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Back in my Play: A Podcast for Nostalgic Gamers (New Episodes Every Sunday)

Yes Boss!

I would not consider myself a collector. I definitely just like to have enough on hand (a few hundred games) to have an option to play pretty much whatever I feel like.

I've always said that I'm lucky enough to play about 25% of my games, perhaps beating 5-10%. No worries...I've got other unrelated hobbies that fill my life.

But having some options is always nice. Keeping a few hundred games available as a sort of buffet works for me. I never get attached to things and every few years I'll prune the collection if it gets too fat. I'll go months without turning on a system or even one of my cabinets in lieu of playing something else on a different system. I've not even turned the Saturn on for months.

I've also never subscribed to the recent phenomena of backlogs. That is crazy. You don't have to play everything! The process of buying it is sometimes good enough. If you don't play it, no loss. I don't even consider games as retro, just as I don't consider things like silent movies differing from golden age or from movies in different countries. All just part of one continuum.

No sense in getting paralyzed. Just play what you want. There will always be stuff that you think will never get rereleased that all of a sudden pop up. Things like Castle of Illusion (one of my favorites on the Genesis) all of a sudden comes around and I play it for a few days, then beat the remake and I'm good. Great time but I've never been compelled to go out and seek the cart.

Developers are also increasingly folks who grew up in the 8, 16 and 32 bit era and with the increased means of distribution it is now beginning to pay dividends. These are the folks that are going to be creating those mid-range traditional and exciting games and also those who will ensure that legacy catalogs remain available. No sense in bemoaning what is not available because invariably it will eventually become available again sometime down the line...plenty of exciting stuff to do in the meantime.

It is fun buying, learning, and experience things from the past that you might of missed initially while at the same time re-experiencing things that you loved. I find it crazy when I come across jaded gamers. It is an exciting time and will only get more exciting.
Just got listening to the Aladdin episode. Excellent once again guys. I specifically wanted to talk about the rant out the end though...

...man, it's like you two were in my damn head! lol

More or less EVERYTHING both you two discussed has been more or less parallel to what's been going on in my head for the past year or so. Basically the idea of no longer being a slave to backlogs... and well, just the very concept of backlogs being ridiculous really, just like YesBoss said.
I remember when I first entered the USAF back in '03, I had this very lean diet of game consumption, due to part of my limited finances, but also just because I had less Adult ADD. Honestly a large part of my game hoarding came to pass around the time I got my GAF account in '05 and I more or less got, I dunno, a REALLY refined sense of what I THOUGHT I wanted out of gaming. I wanted to try out all the cool stuff. I wanted to be apart of the threads, discussions, lttps, etc., and it just kinda went from there. And also, like you Kevin, I was a SUPER Xbox360 fan boy and lawled as the massive fuckup that was the Sony launch. And like you, I've since more or less.... well the PS3 and Vita are the only systems I play anymore :)
So now, I've basically found myself reverting back to that mentality I had when I was 20.
Part of this was due to having to purge a large part of my collection for financial woes, but also just because, like you guys said, if you ain't playin' the shit, just get rid of it. You more than likely, you never intended to anyway, whether you want to admit it to yourself or not.
It took me a LONG time to practice what I've preeched/tried in the past, but I've finally gotten there and below is now what my current game collection looks like:



This is it. A small shoe rack in my closet only holding stuff I've either beaten and am holding on to either due to sentimental or nostalgic reasons.... or I'm gonna play very soon.

Also Josh, if you need to carve out some personal time to really immerse yourself in THAT type of game, do what I do. I wake up maybe 1 or 2 hours earlier in the morning before work (i'm military and showtime is 0730), make a cup of coffee, throw on my seinhessers that are plugged into my receiver, and just crawl into my little world for a little while. No distractions.
Obviously you don't want to do this all the time 'cause it ain't healthy, but it's a strategy that works when you're trying to wrap a game up before you loose interest :)

Once again, that's for the awesome episode guys.
Thanks, AgentOtaku! That was one of the most important discussions we've had, and I'm glad you related. My collection is a lot like yours, by the way ...liberation is the word, just like you said.

I've since sold my ps3 since recording the Aladdin episode, haha.

As for your "wake up and finish the game" idea, that sounds great to me! I'll just have to see how possible it actually is.


Not going to type out a huge reply since I'm on my phone, but as someone with 4 ps2 games I may or may not ever play sitting in my mail box waiting for me to get hone, I loved the discussion as well. There's just something awesome about collecting games even if I never get around to playing them, especially since I gave away all of my games basically from SNES to the N64. Its nice to have a collection going again.

Yes Boss!


These are the podcasts I listen to now. After 1Up collapsed years ago (and my subsequent moves to europe and south asia with no internet for spells) I took a few years off. But I've had a solid rotation now for the last year. Shame Warning died...always looked forward to that. Back in the Play fits in nicely...especially its frequency!


Game Guru

You want to know what my 'backlog' is? One drawer and four piles of games which are mostly games for the PS1, PS2, GameCube, and Xbox 360. I will sell a game if I can get good money for it, but if I only get like $1 or $2, I just keep it because even if I might not play it, I will not get any money from selling it.

The biggest backlog I actually have is on PC as I have 200 games on Steam alone, not counting my GOG, Desura, or Amazon games, or other games which I have on PC, but most of that backlog comes from the fact that I buy indie bundles for $1 or so. I don't stress out that I can't play every game I own digitally when I buy like 5 or so games for my pocket change.
Ahh the digital library.

I have amassed a ton of games on Steam and with PS+ freebies and discounts.

Try not to worry about things that have no physical value.


Listened to the MM2 episode last night. My history with the series is perhaps even worse than Treys. I got MM2 when I was about nine years old because a friend at school kept saying how cool it was to earn/use different powers but when I played it it was really different from what I expected. So the next day I returned it and got Dr. Mario instead. It wasn't until the Mega Man Collection that I'd start to really appreciate the series. Looking forward to listening to the Aladdin episode. IMO both versions are pretty different apart from using the same IP and being a sprite based sidescrolling game. One is a pure platformer and the other one is more of an action game.


Listened to the MM2 episode last night. My history with the series is perhaps even worse than Treys. I got MM2 when I was about nine years old because a friend at school kept saying how cool it was to earn/use different powers but when I played it it was really different from what I expected. So the next day I returned it and got Dr. Mario instead. It wasn't until the Mega Man Collection that I'd start to really appreciate the series. Looking forward to listening to the Aladdin episode. IMO both versions are pretty different apart from using the same IP and being a sprite based sidescrolling game. One is a pure platformer and the other one is more of an action game.



Ran into a big hurdle this week with Resident Evil REmake, will talk about it this weekend. Pretty pissed off to be honest. I was very into the game.

Edit: Those controls though. Bah gawd.


I've been listening for a few weeks now, but the Aladdin episode has definitely resonated the most with me.

I'd played the original Sonic the Hedgehog at a relative's house and presumably seeing my enjoyment from that at Xmas my parents got me a Mega Drive that year. Aladdin was bundled in, at the time a game (and film?) I didnt even know existed. From previously playing Sonic I remember just pressing right on the dpad as hard as I could to "clear the level", but I died repeatedly in those flame pits in the first level.

After more attempts we found out there was ropes to climb and apples to throw and a whole number of different mechanisms to learn. I got stuck at the first boss too, so eventually overcoming that was a feat in itself. I know you both mentioned it was an easy game, but this was my first game. The very first game I owned and the second one I ever played, I think as a contrast to Sonic it taught me to be patient and actually think while playing games. I think it's from that Xmas that I did develop that love of platformers too (sadly absent from this recent gen). The 16bit gen was great for that genre- I think pretty much anything that was an animated license was a kick-ass side scrolling platformer, it was but guaranteed!

So yeah, thanks for the memories this week! Hearing all the music makes me want to take the MD out from under the bed and get playing- something i'm hoping to do this weekend...even if it is at a detriment to my "backlog" :p
I've been listening for a few weeks now, but the Aladdin episode has definitely resonated the most with me.

I'd played the original Sonic the Hedgehog at a relative's house and presumably seeing my enjoyment from that at Xmas my parents got me a Mega Drive that year. Aladdin was bundled in, at the time a game (and film?) I didnt even know existed. From previously playing Sonic I remember just pressing right on the dpad as hard as I could to "clear the level", but I died repeatedly in those flame pits in the first level.

After more attempts we found out there was ropes to climb and apples to throw and a whole number of different mechanisms to learn. I got stuck at the first boss too, so eventually overcoming that was a feat in itself. I know you both mentioned it was an easy game, but this was my first game. The very first game I owned and the second one I ever played, I think as a contrast to Sonic it taught me to be patient and actually think while playing games. I think it's from that Xmas that I did develop that love of platformers too (sadly absent from this recent gen). The 16bit gen was great for that genre- I think pretty much anything that was an animated license was a kick-ass side scrolling platformer, it was but guaranteed!

So yeah, thanks for the memories this week! Hearing all the music makes me want to take the MD out from under the bed and get playing- something i'm hoping to do this weekend...even if it is at a detriment to my "backlog" :p

Thanks, Richard! The sense if discovery you described is one if the things I miss the most about being a kid. Everything had elements to be discovered.

I say bust out the mega drive and forget the backlog this weekend. Anything else you will be playing on it?

Yes Boss!

Whoa, just in time! Gonna go walk for an hour.

Also, I'm halfway through LttP and should be beating it this weekend! Good timing.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Wow I always figured making an OT for my own podcast would get me banned here. Guess not?

Will check it out, OP. Hey everybody, I guess check my stuff out if you get a chance:


Yes Boss!

So, a no-shit recommendation for somebody who has struggled to like or play Resident Evil over the years. Would it be best to start with 2? I've owned just about all of them over the years and never played any one for more than an hour or two before giving up (even 4). Playing on my Vita or PSP so it would have to be on PSN. 2 sounds like the one, I'm thinking.

Also, if you want to give away another LttP code along with the one you are giving I'll donate one to the podcast (got plenty of Club Points).
So, a no-shit recommendation for somebody who has struggled to like or play Resident Evil over the years. Would it be best to start with 2? I've owned just about all of them over the years and never played any one for more than an hour or two before giving up (even 4). Playing on my Vita or PSP so it would have to be on PSN. 2 sounds like the one, I'm thinking.

Also, if you want to give away another LttP code along with the one you are giving I'll donate one to the podcast (got plenty of Club Points).

I think RE2 fixes and improves on a lot of issues I have with RE. And it hold up better. If you can, play the Dreamcast version through VGA. It looks great.

And if you are willing to donate a code that would be great. More winners!

Yes Boss!

I think RE2 fixes and improves on a lot of issues I have with RE. And it hold up better. If you can, play the Dreamcast version through VGA. It looks great.

And if you are willing to donate a code that would be great. More winners!

I'm guessing 2 it is. I don't consider the franchise too sacred so I don't really mind spoiling the first. My last failed attempts at the series have been RE DS, Resident Evil 4, and Code Veronica HD.

Also, check your PM. I sent the donation code there.

Oh yeah, definitely try Luigi U. A truly stunning Mario game and my absolute favorite of the NMB titles. God-tier platforming.

EDIT: Picked it up! I'm 100% determined to play through it. I finally played through Metal Gear Solid last year after making a dozen attempts over the years and loved it. Hoping for something similar here. Also, have a 24-hour staff duty shift on Sunday through Monday where I'm sitting at a desk the entire time so I'll be playing this during that day!



We are looking for your christmas/holiday memories, if you have some you want us to share on the show, post them!

Best Christmas ever was when I got the SNES packed with Mario World.


Eight years old and all I wanted that year was an SNES. I'd already spent countless hours reading about the system and games in Nintendo Power. For some reason or another I remember even asking my mom if we could go to Japan to get a "Super Falcom" (I guess I misread it early on, and it stuck until I got a little older). Of she said she'd think about it :p

Fast forward to Christmas day. After opening presents, she asked me if I got everything I wanted. Of course, I was a grateful kid, so I told her yeah and was happy with what I got. Then she asked me "Whats that behind the couch?". Now I have no idea how I didnt notice something black sticking out from behind the the couch with that familiar seal of quality.

I think I must've air dashed over to that corner with blinding speed, and with N64 kid level excitement at the top of my lungs I screamed " NO WAY, SUPER NINTENDO?! WITH MARIO?!" My mind was blown that there would actually be a Super Nintendo in MY house, hooked up to MY tv?! I was so excited that I even skimmed through the instruction manual for the system for no apparent reason. Even while other family members were watching the Christmas parade (its a tradition) on TV, I was busy reading the back of the console box.

I dont think i've ever had a Christmas with that big of a surprise ever again, but man...what a surprise.


Thanks a bunch! What's your favorite "classic" console?
PS1 mainly because of Crash, Tomb Raider, MGS, Tekken (all childhood nostalgia) and FF (just got into JRPGs last few years). There's still plenty others I missed and have to play. However I've recently started getting into the SNES via ClanoftheGrayWolf on Youtube, InsertCredit podcast and Tim Rogers' writings. I only played it once as a kid (Mario Kart) and with the way it's going I highly suspect I may eventually rate it above my own childhood nostalgia. Those damned JRPGs. I'm playing Mother 2 at the moment.

And I started your podcast with the Mario 64 one. Perfect so far. I can relate to the feelings because I begged for an N64 despite never getting one. That damn ToysRUs demo station (which is the same reason my Dad got me a PS1 with Crash lol. History could've been so different). In 2004 when we ended up getting a computer that could run the emulator I got all 120 stars. Alongside Galaxy they remain the only Nintendo home console games I've beaten.


I just wanted to publicaly say thanks for this thread for bringing this show to my attention, and of course thanks to the guys involved in making it happen. I'm blowing through the episodes and I just discovered it yesterday or the day before. I feel like I'm sitting around with a bunch of my buddies from back in elementary, middle, and high school or something when I'm listening. I am VERY selective with the podcasts I add to my rotation. I only have two or three that I always must listen to. I am now adding one more. Keep up the great work and keep pumping these out.
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