Legend of the Galactic Heroes 055
C'mon space Insurgency. C'mon space Insurgency.
C'mon space Insurgency. C'mon space Insurgency.
Izetta and Fine haven't kissed yet.
It's not. We're not talking about Casshern Sins here.
Is this like how Ghostbusters 2016 is your second or third favourite Ghostbusters movie?
Oddly enough, I didn't consider Casshern Sins a terribly depressing series. It's certainly dark, but it's about trying to find beauty and meaning in a dying world.
Now, Texhnolyze.
There's a series you want to make sure you don't have any weapons nearby when watching.
Oddly enough, I didn't consider Casshern Sins a terribly depressing series. It's certainly dark, but it's about trying to find beauty and meaning in a dying world.
Not if they're tied for the best though.That's how low numbers work. If you'd only ever watched K-On!! and Aria, one of those would be the worst anime you'd ever seen.
Not if they're tied for the best though.
But, everything is based on The Last of Us anyway.
No way a cursory glance at sakugabooru should be enough. In-fact let me see if I can train a bot on Sakugabooru content to find the best shows of a given season.It's as if watching these shows is important to forming an opinion about them.
No way a cursory glance at sakugabooru should be enough. In-fact let me see if I can train a bot on Sakugabooru content to find the best shows of a given season.
No way a cursory glance at sakugabooru should be enough. In-fact let me see if I can train a bot on Sakugabooru content to find the best shows of a given season.
Who this and what anime is it from?
Pretty sure I deleted my post on this so hopefully I am not just repeating myself, but for me Magical Girl Raising Project falls apart because it is so squarely aimed at a male audience that it just completely gives up on being a magical girl anime. From the hyper sexualized designs to the shock value explicit violence that the show revels in it winds up feeling so far removed from its source of inspiration that I just find myself wondering why that stuff is still there. In the end this is just a pretty dry show about people with super powers fighting each other, but the heavy pandering and misuse of subject matter is what's really repellent.Magical Girl Raising Project 01-04
So I'm enjoying this show somewhat, however I feel that's its on the precipice of being dropped depending on the next few episodes. Essentially Battle Royale with Magical Girls the similarities to Madoka Magica are striking from mortality being tied with magical girls to the evil little pet character. However this show is not Madoka Magica and it's painful to see that when watching it.
Madoka Magica had purpose in its world building and, yes, while it wasn't given explicitly there was always a tug or minor pull at something even more greater to come with the end of each episode. Magical Girl Raising Project on the other hand lacks in this and seems to just throw magical girls into a battle royale just for the hell of it. While this aspect isn't bad, the explicit similarities to Madoka Magica brings, imo, the overall feel of this show down.
They probably aren't looking for quality storytelling. >_>Dimension W. It's OK, but not really a standout.
How is the role of women in the series? (I'll accept above average relative to other mecha anime.) I could use a good mecha series.Maybe I'm shilling, or whatever the kids call it nowadays, but Exodus is legitimately great scifi. That's exceedingly rare nowadays in that we have few shows that even attempt to tell serious scifi and even fewer that stick the landing. I understand peoples' hatred of Hirai (I hated on him long before it was cool), and issues with the mech design/CGI. I understand all of that, more so than probably the people complaining. I was hating on S-CRY-ed and Gundam Seed character designs before the shows came out.
What I am saying is that despite those issues, and they are significant for me, the show is fucking great. Not just on the writing level, which is by itself a goddamn triumph in this industry, but on almost every level of the visual and auditory production sides. The staff actually make Hirai's designs in later seasons of the franchise actually tolerable, if not good for the most part, through a lot of work making the faces distinctive and expressive. That's a damn miracle.
As for franchise investment, duckroll you watched Seed. You can't complain to me about wasted time.
How is the role of women in the series? I could use a good mecha series.
I mostly curious because I wonder if CR/Funi licensing these shows means that the studio gives them the version with all the sponsors ripped out, or if the economy of anime means that they don't have corporate sponsors anymore.
A bit of a random question - since 95% of all anime is licensed and CR/Funi basically gets files directly from the studios now, I'm just wondering if anyone knew if the sponsor message still exists?
I was reminded of them when I watched an episode of something from 2009, when maybe half of anime was licensed and the other half was fansubbed.
I think they might appear in the ED/credits (as I've seen with Jdramas), but I'm talking about the times when they just take 5 seconds to announce sponsors either after the OP or when coming back from the mid-episode commercial break.
I mostly curious because I wonder if CR/Funi licensing these shows means that the studio gives them the version with all the sponsors ripped out, or if the economy of anime means that they don't have corporate sponsors anymore.
Maybe I'm shilling, or whatever the kids call it nowadays, but Exodus is legitimately great scifi. That's exceedingly rare nowadays in that we have few shows that even attempt to tell serious scifi and even fewer that stick the landing. I understand peoples' hatred of Hirai (I hated on him long before it was cool), and issues with the mech design/CGI. I understand all of that, more so than probably the people complaining. I was hating on S-CRY-ed and Gundam Seed character designs before the shows came out.
What I am saying is that despite those issues, and they are significant for me, the show is fucking great. Not just on the writing level, which is by itself a goddamn triumph in this industry, but on almost every level of the visual and auditory production sides. The staff actually make Hirai's designs in later seasons of the franchise actually tolerable, if not good for the most part, through a lot of work making the faces distinctive and expressive. That's a damn miracle.
As for franchise investment, duckroll you watched Seed. You can't complain to me about wasted time.
A bit of a random question - since 95% of all anime is licensed and CR/Funi basically gets files directly from the studios now, I'm just wondering if anyone knew if the sponsor message still exists?
I was reminded of them when I watched an episode of something from 2009, when maybe half of anime was licensed and the other half was fansubbed.
I think they might appear in the ED/credits (as I've seen with Jdramas), but I'm talking about the times when they just take 5 seconds to announce sponsors either after the OP or when coming back from the mid-episode commercial break.
I mostly curious because I wonder if CR/Funi licensing these shows means that the studio gives them the version with all the sponsors ripped out, or if the economy of anime means that they don't have corporate sponsors anymore.
A bit of a random question - since 95% of all anime is licensed and CR/Funi basically gets files directly from the studios now, I'm just wondering if anyone knew if the sponsor message still exists?
I was reminded of them when I watched an episode of something from 2009, when maybe half of anime was licensed and the other half was fansubbed.
I think they might appear in the ED/credits (as I've seen with Jdramas), but I'm talking about the times when they just take 5 seconds to announce sponsors either after the OP or when coming back from the mid-episode commercial break.
I mostly curious because I wonder if CR/Funi licensing these shows means that the studio gives them the version with all the sponsors ripped out, or if the economy of anime means that they don't have corporate sponsors anymore.
Dimension W. It's OK, but not really a standout.
How are the villains?
Are they just faceless unfeeling abominations and politically corrupt humans?
Dimension W is one of the most forgettable shows I have ever seen.
It's been a while since I've seen Casshern Sins, so my impressions may be faulty, but I consider it to be one of the most accurate emotional depictions of what it's like to be in the midst of chronic depression that I've seen in media. The relentless monotony, the bleak hopelessness, the continual crushing weight on your shoulders - it's all there.
I've forgotten it exist like 4 times now. Kinda hard to believe it aired this year.
Sort of both in the first season although for the humans it's not so much politics but rather different strategies that conflict with each other. The Festum in OG Fafner aren't particularly interesting and the human side isn't either. Both serve more as pressure and plot points than really being interesting on their own.
Exodus is different. The Festum sort of evolve and display more human characteristics making them actually sadistic. They start to enjoy making people suffer and there's a whole bunch of reasoning behind that which makes sense from prior events (which I won't go into for hosanna's sake). That's kind of an interesting theme in that the Festum become scarier the closer they get to becoming human. Likewise the humans are also more fleshed out and the human side is a lot more engrossing/complicated.
Okay. Interesting enough.
Is it more Real Robot or Super Robot? I look at the OP and it looks to be somewhat of a mixture of both, but I can't really tell for sure. Is it more Super Robot the same way Eva was Super Robot?
They def rip them out. Easy example - Dragon Ball Super.
You'll see them on pirate rips. Along with awful fonts that take up 40% of the screen and all the other junk that has led people to just pay for services instead....or wait for those services to get pirated!
Ah, thanks. I didn't even notice that they were missing until I watched that older anime, so they just must have been phased out in my consciousness as CR took over more and more shows.Those are still present in every Japanese TV anime broadcast that I'm aware of. Streaming services such as CR usually have a version with that segment cut out from the video. Occasionally streams will have the chosen still with music playing but the sponsor names and spoken message cut out.
Dimension W is one of the most forgettable shows I have ever seen.
It's definitely more Super Robot than Eva. It's one of the franchises that treats Super Robots like real robots, somewhat similar to FMP I guess. That kinda changes later on as the show shifts even more to a Super Robot slant though.
Studio 3Hz is a complete DISGRACE. There's npt enough SHAME gifs on their asses.
Flip Flappers isn't that bad. Why would you even blame them for what went wrong with the show?Studio 3Hz is a complete DISGRACE.
You'll see them on pirate rips. Along with awful fonts that take up 40% of the screen and all the other junk that has led people to just pay for services instead....or wait for those services to get pirated!
Due to production delays, episode 4 of the Strike Witches spinoff Brave Witches will be delayed by one week. The episode was originally slated to be broadcast on October 27 in Japan, but has been bumped to November 3.