Better... Or worse?People's comments on that page make it even better.
Better... Or worse?People's comments on that page make it even better.
Artist said:Sonic and the gang went back in time to see how the Titanic chrashed and what do ya know the Combine were there. And then there was a fight plus Silver was up against a Combine Advisor.
And Sonic Almost fell of the Titanic and Amy cathed him right on time.
Gotta go fast.
Uh...these belong in the actually awesome fanart thread.
For some reason I am DYING at little Ema just sitting there and eating her Snackoos.
This is why I don't even open this thread in remotely public areas.
That is why? Not all the giant fat fanart or the shit in the diapers or any of the other stuff?
Here, let's do this right.
Here, let's do this right.
"Don't ever go" in a thread entirely about reverse psychology.That's from, don't ever go that website.
One Piece parody
GTA parody
Super Smash Bros Melee (there's a parody intro for it too somewhere on Youtube)
Ever since she got home after helping Zidane save the universe, Freya has been growing bigger and bigger. When she began helping with the rebuilding of Burmecia, she ended up quickly injuring her leg and couldn't continue working. The people of the city endlessly thanked her for all she'd done anyway, visiting her home to give her gifts, mostly food. She couldn't refuse, being so polite, and ate everything she was given.
Now she's entirely given up on ever hoping to get her old figure back. The former dragon knight is now a big slob too lazy to stand up. She spends her days eating and remembering when she was an active, muscular knight between regular releases of gas. As she belches and wipes her lips on her cravat, she gets ready to take another sloppy bite of her delicious food. She doesn't really hate being this big and slobby, it feels strangely calming and pleasant, but if only she could get off her giant ass and get food on her own like she used to...
Well, looks like she finally managed to get on her feet! But now can she move anywhere with so much belly in the way?
Goodness, Freya, your figure just keeps going and goiiiiiing... <3
Now she's really gone and done it. Freya couldn't stop herself and has now lost her mobility and any desire to move again. The former warrior starts falling into depression, which only makes her eat more, which makes her fatter and gassier, which makes her feel great, which makes her feel guilty, which makes her feel depressed, and so on...
If the girl isn't careful, she'll quickly end up needing to chug Elixirs to stay alive! We wouldn't want that, would we? <3
Poor Freya's really done it now. Her endless cycle of depression, eating, pleasure, embarrassment and so on has led to her becoming even more of a blob, and it's made her incredibly unwell too. Her heart is ready to stop, her stomach overstretched, her bowels tired and rather loose from cranking out so much gas, her lungs barely able to draw enough breath to keep everything working, her naked fur and skin constantly slick with a flood of thick sweat...her legs and feet completely unable to function, her jaw as hard to move as her blubber-coated arms with her huge cheeks and chins in the way...
Now she's stuck chugging down Elixir after Elixir, desperate to stay alive but only making her condition worse and worse. The curative liquid drips down her enormous chins and adds more stains to her cravat, her last remaining piece of clothing, her bloated tail's tip flicking nervously as her time remaining to live counts down, her belly rumbling louder as it demands more and more of her continuous last meal...
"S-Someone...", she moans in a much lower and huskier pitch than she used to be known for, quietly sobbing and belching between every few words she manages to speak, "P-Please help me...!"
She'll certainly run out of Elixirs soon, and they aren't a very common item...
Good is boring. You also have to be actually good at drawing which is significantly more difficult than the level required to do evil.I wish I had the drawing talents of these people.
I would use these powers for good, not evil!
I wish I had the drawing talents of these people.
I would use these powers for good, not evil!
This amuses me greatly
This is actually really awesome and super funny. +1
now now, that just won't do.
I would use my powers for evil. Basically if I had any powers I would use them for evil.