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AVP Discussion/Rotten Watch thread

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I saw it wednesday night, and give it a 6.8.

To anyone that sees it, how about that Predator/Human sex? I wanted it so bad.

Oh, and the alien penis was kinda cool.

evil ways

Saw it, sad to say that they fucked up and the W.S. in Paul Anderson might stand for worth shit, cause that's what his directing skills are.

I'll skip the in depth premise of the movie since you all know it, in 2004(yep they fucked up the Alien/Aliens timeline) Charles Bishop Weyland discovers a pyramid buried in the Antartica, he sets up a team made up of possibly every posible stereotype, or nationality you can imagine, british, african american, british african american, scottish, irish, italian, american etc., the group looks like a fucking U.N. senate. So they get there to the site where the pyramid is buried and hilarity ensues.

The pyramid is "high tech" as it constantly shifts and changes like a maze, think of it as a training funhouse for Predators to learn how to hunt, and the aliens are the prey.

Now for some spoilers....

The Predators have a queen chained up and frozen in suspended animation, and every 100 years they awake her so she lays some eggs, infest people and breed aliens for the Predators to train and hunt. Except way back, 100 years ago, they fucked up and the Mayans and Aztects that worshiped and helped Predators build their pyramids and run the alien gig were all impregnated and became alien hosts which in turn made the Predators be outnumbered and forced them to close shop, permanently(you see this in the trailers, big explosion at top of pyramid). Seems that a long time after that they rebuilt and brought back a Queen to keep the gig going but now they don't have humans to serve as hosts, enter Charles Bishop's team, which without knowing were lured into the pyramid and become the alien hosts.

So 3 lame ass pussy Predators arrive, all big and bad, to go pick up their plasma cannons(which are placed sealed inside the pyramid and the humans find) and begin the hunt, but the Predators fuck up again and more than the needed amount of aliens start to spawn off. Then suddenly 2 of the main human characters discover the script for the movie written on a wall in ancient language(I shit you not) and in a matter of seconds resolve and understand everything, including what to do which is team up with the last remaining Predator(the other 2 are butt raped rather quickly and effortlessly by 2 aliens).

So human woman and last surviving Predator create a bond that no other living race from this world or another can break and team up to escape from the pyramid which now has quite a few aliens and a rabid alien Queen which was freed by his babies. This leads to the Predator becoming the biggest, softest bitch ever seen and in turn costing him his life for helping the woman.

The ending........

Woman lives and earns the Predators respect. Predators carry off his dead comrades body(I would've left the bitch right there in the ice), and surprise, surprise the dead Predator had been infected with an alien egg and a Predator headed chestbuster comes out his chest.

The End.

That should save you $8

What worked:

-The main core of the story is not that bad, in fact it starts out good but then goes down the shitter when you know what occurs.

-The alien Queen finally does something more than sit down laying eggs and move around like a slow puppet.

What sucked ass:

-The Predators, not only were they cocky, big, bulky and slow, but they were untrained and lame.

-The Predator effects were crapped up, that means the heat vision is now a cheap 2 color screen, and the sound from the plasma cannon is like a cheap sci fi ray gun.

-The female lead and the Predator bonding.

-The story fucks up everything from Cameron's Aliens to Alien 3, which means according to Paul Anderson, those 2 movies never occured or will never occur.

-PG-13 and it shows, quick camera cuts, blackouts, and the only sight of gore(aside from a red spray in the snow) comes from Predators.

Bottom line from a scale of 1-10, 1 being Alien Ressurection and 10 being Cameron's Aliens and the original Predator, the movie is a 6.5/10.

Lamest moment of the movie:

The woman, Lex, bonds with the Predator by offering his Plasma Cannon which they took from the chamber, back to him. In return they dispose of an alien together and the Predator builds Lex a shield made out of an alien head(which is impervious to acid) and a spear made from a Predator spear and an alien tail at the end for stabbing since it's also impervious to acid.

This movie makes Major Dutch Schaffer cry.


crazy corey that sounds pathetic! good thing I read that...now i HAVE to see this movie...house of the dead 2 can't come soon enough


Online Ho Champ
so is it totally unfeasable that the predators in face of insurmountable odds would team up to survive? In all honesty thats sounds alot like what happened in some of my old AVP comics i read back in the day.

evil ways

DonasaurusRex said:
so is it totally unfeasable that the predators in face of insurmountable odds would team up to survive? In all honesty thats sounds alot like what happened in some of my old AVP comics i read back in the day.

The bitch assed punk Predator from this movie? maybe, but the 2 bad assed mutherfuckers that took on Dutch Schaffer, Danny Glover and Gary Busey would've wiped their asses with those odds and be out on time to fly out, return to their planet and boast about all the loot they got in this trip.

To tell you the truth it's not as much the team up, even though it shouldn't happen, what's crap, it's the way it happens.

evil ways

Spike Spiegel said:
...Why aren't the Predators' bladed weapons impervious to the xenomorph acid blood? o_O

That's a tought one, their retractable claws and their armor melts like butter when they cut up an alien, but the flying saw, whatever you wanna call it is impervious.

The aliens are also impervious to their own acid blood.

The movie has a few cool moments like for example.....

Bishop is sitting in his desk checking his laptop, and he sorta does that thing with his hand and a letter opener/knife, like a reminder of Aliens.

After Lex, the girl, gives the Predator back his plasma cannon, she has a brief solo fight with an alien and stabs him through the chest with the spear, which melts the tip of it. When she pushes the dead alien aside you hear the laser sight sound and see the 3 dots on her head as the Predator stands over her. I wish he would've had the balls to blast her off.
evil ways said:
That's a tought one, their retractable claws and their armor melts like butter when they cut up an alien, but the flying saw, whatever you wanna call it is impervious. [/spoiler]
See, that doesn't make any sense. These Predators have access to weapons, metals, and technology that are far beyond modern human standards, and they've been hunting xenomorphs for thousands of years.

So why don't they have weapons that can stand up to xenomorph blood? Why would they arm themselves with equipment that's not up to snuff?

It's just... lame.


Gold Member
evil ways said:
The ending........

Woman lives and earns the Predators respect. Predators carry off his dead comrades body(I would've left the bitch right there in the ice), and surprise, surprise the dead Predator had been infected with an alien egg and a Predator headed chestbuster comes out his chest.

That is basically what happens in the original AVP comic, only it wasn't set on Earth.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
evil ways said:
The bitch assed punk Predator from this movie? maybe, but the 2 bad assed mutherfuckers that took on Dutch Schaffer, Danny Glover and Gary Busey would've wiped their asses with those odds and be out on time to fly out, return to their planet and boast about all the loot they got in this trip.

Hell the predator from the first movie would have told his younger cousin from the 2nd movie to kick back and relax while he handled shit.

EDIT: evil IIRC Batman fought a Predator 3 times...
I had an idea for Predator 3 after 6 or so years ago.

It was about a group of Predators, who, in the middle of the night find Arnie and kidnap him. Arnie wakes up in the Predator ship surrounded by 3 of the creatures. Through Dances with Wolves style culture clash and understanding Arnie comes to the conclusion that as a reward for killing the first Predator he is being taken on a hunting trip to another planet.

The Planet they arrive on is a warm and somewhat prehistoric place. There are large dinosaur style creatures as well as smaller vicious ones. Basically, the hunt commences...until the group spots a 2nd group of Predators who's motives are all about poaching as opposed to hunting. Of course a reason as to why they are wiping out a species has to be given and it could be for narcotic or wealth or whatever. So the climax has Arnie (who is fitted with predator gear including invisibility, etc) and his Predator pals facing the Poacher Predators.

The entire idea came from a teaser trailer I had in mind. It would start with a low shot in the jungle with some kind of voice over. Then a predator would land infront of the camera with its trademark warping invisibility effect on. The effect would dissapate revealing the predator. Next would be a series of shots where the predator was preparing to remove its helment. When the helmet finally comes off we see that it is actually Arnold wearing all the gear.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
tell me about it. this movie was a fucking pile of shit. i can't believe i wasted my time on it. and i went into it thinking paul w.s. anderson might have been able to make at least a horribly average action film - nope. not even close. didn't he even rip off 60 pages from the original aliens script, or something? fuck that movie was worthless.

that shot of the predator running with the chick with alien spear and head shield in hand was ri-god-damn-diculous. how did no one see how silly that was? the whole theater was laughing.


The theater I was in
was waiting for the predator to have hot dirty sex with the human during several parts in the film. Like that elongated staredown after they escape.
Even though the suckiness of this film is almost unanimous, I am going to see it tomorrow (since I got the movie cash thing from the Predator DVD). Hopefully, there will be some minor redeeming factors I see after it's done. :p


I thought it'd be bad but they went and pussy-fied the Predators? W.S. needs to go back to the MK and RE franchises, making those movies bad is less upsetting.


evil ways said:
That's a tought one, their retractable claws and their armor melts like butter when they cut up an alien, but the flying saw, whatever you wanna call it is impervious.

The aliens are also impervious to their own acid blood.

The movie has a few cool moments like for example.....

Bishop is sitting in his desk checking his laptop, and he sorta does that thing with his hand and a letter opener/knife, like a reminder of Aliens.

So it's not the same Bishop from the other movies, then?


I say GO SEE IT, especially if you're a fan. NOT BAD.

Just got back from a midnight showing of Alien vs Predator. With all the negative buzz, it turned out surprisingly better than I expected. I had my expectations set pretty low, and was happy to find it exceeded them. You should know that I'm a huge fan of the Predator flicks and have been waiting 14 years since Predator 2 (1990) for another installment. Wasn't disappointed overall!

The movie does take awhile to get going, and at first I was getting pretty bummed... But once the Aliens & Predators clash, the action is solid and there are a satisfying amount of kickass sequences. Several nice audience-pleasing "OWNED" moments on both sides of the battle! The AvP combat sequences all worked really well.

Costumes & makeup are great too, my biggest fear was that the creatures would look cheap because of the restrained budget. But I think fans will agree that they look better than ever. Some extra detail on the Predators especially.

One disappointing thing is that the film is PG-13, a first for both the Alien & Predator series (which have always been hard R's). Early on, you can tell that the editors held back on the gore... No explicit shots of Alien tongues bursting through skulls and such. Once the main conflict gets going though, I forgot about that as the action gets pretty intense. I had no complaints with the second half of the flick.

If you're even remotely a fan of the Alien or Predator franchises, you should go check this one out in the theater. After that ending, I got to see a sequel!

P.S. I was disappointed that the Predators' heat vision was gimped up a bit, it wasn't true thermal cam work. Also, the "warrrng!" sound effect when looking through the Predators' visor was off at first, though later they got it somewhat right.


Could someone explain how this movie kills the continuity of the previous Alien(s) movies? We're not given any indication that *no one* has met the aliens before, and in fact, if anything, there's the good old conspiracy overtones to the first movie that could make almost anything possible.

Bishop the android was only in Aliens and briefly in Alien 3. I assume the Bishop guy in this is who they prototyped the android off of.

evil ways

maharg said:
Could someone explain how this movie kills the continuity of the previous Alien(s) movies? We're not given any indication that *no one* has met the aliens before, and in fact, if anything, there's the good old conspiracy overtones to the first movie that could make almost anything possible.

Bishop the android was only in Aliens and briefly in Alien 3. I assume the Bishop guy in this is who they prototyped the android off of.

Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 all take place in a distant future, hell between Alien and Aliens 56 years have passed. So I'm assuming Alien 3, where Bishop the human first appears has to take place in the late 2000's, early 3000's.

Alien vs Predator takes place in present day 2004, Charles Bishop, seemingly the same character from the Alien films(same actor too) is in charge of one of the top robotics companies in the world. So how do we know this movie fucks up the timeline?

Bishop gets killed by a Predator

And it also doesn't seem like he has been responsible for the android technology used in Alien/Aliens, yet.


As I understand it, he's the head of what becomes The Corporation or The Company or whatever they called it in Alien, the company that owns all the space ships and made Ash and Bishop, who are androids. This interview seems to back that up.

I don't know why you suggest he's the 'same character', since he isn't even a human being in Aliens and Alien 3. Also, I'm well aware of the time difference.

And apparently, though I don't remember this myself, the company's name in the previous Alien(s) movies is called Weiland-Yutani, so it seems pretty obvious that that's what they're going for. Here we go...


I don't really care about continuity in such a fantastical sci-fi series. As far as I'm concerned, AvP is a new series, so it doesn't have to adhere strictly to the Alien or Predator timelines.

Besides, sometimes bending over backwards to maintain continuity can have results just as ridiculous as throwing it to the wind... Ripley clone, anyone?
evil ways said:
Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 all take place in a distant future, hell between Alien and Aliens 56 years have passed. So I'm assuming Alien 3, where Bishop the human first appears has to take place in the late 2000's, early 3000's.

Alien vs Predator takes place in present day 2004, Charles Bishop, seemingly the same character from the Alien films(same actor too) is in charge of one of the top robotics companies in the world. So how do we know this movie fucks up the timeline?

Bishop gets killed by a Predator

And it also doesn't seem like he has been responsible for the android technology used in Alien/Aliens, yet.

Paul Anderson dismisses claims that Bishop in Alien 3 was human....

Anyhow, Alien 3 sucked major ass... the punkish atmosphere and the dog alien sucked major ass.


Online Ho Champ
Arent the 3 Preds in this movie supposed to be noobass preds that are there for trainning or a warriors right of passage or something. I know this movie is gonna be bad....I dont see how they accomplished that with so many great comics on the topic. But I still will see it with no expectations and will probably just enjoy it for the action and hopefully cool costumes more than i should thanks to all of your bad impressions :D .

evil ways

Spike Spiegel said:
Whoa, BOM is predicting a $30M weekend for AvP. That's... uh, amazing?

I wouldn't be surprised, the theater was packed yesterday, and I mean packed, right to the seats that are in front of the screen. After some word of mouth it will probably see a huge drop in the week after it's release.


Paul Anderson deserves to get booted out from the movie industry. He fucked up Resident Evil so bad, I can't believe they actually let him direct and subsequently ruin such a potentially awesome movie........


Don't think I'll be able to see it until Sunday. I will say this, though -- if the (inevitable) poor word of mouth and huge 2nd weekend drop are enough to kill chances of Alien 5/Predator 3... then Anderson should never write or direct another movie. Fuck, file a restraining order or something.


I'm still going to see this movie. Hell, I went and saw The Village, and this AvP can't be worse than that pile of crap.

This is my expectation for AvP....as long as the flick is better than The Village I'll be happy.


Mrbob said:
I'm still going to see this movie. Hell, I went and saw The Village, and this AvP can't be worse than that pile of crap.

This is my expectation for AvP....as long as the flick is better than The Village I'll be happy.
In my case, as long as it's better than Riddick, I'll be... well, less unhappy.


Online Ho Champ
Yeah seriously when you guys say crappy are you talking :pootie Tang: crappy ? I mean come on is it THAT bad or just that disappointing due to everyone loved these movies growing up.


More reviews:

And Harry Knowles' generally worthless opinion:
ALIEN VS PREDATOR is Paul W.S. Anderson’s very best movie.
Now is that a good thing? Absolutely, I love that he’s made a film that I almost really liked. I mean, it’s fantastic that I’m sitting down at the ol computer not pissing blood stained urine over his latest cinematic atrocity. Rather – he’s moved up the ladder a couple of rungs to making an entertaining piece of shit, rather than just plain ol shit. This one is a turd that resembles something you know, and as a result… you get amused, you smile… Hell, depending how crass you are, you might even keep it around a bit to show various friends, or take pictures and post em to the internet. It’s that sort of bad.
The Bookerman said:
Paul Anderson dismisses claims that Bishop in Alien 3 was human....

Anyhow, Alien 3 sucked major ass... the punkish atmosphere and the dog alien sucked major ass.

Watch the extended Alien 3, the movie is a classic and is only hated because it followed Aliens and killed off the main characters. The movie itself is excellent and very powerful.


lol. Our newspaper couldn't review AVP either, because FOX knew the movie would get horrible reviews......just like Sudeki and Grabbed by the Ghoulies.

evil ways

Let me put it this way it's not in the same category of crappy as Pootie Tang, Garfield, MK Annihilation, Riddick, or even Torque, it's just below average for an Alien & Predator movie. It's just slightly better than Alien Ressurection, but shares the same bad acting, poor dialogue and characters you really don't care about vibe that Ressurection has.

It's better than The Village that's for sure, cause at least you get some real monsters and not some deep, inspirational, boring movie.

The reason I'm so hurt is cause I've worshiped the Predator ever since I was 7 years old and first laid eyes on it. He's one of my favorite movie characters of all time, not to mention the movies themselves were pretty awesome, so to see the Predator get watered down and pussified, it pisses me off. Like I said in my impressions the movie started out better than I expected, and if it had an R rating it would've worked fine, until the team up occurs. From then on the Predator turns into sort of the big, retarded sidekick of the female lead and everything goes to shit.

I mean, what the fuck, you have.........

Lex the woman, reasoning with the Predator, calling him his friend, then in a pretty fucking cheesy scene, when they reach the chamber where all the alien eggs are, the Predator activates his wrist self destruct device and detaches it from his arm, then Lex asks "Is that a bomb?" to which the Predator nods and makes sort of an explosion gesture with his hands and fingers.

It's a tragedy.


I don't mind the
"human teams up with a Predator" aspect
, but it does seem like from all the reviews that they really wussified them.


OK, so I was just looking for an excuse to post that. Sue me.

The rest of the series:


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