This episode has completed the season's descent into stupidity. I was kind of OK with it up until this point because I guess it didn't really sink in how close it was getting to the end, but now...? It's lost me completely.
The satanic serial killer is stupid and irrelevant and uninteresting. I don't care if the whole thing is played straight or turns out to be a red herring. It's a lame waste of time, nothing remotely compelling about it.
Brock is a moron for not piecing together that Hood was a criminal. I am so over his bullshit, insisting he wants the truth, getting the super obvious answer, and proceeding to freak out that the guy who breaks laws with impunity and has an inexplicable skill set turns out to have a shady past. Jesus damn, pay the fuck attention to what's right in front of your face, Brock. Great police instincts buddy.
Carrie's counselor suddenly going off the record and giving her the worst and most cliched advice ever was truly absurd. Nobody in his position would ever tell a patient to finish it when finishing it will obviously involve committing crimes and putting herself at great personal risk. Not even "as a father," lol.
What's the point of Eliza Dushku's crack smoking character again? To be the subject of played out tropes? Oh look, it's a woman in peril who needs the hero to come save her. But it's different because she's edgy and drinks whiskey with the serial killer, and did I mention she smokes crack?
The kind of OK bits were, unsurprisingly, where Job and Burton were doing their thing.
I can't believe they fucked the pooch this hard for the final season. There's no buildup to anything interesting, no sense of impending closure, nothing. It all rings hollow. It doesn't feel like we're close to the end of the season, much less the series. I was never especially invested in this show, but it's annoying to watch it go out with such a dud of a season.