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Batman: Arkham Asylum |OT| Steroids 'n Counters


I finished the game last night. Bravo. Excellent from beginning to end. Now where is my sequel!?

When the Scarecrow makes you think your Xbox red ringed..we lets just say I paniced. My 360 has red-ringed in the past, and that same frozen screen appeared (while playing Mirrors Edge). I was about to turn the system off when it changed last minute. Crazy stuff


Gold Member
Fantastic game, certainly a pleasent suprise! I was very impressed with the game overall, though I did have some minor complaints. If I had to rate the game out of 10, I'd give it an 8.7! :D


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
rhino4evr said:
I finished the game last night. Bravo. Excellent from beginning to end. Now where is my sequel!?

When the Scarecrow makes you think your Xbox red ringed..we lets just say I paniced. My 360 has red-ringed in the past, and that same frozen screen appeared (while playing Mirrors Edge). I was about to turn the system off when it changed last minute. Crazy stuff
i did turn the system off. :lol I was freaking.

Nelo Ice

SpeedingUptoStop said:
i did turn the system off. :lol I was freaking.

i knew what happened but i let my friend borrow the game the other day and yesterday he texted me asking
why am i the joker?


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Now that I have a new pc, I can totally see myself replaying this again just for the eyecandy. I have an ati card, so I won't get the PhysX stuff, but I gather the game looks pretty amazing either way


Darunia said:
Now that I have a new pc, I can totally see myself replaying this again just for the eyecandy. I have an ati card, so I won't get the PhysX stuff, but I gather the game looks pretty amazing either way

Amazing is right! Just finished through the PC version yesterday myself, having also played the PS3 demo.

I'm running it on a GTX 275, but even with mid level PhysX turned on, there is a huge performance penalty. I just left it off for my play through. Game still looks phenomenal, and this way you can maintain a rock solid 60fps too.


Don't normally do this, but...

I'm just after the Botanical Gardens (two thirds of the way through?). And all I can say is, this has been the most underwhelming experience of my life.

I've just found it so incredibly dull so far. Repetitive, predictable (well, except the
morgue sequence
), the same shit over and over again. I just want it to end.

To be fair, as far as licensed games go, this is one of the better games I've played in recent years. But the hype surrounding this game has just been on a scale of something way beyond. Stuff like "best single player experience of the year so far" etc. I mean, seriously? This must have been a really bad year.

I want to like. I'm determined to complete just because of the positive reviews and word of mouth. But I'm starting to give less and less of a shit. Feels completely middle-of-the-road.


Finally finished this last night and I loved it from beginning to end. Finally they did Batman justice in a video game. I can't wait for the sequel,
but I kind of hope it doesn't revolve around Titan again like the ending kind of implied it could.
pswii60 said:
Don't normally do this, but...

I'm just after the Botanical Gardens (two thirds of the way through?). And all I can say is, this has been the most underwhelming experience of my life.

You're not completely wrong. There are some iffy parts of the game. But one thing I noticed is that your second or third playthrough is much, much more enjoyable, because you know exactly what to do, which means you can slow down and savor all the little emotions. ;-)


The Blue Jihad said:
You're not completely wrong. There are some iffy parts of the game. But one thing I noticed is that your second or third playthrough is much, much more enjoyable, because you know exactly what to do, which means you can slow down and savor all the little emotions. ;-)
Yeah, I think part of why I don't like this game is because occasionally I just feel lost, wondering what the fuck I'm supposed to be doing. Then I'll finally find an obvious grapple ledge or something and wonder why I'd just wasted 20 minutes walking around in circles. I don't really get this on other games so I don't know why I do in Batman!?
pswii60 said:
Yeah, I think part of why I don't like this game is because occasionally I just feel lost, wondering what the fuck I'm supposed to be doing. Then I'll finally find an obvious grapple ledge or something and wonder why I'd just wasted 20 minutes walking around in circles. I don't really get this on other games so I don't know why I do in Batman!?

Actually, one recommendation is to hop back and forth between story and challenge maps. If you find yourself losing interest/enjoyment in the story mode, goof off in challenge mode. Helps keep things feeling fresh, and it goes a long way in balancing your play experience. You start really feeling like there's always something you feel like doing.
pswii60 said:
Yeah, I think part of why I don't like this game is because occasionally I just feel lost, wondering what the fuck I'm supposed to be doing. Then I'll finally find an obvious grapple ledge or something and wonder why I'd just wasted 20 minutes walking around in circles. I don't really get this on other games so I don't know why I do in Batman!?

That is kind of strange. It was one of those rare games where I almost never slowed down or got lost. I can't think of a single instance where I was confused as to where I should go. And that happens to me often in games. Hell, last night I spent 10 minutes running around in circles underground in Uncharted 2 because I couldn't find the exit


sparkle this bitch
quick question, I just got the game and started it on Hard. Is it really worth the trouble going through hard? Or should I just go with Normal?


shintoki said:
quick question, I just got the game and started it on Hard. Is it really worth the trouble going through hard? Or should I just go with Normal?
Go through normal. It will teach you when to counter when your doing hand to hand combat. If you go to hard right away it might be too hard.


Neverender said:
Anyone else having issues with freezing in this game, or is it just my xbox?
PS3 version froze alot for me. For some reason it stopped happening as much when I set it the ps3 vertically. When I had it on the side it froze every time I played it.
Finished the game last night. This was great from start to finish. I really think they did just about everything possible right with this game, and I can't wait to see what Rocksteady does next.

I wish it had been a little longer, but I see this being a game that I get a lot of replay value out of.


beat the game last night. its awesome..Last boss was meh.... other than that... outstanding....

and yeah... Scarecrow sections were surprisingly REALLY creepy... i felt totally uncomfortable while i was playing those sections.
The game is really well made but something is irking me about the whole thing. The game feels stiff but looks smooth. It gives you freedom but almost feels like it plays itself.

It looks great and feels good but I don't think all the pieces are fit as tightly together as the press is making it out to be. Almost like because it is Batman people are willing it to be good.

I'll give it a few more hours, maybe I'll see what everyone else does in it.

Don't know it if it mentioned it the thread but anyone else see the Half-Life similarities in the game?
Finally got to play the game and finish the game....Probably one of the best games I have played in a long time, this year for sure. Up there with shadow complex and a couple others that I can't think of at the moment.

Honestly, the only problem I have with the game is that they
kept repeating the boss fights instead of giving me a more diverse array of bosses to fight. I mean I was freaking happy with the ivy fight cause it was finally a very different fight but even that was similar to the other boss fights where they just throw in some thugs to distract you and I just wish there were more boss variety.
but hey, that's what sequels are for...If they get that right, it would be a perfect game. I hope, if they do make a sequel (which they probably will because of how well this sold), that they put batman in gotham this time. while arkham asylum was beautiful and awesome....while playing the game I kept thinking, man this would be even more fun if I was on the streets of gotham, cause they truly nailed the feel and experience of what it would be like tob e batman...and I am still amazed at how well they handled him. Its almost ingenius.


I'm roughly 50% into the game, playing it almost passively.

Really great so far. Video Games bore me quickly, but it is a nod in Arkham's asylum's quality that I'm still hooked to it.

Lord Phol

Silicon Knight said:
Probably has been answered a million times already, but does the game feature a mandatory install on the PS3?

Pretty much, but it's worth it, almost no loading times to speak of makes for a very pleasent experience. And since this thread got bumped up I'm gonna contribute to all the praise this game has got, it's well deserved and my most enjoyable gaming experience this gen so far.
Everything from the great story, game mechanics and voice-acting, to something as simple as making sprinting an input of a button, contributes to the feel of actually being the Dark Knight himself.

Well done Rocksteady Studios.


I'm almost done with the last trophy I need for platinum (Hard Run).

Thank you GAF for getting this game on my radar :)

Lord Phol

Gee said:
I'm almost done with the last trophy I need for platinum (Hard Run).

Thank you GAF for getting this game on my radar :)

I still have that one and all extreme challenge medals to do and the trophy shall be mine, first platinum as well :]. Both the riddle challenges and the trophies are fun and adds to the game alot. Really great job there.


Lord Phol said:
I still have that one and all extreme challenge medals to do and the trophy shall be mine, first platinum as well :]. Both the riddle challenges and the trophies are fun and adds to the game alot. Really great job there.

If you do the challenges first, fighting in hard mode will be a breeze :)
Ahh. Nice 1000g. Yay. Just beat Shock and Awe (Extreme).
I never thought I would do it though.

I was never that spectacular at the combat system but with SaW Extreme, you basically have to be patient to watch for the indicator, counter, then take out the guys without the knives
(red guys) or guys with the light stick (blue guys) to get the 5x Takedown meter, and then use the Y+B Takedown to break dudes off quickly. It's best if you can use that Y+B deal on the red/blue guys obviously to get them out of the way.

Moving the camera helped a lot too (durr!) so you can plan your attacks. My scores were like 6500, 7500, 9000, and 8000. Wasn't that bad once I settled down because when I'm nervous I tend to button mash.

Hopefully this helps y'all.
Does anyone know the name of the song the Joker broadcasts
before you enter his party and subsequently fight him as the last boss?

I've looked all over online and even in the game's credits but I can't find anything on this song. Did anyone have any luck finding it?


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
Finished this up yesterday. The moment-to-moment stuff is great, particularly the amount of freedom it gives you to approach the combat. The game tends to fall down on the repetitive or dull
Poison Ivy
boss fights and when it gets too gung-ho about changing the pace
Croc's Lair
. Like most plot-driven games, it would've benefitted from being edited down; however, it did avoid becoming a slog.

I'd love to see Rocksteady knock out a sequel where they polished up the mechanics, like Epic managed with Gears 2, then get a crack at doing an original IP.
holy shit at the OP. fucking great man

ima have to pick this. the demo was pretty good but there was too much i wanted in for q4. ill get this sometime next year maybe on the cheap


I just got to playing this recently just finished it yesterday. Overall it was an excellent experience. I rented it though, so I wasn't able to get all of the joker trophies. I am going to buy this when it goes down in price, definitely a game I would replay.


Well finished up
Croc's Lair a bit earlier. I was getting a bit annoyed by Croc's constant entrances but the section was over before I could get really upset with it.
As it stands, it was actually a nice change of pace from the rest of the game without being overly difficult (at least on normal).

I'm guessing I'm pretty close to the end at this point so might just finish it up tonight after the Lakers game. Need to buckle down and study for the rest of the week but I really want to beat this game first. :lol


Well just finished the game today. If I had to give one point of advice, make sure you know how to evade (double tap A+direction on 360 pad). :lol I was playing this game on and off for the past month and somewhere in those breaks, I forgot the evade controls and for whatever reason couldn't find them in the game menus. Sure made the
Titan and 100 henchman fight after closing the pumps (before ivy fight)
interesting. Went online after that to figure out the evade controls and breezed through the
Ivy fight

On the whole, fantastic game. Combat and exploration were a blast even though I never quite mastered pulling off combos. The only thing I found annoying was the save system.
A bit aggravating having to restart the Joker fight from the beginning when you run out of health literally right before the finishing move. Ugh.
Now normal isn't overly difficult that you'll get stuck somewhere for hours on end, but I would've appreciated some sort of quick save/load system. I was turned off from trying more clever approaches to armed henchman filled rooms since I was afraid if I messed it up, I'd have to start the section over from the beginning.

But it's not a big complaint and this is easily the best SP game I've played this year. Now onto Uncharted 2.
Finished this game a few days back. Wow.

I'm just really glad i picked this one up in the end. I originally was going to skip it but i decided to just go for it. I was not disappointed. I really loved all the Scarecrow moments. The
walking down the corridor/alley thing where your parents die
broken console/becoming the joker
parts absolutely blew my mind. Also the voice tapes a la Bioshock was a nice touch. There were a few things that were flawed
Croc's lair, anyone?
but they were too short to really care.

Great game, i would tell anyone who's on the fence to buy it immediately.


Buckethead said:
Ahh. Nice 1000g. Yay. Just beat Shock and Awe (Extreme).
I never thought I would do it though.

I foolishly traded in Batman with only this achievement (and the accompanying 100%) left to get because I figured it wouldn't be worth banging my head against the wall for two weeks. I'm so tempted to buy it again just to grind it out and I don't know whether that's a sign of how much I like B:AA, or how much a problem I have with achievements :D.

Someone in another thread questioned why Batman was my GOTY over Uncharted 2 right now, and I just wanted to say that it's not even close. While Uncharted 2 was an amazing roller coaster ride, it was ultimately a super linear experience and everyone who plays it will walk the exact same path as everyone else. There was only one way to go in every area, and there was no room for exploration or deviation from the main path, while Batman was almost the complete opposite. Maybe it edges out because I expected U2 to be spectacular and was skeptical of batman before going in, but man...Batman:AA is really awesome.


AkuMifune said:
Someone in another thread questioned why Batman was my GOTY over Uncharted 2 right now, and I just wanted to say that it's not even close. While Uncharted 2 was an amazing roller coaster ride, it was ultimately a super linear experience and everyone who plays it will walk the exact same path as everyone else. There was only one way to go in every area, and there was no room for exploration or deviation from the main path, while Batman was almost the complete opposite. Maybe it edges out because I expected U2 to be spectacular and was skeptical of batman before going in, but man...Batman:AA is really awesome.



Also, I noticed over on the official forums that there is no more DLC planned for this wonderful game. Thanks to Rocksteady for the awesome FREE DLC they did release and so soon from launch.

Now, onto Batman 2, mates!
AkuMifune said:
I foolishly traded in Batman with only this achievement (and the accompanying 100%) left to get because I figured it wouldn't be worth banging my head against the wall for two weeks.
Just rent it. I'll explain to you my strategy and I guarantee you'll have it done within the day.
AkuMifune said:
Someone in another thread questioned why Batman was my GOTY over Uncharted 2 right now, and I just wanted to say that it's not even close.

Uncharted 2 was an amazing game with amazing presentation, but I don't think Donkey Kong Country was the GOTY back in the day nor should Uncharted 2 be GOTY simply because it's tech advances.
Buckethead said:
Uncharted 2 was an amazing game with amazing presentation, but I don't think Donkey Kong Country was the GOTY back in the day nor should Uncharted 2 be GOTY simply because it's tech advances.

I don't really believe that anyone who considers Uncharted 2 as their GOTY does so because of its technology.
brandonh83 said:
I don't really believe that anyone who considers Uncharted 2 as their GOTY does so because of its technology.
Don't want to open that can of worms but inshort if the game didn't look so amazing I don't think people would be so forgiving about the gunplay, tanky controls, and other faults.
Gears back when was GOTY because it brought new elements to the table in the cover system, and there's nothing original about Uncharted 2 but it's an excellent package. Same thing with DKC back when.

My point is on a "game" basis, Batman should be the GOTY.


Hey GAF, can you please give me pointers for the "Party Pooper" trophy? I'm playing on Normal, sticking mostly with Counters while waiting for an opening, then getting my Combo up to 5 and unleashing a Special Takedown, and yet I can't kill them all, even though my Armor is fully upgraded.

I'm considering putting my save on a USB stick and finishing the game, then erasing the save on the PS3 and putting this one back in order to try it again. Would this work?
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