It makes me sad that they made achievements for the challenge modes. I started with Hard right off the bat and 100 percent completed the story mode and it's extremely disappointing to see I can't get all the achievements from doing so. The challenges are fine to give people something extra to do and aspire towards, but it should be painfully obvious that many would not find them fun. To think, I can get through the whole game on Hard mode on the first try without any difficulty by using 3 hit combos and counters all game and then come into a challenge mode and learn that I must teach myself some long never ending combination combo just to get a high score is frustrating. Isn't it FAR more impressive to never get hit? It' blows me away how little you get for the perfect knight bnous. I know it doesn't matter, but I'm an achievement whore and it's just lame when achievements are put in secondary game modes. The fight challenges just suck all the fun out of the game when you're forced to play a certain way, quite the opposite of the main game. I could completely disassociate this mode from the game if not for achievements being linked to it. I will confess I found the stealth portions ten times more enjoyable throughout the game anyway. Predator is much better, you still have choices in how to get around the room and setup takedowns, fight challenges are just a combo fest.