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Avengers: Age of Ultron | Production Thread

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Ant-Man being the bookend to Phase 2 could be a good thing? It has the potential to set up a lot of long-term stuff, and to be a nice breather between the heavy Age of Ultron and the heavy Civil War

But knowing audience tastes (and my own), we're all going to walk out of AoU going "I need to see what happens next!" and Ant-Man won't be what happens next and it's going to suffer in our eyes because of that. Time will heal all wounds though, and if the quality is high it'll become more respected with time

Just on release, everyone will wish it was Civil War instead


Ant-Man being the bookend to Phase 2 could be a good thing? It has the potential to set up a lot of long-term stuff, and to be a nice breather between the heavy Age of Ultron and the heavy Civil War

But knowing audience tastes (and my own), we're all going to walk out of AoU going "I need to see what happens next!" and Ant-Man won't be what happens next and it's going to suffer in our eyes because of that. Time will heal all wounds though, and if the quality is high it'll become more respected with time

Just on release, everyone will wish it was Civil War instead

I agree it could be a good break film. It'll also probably be heavily linked to AoU and be an essential film in that regard.
Ew beer in cinemas is so disgusting, the smell is so obnoxious for everyone else.
Really? Jesus I'm not sure what kind of beer you drink but it sure as Hell doesn't stink out an entire room. Also, all of the finest cinemas that I'm aware of serve alcohol, especially on special releases or multiple features. It's the 'obnoxious' part which I don't get.

Thanks! That scene is so good! I wonder what Tony means by telling Cap "he'd like to see the team pulled apart" (if I'm hearing it right). Also confirms Scarlet Witch does something to everyone's head and Tony "does something stupid".
I'm guessing it's what we've seen from the trailer but I'd assume
Wanda makes them all see something akin to a potential future. Stark sees Hulk destroying shit and so in the 'real world' he attacks using Hulkbuster. Thor sees something alluding to Ragnarok and fucks off to see Heimdall and Loki and I'm not sure about the rest, they've laboured on Natasha's past quite a bit.

I love Elba as Heimdall. One of my favorite things about Thor 2 is that we got more of Elba in the role.
Yeah, he got some great scenes in TDW and I'd love to see more of him in Ragnarok.
Ant-Man really does need to be on point. Yeah, it's a breather, but if AoU hits all the right notes the first Avengers film did and then some, expectations are going to be through the ROOF


Ant-Man really does need to be on point. Yeah, it's a breather, but if AoU hits all the right notes the first Avengers film did and then some, expectations are going to be through the ROOF
Nah, it does not.

Pym's involvement in AoU was removed, it can be its own fun little adventure.


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Don't know if this has been posted:


Q: How much dialogue might Hulk have in the film? Cause in the first movie he has two amazing lines. 'I’m always angry' and 'Puny God.' Does he have anything like that in the sequel? Any one-liners?

Ruffalo: We’re sort of still working that out. He will. We're just kind of trying to it figure out. There’s a couple of different places to do it, but he’s not going have a soliloquy. Not yet anyway. Joss has a couple of ideas of where to put things in.

Q: Has he told you the lines yet?

Ruffalo: No. That’s the thing, I kinda of know where we’re headed with it, but he hasn’t given me the line yet.

I sure hope Hulk has more lines of dialogue, especially if
Hulk gets shot into space and meet the Guardians of the Galaxy.


Give me some Gravage Hulk please. That's basically his persona in the original Avengers comics anyways, not the popular Savage personality.


Complete sentences please with a streak of arrogance and a lot of anger.
Give me some Gravage Hulk please. That's basically his persona in the original Avengers comics anyways, not the popular Savage personality.


Complete sentences please with a streak of arrogance and a lot of anger.

God, old Iron Man will never stop looking funny to me.
Nah, it does not.

Pym's involvement in AoU was removed, it can be its own fun little adventure.

Pym may not be in AoU, but surely the aftermath of AoU will be what starting AntMan movie. I mean, Pym will probably realize that Ultron is based on his old scrapped project and is why he decide to act now even though avengers have been active for some time now.


Why do they call him "Gravage Hulk?" is it based on a writer's name or something?

"Gray" + "Savage" = "Gravage". The original, original Hulk was gray and was actually intelligent and a bit of a cocky asshole. However, he was weaker than all future incarnations of the Hulk to follow.

Savage Hulk was the popular Hulk of pop-culture fame. "Angrier Hulk gets the stronger Hulk gets" and so on. He was green in color. He was also basically a child. Or like in the tv show and every movie thereafter, he rarely ever talked - only smash. Hence why he was nicknamed the "Savage" persona.

Gravage Hulk is a merger of "intelligent, cocky Hulk" and the strong Savage Hulk character (along with his green color). This is the guy you see in the first Avengers comics or in the Avengers cartoon from a few years ago before it got Loeb'd.


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New interview with Joss Whedon:

Did you have to send a scolding "Tsk, tsk" email to Mr. Elba?
Um, should he receive an email from me, there might be an attitude of scold.

I'm sure Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige was in touch …
Yeah, when you have a cast of 19,000 people, inevitably, once every month, you pick up [a story] and you're like, "Awww."

People on the inside who have read the Avengers: Age of Ultron script have told me it's bananas, in the best way. How is the experience for you at this point?
Well, at this point, I'm still trying to connect those bananas and turn them into a bunch. Yeah, I don't think that banana metaphor is going to go very far [laughs], but it's really fun, honestly. Even while I'm looking at ways in which I messed up, it's fun taking everything and connecting it, finding a way to make something more emotional or funnier or cooler, so I love the work.

You were at the event where Marvel announced its slate of movies through 2019. Is it a little daunting to see things planned out that far in advance?
You know, it is a little daunting, and you sort of go, [mock-whiny] "What about my movie? I haven't even been born and you already like my younger siblings better?" But at the same time it's exhilarating. It's really fun to see where Kevin's taking it and to see the workings of that mind. I think it was a very canny and very human move, I really like the slate.

Do you ever look at the fan reactions and speculation?
Sometimes. Sometimes it's depressing, sometimes it's enlightening. Every now and then, you definitely learn something from some random person on the internet who sees your work in a way you didn't, who sees truth in it, that's worth it.

Mark Ruffalo says he has no idea how many of those movies he's supposed to be in. Do you know?
No, I don't. Because these plans become mutable. "These guys have these rights, oh, now we have these rights. Oh, this guy is now not available." Again, you're dealing with so many moving parts and so many factors, you just can't really predict much.

So it looks like Idris Elba's telling the truth.


The fact that Heimdall and Loki are in this increased my anticipation! I'm imaging it has to be some kind of foreshadowing.

Maybe Thor returns to Asgard seeking a device to stop Ultron-like the Aether?

Also if Loki is in this-won't Anthony Hopkins have to be in it as well?


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I'm guessing Scarlet Witch reveals to Thor that Loki is alive and king, he returns to Asgard to kick his ass, foreshadowing Ragnarok.

Also if Loki is in this-won't Anthony Hopkins have to be in it as well?

He's probably contractually obligated. He looked bored as hell in Thor: The Dark World.


Ant-Man really does need to be on point. Yeah, it's a breather, but if AoU hits all the right notes the first Avengers film did and then some, expectations are going to be through the ROOF

Guardians had nothing to do with what's going on with the Avengers...yet. Ant Man will be fine solo...unless it puts the whole Phase 2 in full circle.


I hope that when he goes toe to toe with the Hulkbuster Armor he shouts "HULK IS NOT AFRAID...HULK IS STRONGEST ONE THERE IS!!!"

I'd prefer if it they didn't reduce Hulk to speaking only in catchphrases. I'd rather not have him talk at all if they're gonna go that route. They put an actor in there; let him act.
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