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Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Hype Check - Where's the hype?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Seriously guys, the next big Ubisoft game, which had a very promising reveal, is coming out in 5 days. No launch trailers, we don't even know when the review embargo is. None of the reviewing outlets or reviewers are talking about it on social media.

What's the hype gauge like on GAF? Are you getting the game at launch or sitting it out?

Did the GTA announcement kill any excitement for this ?


I have to admit I wasn't really following anything related to Avatar 2 movie but didn't something similar happen to it as well? Not a lot of hype in my bubble, not a lot of discourse even after came out and then, boom, it became top3 all time grossing movie worldwide.

I think it will be popular no matter what.


I’m interested in getting it to play coop with a friend at some time. I don’t like the characters and world of Far Cry 6 but I’m interested in something similar to play with my friend. I hope this will exceed the Far Cry games and provide me with that Far Cry-like coop experience. I wouldn’t say I’m hyped though I’m hoping that it turns out good and I’m interested in how it technically performs on the consoles.


Gold Member
Don’t care about the Avatar universe. Don’t want to play a blue alien. I am much more interested in Massive working on their own original IP again. Division 3 can’t come soon enough.


Gold Member
I Dont Care Shrug GIF by Puss In Boots

Not that big on the movies (first one was okay, second one threatened to put me to sleep) and nothing I saw of the game’s previews interested me, so at least for me, I’ll:

Ego Nwodim No GIF by Saturday Night Live
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Mr Hyde

Zero hype. It looks nice graphically and will probably be fun to play but I'm not really interested in the Avatar -universe. Might pick it up on a sale, but I'd rather just play Far Cry. Felt indifferent to the first game as well.
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To be fair, it looks good.

But it obviously being a Far Cry skinover isn’t exactly the best idea given how stale that franchise has become. Releasing a year after the last movie hasn’t helped either.

Plus, would have probably ended up better had they opted to change this to third person over first.

But hey, i’ll give it a go anyway.
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Gold Member
To be fair, it looks good.

But it obviously being a Far Cry skinover isn’t exactly the best idea given how stale that franchise has become. Releasing a year after the last movie hasn’t helped either.

Plus, would have probably ended up better had they opted to change this to third person over first.

But hey, i’ll give it a go anyway.

It's developed by The Division team on the Snowdrop engine. It's not the FarCry team.


Gold Member
I haven't bought an Ubisoft game for years because of "I hate this company" reasons

I was GOING to break that rule for Avatar.... because fuck it I like Avatar but then...

so no fuck that, they are Ubisoft and this game will be chock full of "ubisoft" shit, it will be less a game and more a platform for an ingame store to sell you things.


it's on the co-op list, since no one else wants to make decent co-op games we'll take avatar.

still don't know if it's goods co-op or poopy elastic band far cry co-op
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The only hype this game generates for me is the hype for the new Ubisoft scandal. I don't know what could be worse than the in-game ads in the latest Assassin's Creed, but I'm sure Ubisoft will somehow top that.


I just feel like it's going to be a mediocre far cry reskin. I very much hope it turns out to be good but I'm not super optimistic.

The Avatar IP does nothing for me so that's not helpful.
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Where are those 3 remaining Avatar fans from this forum?

I am personally looking forward to it way more than gta6 because i didnt touch far cry in a long time and i remember liking it.
Despite that i am still going to play it through ubisoft+ and wait for steam release to buy it.
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Reason for me atleast is the gameplay. Remember when people were adamant about Far Cry needing change? Started a teeny tiny bit with FC4, got much louder with FC5 and then reached max volume with FC6, and rightfully so.

Reason why I'm bringing up Far Cry is because this game looks like Far Cry with blue people. 3 years after Far Cry 6 no less. That is just terribly, terribly boring to me. I like Ubisoft, but even I can't defend this. The only impressive things I've seen are the jungles and the music. With Ubisoft+ I could get if for 15 bucks and still I have 0 interest.

They also aren't marketing this at all and imo it doesn't even look like the big graphics powerhouse it was kind of expected to be.

It also releases in the same week where we get the GTA 6 trailer and the game awards, it'll receive 0 attention.
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I got my eye on it, but if you just wait a bit, pretty much all Ubi games either go on deep sale or end up on Gamepass not too long after release.
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Magic Carpet

Gold Member
I will be getting Avatar but I'm not jumping up and down in anticipation.
Last buy of 2023.
Just waiting for the DF PC or Console results.


Too much in my backlog to get to this right now, but I'll pick it up later at discount.
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King Dazzar

I love FarCry so I'm just hoping its similar to that. But as with all Ubisoft stuff. Approach with caution. Waiting for reviews, user feedback and performance analysis.
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I'm not ready to dismiss it simply because it's Ubisoft. I like a lot of their games. I do think the footage I've seen looks great. The thought of essentially a Far Cry Primal/Sci-Fi game especially one that is co-op really has me excited. But I also have so much great stuff to get through, and being that it's a Ubisoft game...It'll go on a pretty aggressive sale at least 1 or 2 months after release and if I have time and it's apparent what it is... I will so be down.
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