It's certain things in the article which give me pause: "...when she got home she gave me a great big hug.
I wasn’t sure I’d even survive the launch but here we were." "...This was entirely because of the
stress around dealing with the public, players, and the pressure to get everything done." "...or
even appear in person to accept the Best Independent Game award at The Game Awards last year."
Did this person have strong male role models growing up? Was his father involved in his upbringing? Also, if the stress was that high, why not ask for help? Is it a pride/ego thing because you wanted to do it all alone? Did anyone teach this person to prioritize their physical and mental health above all else?
Other thoughts about this. You are living with your "partner." Not wife, not fiancé, not girlfriend, but a "partner." He bought a house with his "partner."

He also didn't think his game would be successful. Some call that being humble; I call it a lack of confidence. He said has other ideas for new games, but doesn't want to go pursue them. I'm glad that the man has found success with something he is passionate about, but...I'll just leave it at that.