Waiting for this scene in A3:
What happened here? After House of M?
Just finished watching both Captain America movies for the first time and wow were I caught by surprise by that end credit scene. So Quick Silver and Scarlett Witch serve the same purpose for those people as Shield and Hydra? I'm not sure I follow.
The lack of Cheadle in any of the promotional posters so far is disappointing. At this point I am wondering if he even gets to suit up and take a crack at some Ultron drones. And Falcon hasn't even been mentioned. I hope it is just racism on the part of the marketing team as the alternative is a way bigger bummer.
Yeah, after House of M. Carol comes across Wanda on the street, says "hey, come back to the mansion, everyone would love to see you!"
Well Vision been through a few reformats, and Scarlet Witch been with Wonder Man. It's complicated B.
Ah, interesting. There's still so much I have to catch up on!
Yeah and then there is his white years
The lack of Cheadle in any of the promotional posters so far is disappointing. At this point I am wondering if he even gets to suit up and take a crack at some Ultron drones. And Falcon hasn't even been mentioned. I hope it is just racism on the part of the marketing team as the alternative is a way bigger bummer.
Can we actually talk about how absurd it is that that costume is actually being translated faithfully to film? Marvel really doesn't give a fuck, do they?
*Buys Marvel Unlimited subscription*
Can we actually talk about how absurd it is that that costume is actually being translated faithfully to film? Marvel really doesn't give a fuck, do they?
They had the balls to say here is a talking raccoon to the average moviegoer and it worked. They have no reason not to be fearless.
Jesus we're living in the goddamn twilight zone.
Thank God they don't. The Vision has a great costume.Can we actually talk about how absurd it is that that costume is actually being translated faithfully to film? Marvel really doesn't give a fuck, do they?
A D-Tier Superhero team is the highest grossing domestic film of the summer and they had a talking raccoon and a walking tree.......
Jesus we're living in the goddamn twilight zone.
Captain America is out-grossing Spider-Man and Superman. I'm not even sure water is wet anymore.
Captain America is out-grossing Spider-Man and Superman. I'm not even sure water is wet anymore.
Can we actually talk about how absurd it is that that costume is actually being translated faithfully to film? Marvel really doesn't give a fuck, do they?
Captain America is out-grossing Spider-Man and Superman. I'm not even sure water is wet anymore.
I zoomed a little bit into the picture and uploaded it.
Maybe this helps for identifing the character.
They adapt Sleepwalker then they will get my respect.
Black Panther confirmed.Those looks like pecs and very muscly arms..not sure that's BWidow.
I think Rhodey just makes a cameo during the party scene, and Falcon isn't in the movie (yet?).
8-ball is never happening, of that I am certain.
Sleepwalker's design reminds me of Oblivion, and I think we got a good shot of seeing that one on film if they're gonna bring Death in.
Now they just need to show off Wanda's headpieceCan we actually talk about how absurd it is that that costume is actually being translated faithfully to film? Marvel really doesn't give a fuck, do they?
Yeah and then there is his white years
I'd hate to see what she was like before she got better
Can we actually talk about how absurd it is that that costume is actually being translated faithfully to film? Marvel really doesn't give a fuck, do they?
Can we actually talk about how absurd it is that that costume is actually being translated faithfully to film? Marvel really doesn't give a fuck, do they?
Yeah and then there is his white years
seems like a synthezoid's idea of a makeover then, something as plain as possible.
He got taken apart and put back together, but Wonder Woman refused to let him use his bravewaves again. So he stayed plain and emotionless.
The hidden form BETTER be Black Widow, or else it'll feed the whole "anti-women" argument.