Oh, so that's why they got Dushku for this season.
Nobody simply gets tackled on this show. Bunker would've hit her ass with a 5 piece combo.I think homegirl at the beginning couldve been tackled before she emptied that whole container of gasoline onto herself. Just sayin'...
Loved the catfight between Carrie and Cruz, Cruz got some moves. Gave Carrie more of a challenge than I expected. I wonder who's better Cruz or Nola Longshadow? Nola can't have that damn Tomahawk though, too much of a game breaker. If Cruz isn't better she's at least god damn smarter since she knows what a fucking tactical retreat is.
*Remembers Nola fight scene*...Nola whooped the ass of 3 Marines like they were mere high school bullies. Too bad we couldn't get Nola vs Carrie, that would've been great. Cruz is cool though, but yeah, she's no Nola. Surviving against Carrie is no small feat though, this is Carrie.Nola would absolutely wreck her lol, she gave Burton a run for his money and almost killed him. Cruz barely got away from Carrie.
Nobody on this show fights as dirty as Hood, he's S rank in fighting dirty.Great episode. The only thing that could have made it better is if Carrie would bit that female cop's leg when in lock, the way Hood did in S1![]()
Truths Other Than the Ones You Tell
Worried that Dawson's safety is threatened, Lucas and Brock increase efforts to track hunt down Bode; as the Brotherhood preps for war with Proctor, Kurt tries to keep Maggie safe, while Calvin unloads his frustrations at the office; and Job settles matters with a Camp Genoa adversary.
Decent episode, though far too anti climactic for the penultimate episode of Banshee. The badass cop woman's death just kind of happened (and offscreen to boot); Burton wrecking the neo-nazi goons offscreen was cute, in a vacuum, but in the next to last episode of a season lacking in action/fight scenes, it simply wasn't satisfying to see it go down like that; the serial killer getting shot in the head (offscreen) after refusing to even put up a fight...I really was expecting more from this episode.
I have no idea how they're planning to cram all the neo-nazi stuff into the final episode, on top of Kai and Burton (possibly) getting what's coming to them, and then all the character resolution stuff we need to see (like Hood and Deva). I really wish they hadn't decided to drag the serial killer plot out across the entire season. It would have been better if it had been like a 3 episode arc, followed by the neo nazi arc, and then the final arc dealing with Kai.after murdering Rebecca - c'mon, it cannot have been at the hands of the random serial killer :/
At least we got some of the series' best scenes in this episode, like the conversation between Hood and Brock, the shot of Calvin calmly walking through the office while covered in his manager's blood, and that final Job scene which was - possibly - the best Job scene of the entire series. I mean, holy shit. Someone needs to gif that look he gives the "new Job" at the very end before he walks out. What a boss. Fuck yeah.
(also, this season has been sorely lacking in Sugar. I hope he gets a chance to shine in the final episode.)
(also, this season has been sorely lacking in Sugar. I hope he gets a chance to shine in the final episode.)
I think I might have missed the reason for her murder though. Was it because of the bungled Carrie attempt?
I have to think Burton murdering the female cop was foreshadowing to the reveal of him being Rebecca's murderer.
I have to think Burton murdering the female cop was foreshadowing to the reveal of him being Rebecca's murderer. This is all speculation so I don't think it needs spoiler tags. I think I might have missed the reason for her murder though. Was it because of the bungled Carrie attempt?
None of the body mods knew Kung fu. Last dude that knew his shit was Terminator Stowe.Didn't care much for the serial killer because he didn't know Kung Fu. Like...who the hell lives in Bashee without knowledge of at least some kung fu.
That said, that conversation between Hood and Brock when they were captured was such an amazing scene and beautiful end point of their relationship.
And next week...Fucking finally!. This needs to blow away anything the show has ever did before.Hood vs Burton!!!
The shower death was unintentionally hilarious - "okay, you've served your purpose, now do the required topless scene and die". Speaking of which, it's odd the lengths the show has gone to avoid Dushku nudity - first the strategically filmed sex scene, and then the clothed attempted sacrifice. I'd understand this for a good actor, but Dushku?
They've already established that the same guy who killed the other girls killed Rebecca. Seems a massive reach to still believe Burton had anything to do with it, in so much as he managed to perfectly replicate an already established serial killer's MO.
Speculation (more spoilerish) on the 4x08 synopsis
Resolved to leave Banshee, Lucas learns that the murder case he thought was finally closed may in fact be opening again.
Yes, I think that Burton is the real Rebecca's killer.
How did they establish this though? It's just assumed, but could be a copy cat to make it look the same. They never showed the killer actually doing the deed to Rebecca and he hasnt admitted to it.
definitely going to be Burton. Probably ordered by Proctor.
definitely going to be Burton. Probably ordered by Proctor.
As someone who enjoyed the he'll out of s1-3, I can't believe this is put on TV.
It flat out sucks. Emo hood sucks. There is no charm, no badassness to the show like it uses to be. All the actors seem to not give a shit anymore.
Wtf were they thinking.
Really disappointed that this is how it ends.
Maybethe case isn't solved because the killer goes all zombie and walks out of the morgue?Come on, I can't have been the only one expecting his eyes to open when laid out on the slab at the end there, can I?
Seriously, I just can't foresee the event you mentioned having happened. The coroner concluded that all the victims had the same drug in their system and were cut with the same weapon. Sure, I'm sure you could elaborately copy-cat the killing, but it seems an unnecessary twist this late on in the show. If, who you mentioned, did indeed order it, why has the series showed him moping around most of his scenes distraught, and ordering police and Hood to find the killer - it makes little sense really.
If the serial killing storyline has no tie in to the rest of the arc of this season, it's inclusion is baffling as even without it, you could have had a balls-out Cartel/Proctor/Hood-gang/Nazi all out war and easily filled 8 episodes, as there is so much material in there, and little story strands that could have been tied off, yet here we are with one episode left to close everything off, and there seems no satisfactory way to conclude everything.
More evidence
(spoiler promo)
Hood VS Burton fight in the 4x08 promo.
Sure, I'm sure you could elaborately copy-cat the killing, but it seems an unnecessary twist this late on in the show. If, who you mentioned, did indeed order it, why has the series showed him moping around most of his scenes distraught, and ordering police and Hood to find the killer - it makes little sense really.
If the serial killing storyline has no tie in to the rest of the arc of this season, it's inclusion is baffling as even without it, you could have had a balls-out Cartel/Proctor/Hood-gang/Nazi all out war and easily filled 8 episodes
It's not an unnecessary twist - it's crucial to Rebecca's arc that she be killed by Kai or Burton. Otherwise all the tension that they built up over the course of four seasons between she and her uncle (and Burton) will have been for naught.
It's not an unnecessary twist - it's crucial to Rebecca's arc that she be killed by Kai or Burton. Otherwise all the tension that they built up over the course of four seasons between she and her uncle (and Burton) will have been for naught.
Why did he do it then?
Well they took the easy route with some scenes.