting the source material goes surely throwing a third of the series' entire run in just the first episode counts as bad adapting? It obviously put a lot of people off.
I dont think the argument is that it's a good adaptation. Episode 1 was horribly fast paced. Episode 2 was better but still rushed. Episode 3 slowed things down another notch and presented some interesting elements to the overall story.

Would I rather have it be a little slower? Definitely. It's still pretty entertaining and very much watchable, specially now. I'd encourage folks that dropped it after episode 1 to (try to, since 1-2 were pulled) watch episode 2 and 3.


More Yuki Yuna is very welcome.

Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans S2 4

Julietta is Mika's evil counterpart for the season. An excellent pilot, a bit crazy, and completely devoted to one person. Lots of groups are fawning over Tekkadan right now while they're still up and coming. I suppose it's good to make them indebted to you. Tekkadan showing why you don't mess with them. I found it interesting that Kudelia blamed herself because she should've cultivated a better relationship with Gyojan. Which is somewhat true. When you're that influential you have to be careful not to make a lot of enemies.


Guess they didn't bother clearing the rights to the instrumental version of Katyusha for the Girls und Panzer movie international release either.


Damn. Ok, this thing clicked. I hate rich girl/ poor guy, but every other bit I was laughing my ass off. Higashida finally makes a bit more sense now: he's not just the straight man, he's the ultimate straight man. He hates everyone and everything around him.

English boy continues to be the best character though. I hope he continues only getting a single line an episode, since the gimmick is strong but thin.



The best mecha show in years (which may sound like faint praise considering how flaccid the genre has been recently). Very highly recommended.
I'm surprised people are defending Occult as a good adaptation. Maybe a good show (haven't seen it myself) but as far as adapting the source material goes surely throwing a third of the series' entire run in just the first episode counts as bad adapting? It obviously put a lot of people off.

A good adaptation does not stuff the first volume of three into one episode.
But they did not put all of volume into one episode, a lot of stuff was either left out or said in episode 2.


Erin does drugs #27
AKA Erin middle series crisis.


Holy moly, this episode was WEIRD. Erin goes through some weird lucid-dream INCEPTION shit out of nowhere.

The new insert song was pretty good, tho'!


What the FUCK. Why would you give it away in the preview???
I'm just hoping the voice over doesn't match the scene in this context or things between two characters suddenly got very sexy in this very tame series...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I'm surprised people are defending Occult as a good adaptation. Maybe a good show (haven't seen it myself) but as far as adapting the source material goes surely throwing a third of the series' entire run in just the first episode counts as bad adapting? It obviously put a lot of people off.
Some prominent people on Anitwittwer have gone out of their way to highlight the subtle thematic visual touches and strong visual imagery that set the show apart from other things airing this season. 1:1 adaptations from the source are not a sign of quality, and it should be bluntly obvious that the accelerated pace of the introduction was to set the anime at a critical and much more interesting point of the story. Big question will just be if they have solid episode directors lined up for the rest of the show because that seems like it has made a huge impact so far.


Myriad Colors Phantom World 8

Still filth.

Still watching it though.

Naruto Shippuden 480

Huh, this was actually surprisingly decent. Not so much in its content, (that's like third version of Naruto Hinata first meeting) but the direction and art was a good few grades above average filer.
Erin does drug #27
AKA Erin middle series crisis.

What the FUCK. Why would you give it away in the preview???

I'm just hoping the voice over doesn't match the scene in this context or things between two characters suddenly got very sexy in this very tame series...

Previews are why we can't have nice things. Thus I'm always keen on avoiding them.

Also, sexiest anime episode yet incoming,
I'm surprised people are defending Occult as a good adaptation. Maybe a good show (haven't seen it myself) but as far as adapting the source material goes surely throwing a third of the series' entire run in just the first episode counts as bad adapting? It obviously put a lot of people off.

The thing is, most anime-only watchers wouldn't even know that if not for the few novel readers who mentioned it. One of which even clarified that episode 1 began at the start of volume 1 and ended at the end of volume 1, with a lot of the information it covered being put into later episodes instead. So it's more of a case where the adaptation is structuring events differently instead of not adapting them. Whether that's a good idea or not is up in the air, but it's not technically true that they dumped all the first volume into the first episode.


The thing is, most anime-only watchers wouldn't even know that if not for the few novel readers who mentioned it. One of which even clarified that episode 1 began at the start of volume 1 and ended at the end of volume 1, with a lot of the information it covered being put into later episodes instead. So it's more of a case where the adaptation is structuring events differently instead of not adapting them. Whether that's a good idea or not is up in the air, but it's not technically true that they dumped all the first volume into the first episode.

Probably wouldn't have been able to have guessed the exact amount but I sure as hell picked up on the fact that this episode had the exact same shitty fast pacing that Inuyasha: The Final Act had for the exact same reason.
That's like telling people who complain about JRPGs to play Cold Steel 2. Sorry but franchise investment's a bitch.

I fully understand the difficulty of getting into an extended franchise, especially since the original Fafner has such a shaky start, but it is worth it! (Unlike Cold Steel 2?)


I fully understand the difficulty of getting into an extended franchise, especially since the original Fafner has such a shaky start, but it is worth it! (Unlike Cold Steel 2?)

Cold Steel 2 is turning around. After 22 hours, it seems to be transforming into the game I expected it to be from the start! :p
Well I guess I got beat to this post.

There's really been only three mecha shows in the past seven years that hasn't crashed and burned.
I can think of more then 3

GBF and GBF try
Gundam IBO S1
majectic prince
Knights of Sidonia
the rebuilds of Evangelion

And before you come and say, but these are bad, no they are not and you are wrong.
Cross Ange 4-9

I feel like the show already reached a depressing farce level with the mix of idiocy from the main characters AND the supporting cast. The nonsensical racism which turns these families in pieces of shit is off the chart. Apologize for being born, says Sylvia to her sister. You shouldn't have been born, says Hilda's mom to Hilda. And the individuals unable to use magic are the violent monsters, while the people cheer watching Ange get whipped.

Amazing isnt it?

How to have a terrible opinion in one post.

Occultic Nine is pretty great! That last episode was so good.

Before writing this did you only watch 1episode?

The first episode was so terrible I completely dismissed it. I'm already watching 6 shows on Saturday.


The first episode was so terrible I completely dismissed it. I'm already watching 6 shows on Saturday.

Maybe not that amount on a Saturday but I am watching quite a bit this season and I don't have time for shit like Occultic;Nine when there are so many other shows worth watching this season.
The first episode was so terrible I completely dismissed it. I'm already watching 6 shows on Saturday.

I called it quits when after the stereotypical flamboyant gay character miss mega-chest entered with an obnoxious childishness to her.

Chances of something worthwhile transpiring from thereon were miniscule.
Kuromukuro 1-8

Randomly started this last night when it popped up on Netflix and I'm pleasantly surprised. Didnt know it was by PA Works so thats also awesome.

The CG is pretty awful at times and I really hate the American pilot that just wants to shove things up peoples asses. However, its pretty enjoyable. Interesting story and I like the character designs. The Kennosuke / Yukina parts remind of Full Metal Panic!, especially the parts when Ken is adjusting to modern life. I liked the PA Works posters in Mikas room as well. Forgot Tari Tari existed!

Had to laugh at
the female alien knight's cleavage. Everyone is fully covered in armor head to toe except the female alien who has a little part of her chest exposed. Because otherwise how we would know shes a woman?
Oh, anime.

Myriad Colors Phantom World 8

Still filth.

Gorgeously animated filth.


So how is Majestic Prince ? It's the only show from the GoldCrusader mecha show list that i'm not familiar with at all.

Majestic Prince has awful character designs, awesome mecha designs, really good CG action and animation, average character animation, and an unoffensive but totally unnoteworthy story. There are actually a ton of similarities between Majestic Prince and Kuromukuro in terms of some parts of the setting, the backstories, and some other elements. The main difference between the two is that Kuromukuro is written by someone who clearly had ambition to tell an interesting story, while Majestic Prince feels like it was written by a team of writers who were paid to put in the bare minimum effort into delivering a "new" robot series.
Majestic Prince has fantastic character designs, awesome mecha designs, really good CG action and animation, average character animation, and an unoffensive but totally unnoteworthy story. There are actually a ton of similarities between Majestic Prince and Kuromukuro in terms of some parts of the setting, the backstories, and some other elements. The main difference between the two is that Kuromukuro is written by someone who clearly had ambition to tell an interesting story, while Majestic Prince feels like it was written by a team of writers who were paid to put in the bare minimum effort into delivering a "new" robot series.

Fixed one little detail, everything else was ok!
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