We have been talking about this in the MCU community thread but I thought it was worth of its own thread.
It should be noted that this is all a rumour until confirmed by Marvel (likely not until the films are out), but the source has been correct on just about everything he chooses to leak regarding Marvel Studios for the last few years. For that reason, these are potentially huge spoilers. If you do not want to potentially know major spoilers for Avengers Age of Ultron and Ant Man turn back now.
One last time, potential spoilers from here for Avengers 2, Captain America 2, and Ant Man. This also definitely spoils Iron Man 3, for those who haven't seen it yet.
Ok, so the entire story has been assembled in an article here:
The original source is Roger Wardell's Twitter account, which again, has been about 95% reliable in the past. When it's wrong it is typically due to script rewrites. But take that grain of salt if you wish.
For those who do not want to click over and read the article's analysis, here are the choice tweets:
Sep. 28th
Oct. 22nd
Dec. 4th
So there it all is. The article also points out that it does track with some other rumours (such as some casting ones) that have been swirling. It also tracks with what we know about the Ant Man script.
What do you guys think, provided it's all true?
It should be noted that this is all a rumour until confirmed by Marvel (likely not until the films are out), but the source has been correct on just about everything he chooses to leak regarding Marvel Studios for the last few years. For that reason, these are potentially huge spoilers. If you do not want to potentially know major spoilers for Avengers Age of Ultron and Ant Man turn back now.
One last time, potential spoilers from here for Avengers 2, Captain America 2, and Ant Man. This also definitely spoils Iron Man 3, for those who haven't seen it yet.
Ok, so the entire story has been assembled in an article here:
The original source is Roger Wardell's Twitter account, which again, has been about 95% reliable in the past. When it's wrong it is typically due to script rewrites. But take that grain of salt if you wish.
For those who do not want to click over and read the article's analysis, here are the choice tweets:
Sep. 28th
There was more to The Mandarin than meets the eye A lot of deception
Oct. 22nd
Ultron has been around for a while as an AI but he will come out of nowhere and rule the world.
The Ant-Man film will be set in the past so the story would focus on Hank Pym and if JGL is cast he will portray Scott Lang.
Like Ben Kingsley, Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce) will show up again in a future Marvel project.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier is going to be the biggest movie of Phase 2!
We were deceived by the story told in Iron Man 3. Stark was deceived as well, thats why he told the story.
Dec. 4th
The Mandarin in the MCU is an elevated past physical being, as it sort of is a technodemon, a biological AI
Extremis has more to it then just being like a super soldier serum. The technological part in Extremis is the brain..
The AI (Mandarin) controls the Extremis soldiers in order to try and mold one of them into the actual Mandarin
While doing this the power of the AI (Mandarin) can become too much for some (Aldrich Killian)
Killians superego really was starting to convince himself that he was the master of the mandarin persona
While Trevor was embracing it and becoming it
In the end The Mandarin will stay an AI, but Trevors mind and body will become the technodemon mandarin persona.
The one shot that Kingsley is referring to will reveal that the Mandarin is an AI.
It is also a GREAT possibility that Kingsley will show up in Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Speaking of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, it will be revealed there that AIM is secretly working under Hydra.
Although The Mandarin is an AI he cannot control Tech. This is where Ultron comes in
The Mandarin uses Ultron to control the Tech that he needs. Some can almost say that Ultron will be The Mandarins JARVIS for now
You dont need a Pym to create an Ultron. See the play on words?
Pym creates the software (Ultron). Pyms software gets sold to hydra, etc.
While Ultron evolves and learns to control time, he aligns himself with Mandarin, and once he gains free will, hes timeless
and then starts to travel through time.
The Mandarin will essentially take over the world with the help of Ultron who then over throws Mandarin and creates his age.
At some point Ultron gets the time gem and Avengers 2 is sort of like a big timeloop that would keep repeating.
We find out its Pym who breaks that timeloop in the Ant-Man movie.
Some parts of Ant-Man will take place DURING Age of Ultron.
Ultron uses Pyms tech and traps Pym in a timeloop BEFORE he ever creates the Ultron software.
Ultron creates a timeloop of him getting vibranium and Stark building him his body.
Since there is a timeloop of that, he has unlimited vibranium/bodies and uses those to take over the world.
As long as those timeloops remain, the world will be his, as he can keep experiencing it.
In Ant-Man, Yellow Jacket/Pym stops him. Its different though. Its not the original Pym.
Since he was trapped in a time loop. This Pym was rescued by The Collector.
Yellow Jacket doesnt know who he is, or who ultron is, because this Pym never created him.
But he ends up finding out about Thanos, and what Ultron has done and eventually
He is able to end the timeloops that was supplying Ultron the vibranium, thus giving our heroes in Avengers 2 a chance to defeat him.
It may appear that The Vision/Stark/Avengers stopped him, but it was really Pym who gave the opportunity.
The Ant-Man movie will tell Ultrons origin and the villains will be Whirlwind and Equinox.
So there it all is. The article also points out that it does track with some other rumours (such as some casting ones) that have been swirling. It also tracks with what we know about the Ant Man script.
What do you guys think, provided it's all true?