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Come on, you can't compare Banshee to Dexter, it's not the best season but it's not bad. I just want Burton to kill someone, love that little freak.
Could you imagine a Doakes/Hood team up beat down?! FFFFUUUUUUUKKKK wasted potential.
Well this is probably (if it keeps this trajectory) the hardest I've seen a series fall into shit territory this fast.
But then again I haven't seen a lot of infamous offenders like Dexter and such.
She seems pretty disconnected from everything else.
Well this is probably (if it keeps this trajectory) the hardest I've seen a series fall into shit territory this fast.
But then again I haven't seen a lot of infamous offenders like Dexter and such.
Y'all ain't reading my post, lol.
I'm not comparing, because I never saw Dexter.
I'm saying this is one of the worst I can, personally, remember.
I liked the scene where Hood finally apologized to Job. It was cathartic.
I think the 8 episode season is working against the show. When you have only 8 episodes you cannot afford to have meandering storylines or pointless characters (like Dushku). They should have doubled down on the core conflict of the show which is Hood vs Proctor and built the final season around that.
Heck, even the Rebecca murder mystery seemed somewhat intriguing in the beginning but when they revealed the murderer was some new and totally unrelated character, why are we supposed to care?
Burton has also been flexing his muscle with Proctor lately. Wouldn't be surprised if Burton killed Rebecca because she was fuckin up too hard. Made it look like the serial killer murders to cover his tracks and that'll all come to a head in the 2nd to last episode. Then you'll have a Burton v Proctor fight to the death.
Because Proctor was too blinded by his love for Rebecca that he would stand by and watch her destroy everything Proctor and Burton have fought and killed for. Proctor and the business are basically Burtons entire life. This is my design.
They're spending so much time on Rebecca via the flashbacks that I'm convinced her death is unrelated to the serial killer plot. It would make no sense for her to be randomly killed by a random serial killer after the writers have taken the time to establish that she has a side business that she keeps secret from her uncle, Kai stealing her money and her pointing a gun at him, etc. There's just too much of a Rebecca vs Kai thing going on for her death to be unconnected.
I'm thinking that she was killed by Kai and he made (Burton make) her death look like it was done by the serial killer so he personally wouldn't have to deal with the fallout of his niece going missing/dying.
Man it would really suck if the whole Satanist cult thing ended up being a red herring. That would mean every minute of screen time given to them was a pure waste. This whole serial killer business is just not working out for the show.
I could be wrong, but I believe Dushku is really not into nekkid scenes. So that may be it.Another thing Hood hasn't porked dushuku character yet which is strange
Of course the small town of Banshee would have an S&M club, and of course it would be the most over the top S&M club in television history.
Bunker was almost turning the season interesting by setting a war with the neonazis, but no let just have brock stop him
Why did the FBI send only a single agent to address a rampant serial killer?
Talked to Death.I wonder if due to budget reasons the final bad guy will just get talk no jutsued.
THey killed papa Nazi![]()
And I really thoght for a moment Burton would use that chainsaw on the poor horse![]()
Only One Way a Dogfight Ends
Lucas helps Dawson narrow her search for Declan Bode, a Satanist who is a "person of interest" in the serial killings; an emboldened Calvin challenges Proctor and Kurt; and Carrie's vigilante antics put her and Deva in danger.
How I feel about the ep too. Think Carrie told them about Cruz?I still can't stand Dushku or the serial killer plot but the rest was good. In fact, it was the first one of the season that actually felt like a Banshee episode.
The show has never been realistic.Nobody watches this for the realism. It is, and always has been, fun pulp.
I liked this episode, the scene in which Hood broke was particularly good.
Can't wait for the Proctor versus Nazi's versus team Carrie fight.