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Batman: Arkham Asylum |OT| Steroids 'n Counters


Crewnh said:
Man, for those who Platinum'd this, I commend you. I don't know how you guys got the combat challenge trophies. I can barely get 1 bat medal, let alone 3. And you need to get 24! Holy shit!
=[ I couldn't do it either

heinsmit said:
GOTY for anyone else except me?

Nope, it was mine as well. Though I still need to play Demon Souls and UC2



Hit x 5 (Square/X)
then... Triangle + Circle/Y + B

when you have a nice combo... and there is an enemy stunned in the floor, just: R2 + Triangle/Right Trigger + Y

if you don't know what to do, double tap X/Y!! and keep hitting.


NIGHT- said:
=[ I couldn't do it either

Nope, it was mine as well. Though I still need to play Demon Souls and UC2

I want a PS3, though it is only for UC1 and 2 admittedly... From what I played of UC2, it had the potential, but I could only play it briefly at a friend's house.


Combat Trophies are a pain but each level has a strategy to it. You get large bonuses for variety and continuing your combo's. Use of batclaw is critical, as well as baterangs, especially on shock and awe levels where you have a time limit. Also the use of baterangs and batclaw makes it much easier to perform the ground and pound move which gives you the best combo multiplier if I remember right. If you keep at it, you'll pretty quickly get good to where you're pulling 40+ hit combos without too much problem, 3 bat ranks are super easy on the first few, shock and awe extreme and rumble in the jungle extreme however become pretty tough. Like I said though, they've got a strategy and once you figure em out they're not too tough with some practice. Also, I recommend youtube :) I never would have figured out how to effectively play without watching a few vids, check out a shock and awe extreme run and you'll see how batclaw and batarang are key.


doing my hard playthrough, and trying to get everything this time around. Taking your time with this game really shows how well things fit together.


So I picked this up from Best Buy yesterday since they had it on sale for $39.99, and I love the game so far. Only issues that I'm having are some weird graphical issues. I'm on a 60 GB PS3, and sometimes when I load it up some texture isn't right and there will be what looks like a spear or something sticking out of Batman or one of the other characters. Rebooting seems to fix it, but it's a pain. Anyone else have this issue or know how to fix it?
andycapps said:
So I picked this up from Best Buy yesterday since they had it on sale for $39.99, and I love the game so far. Only issues that I'm having are some weird graphical issues. I'm on a 60 GB PS3, and sometimes when I load it up some texture isn't right and there will be what looks like a spear or something sticking out of Batman or one of the other characters. Rebooting seems to fix it, but it's a pain. Anyone else have this issue or know how to fix it?
Somebody else was having the spear issue with a number of games, there's a thread about it somewhere... I think the consensus is that his PS3 was dying.


Spike Spiegel said:
Somebody else was having the spear issue with a number of games, there's a thread about it somewhere... I think the consensus is that his PS3 was dying.

See that's weird. I had this same issue with the RE5 demo. But since that time I've played probably 30-40 hours on the PS3, and God knows how many movie watching hours. So I doubt that's the case.. Maybe I should reinstall the game data, but then I think it'd get rid of my save too.


Flavius said:
Wife picked this up for me for Xmas and I've been having a blast with it today. I have gotten up to play with the kiddies every hour or so and check out their new toys with them, but it's nice that they're letting me geek out a bit since I rarely do this sort of thing anymore.

Hopefully this won't be taken as some sort of holier-than-thou tidbit, but when I opened it up, I noticed it was a used game. I asked the wifey what's up (only because I knew she wouldn't have ever picked up a used game for me, nor known where to procure one) and she told that she got it from Gamestop. She said the guy there told her they were out of the new ones and convinced her to pick it up used, because she wouldn't find it new anywhere else.

So...I woke my happy ass up this morning, took it back to Gamestop, got my money back (the guy tried to sell me a new copy...ha!), and headed over to Target to buy it new. I know it's already sold very well, but I'd much rather my copy count towards overall sales figures, rather than lining the pockets of those vultures. ;)
I subscribe to this thread and I finally got around to checking my emails. Saw this post and it made my day even if I'm a few days late. Hats off to you Flavius and well done.


I booted up the game again to finish off the last couple of Riddle challenges that I never got too. I think it's my GOTY. Everything is so polished, and it was every bit just as fun as when I first played it. I want Arkham Asylum asap.


RavenFox said:
I subscribe to this thread and I finally got around to checking my emails. Saw this post and it made my day even if I'm a few days late. Hats off to you Flavius and well done.

Thanks. ;) I took care of the game and the game took care of me. Finished it off yesterday and was actually a bit sad it was all over.


I've been playing the PC version finally over the last few days, beat the game and all that jazz...then I started doing the Challenge Rooms. At first I was like "WTF? How do I get these point totals?!" then after a couple of days I started learning to how to use all the moves and tools finally....hollllly shhhhiittttt. 40 hit combo and Perfect Freeflow achievements went down like nothing. I can't describe how much of a badass you feel like after an awesome Freeflow round.

Batman :bow


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
It really makes you fee like Batman. That's what makes this game so specil. You're not fucking around trying to fight like 2-3 guys at a time. that shit's a cake walk. IF you ain't getting 60 hit combos and using all the gadgets along the way, you ain't Batman.


started playing the PC version yesterday, 1360x768 on my old Bravia HDTV, maximum gfx detail, PhysX set to highest, framerate capped to 30 fps in the userengine.ini and 360 pad. Basically the console version experience on steroids :lol. Looks stunning and framerate is rock-solid (I'm using a 9800GTX+ for both rendering & physics, that's why I capped the game @ 30 fps).

I just reached the part where you have to
find this antidote flower down in Killer Croc's lair
, enjoying it a lot but not as much as I expected (too much hype), reminds me a lot of Bioshock sometimes.

edit: just finished it, the last couple of bosses were meh, it's a curse this generation it seems.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Well, I just finished playing the game and completing all of the Riddler challenges and I felt compelled to comment.

Don't hate me but, in short, I don't think the game was anywhere near what it was hyped up to be. Solid game? Yes. GOTY material? No.

1. The game is too short and too easy. I mean boy was it easy. I finished it in 2 days. I mean sure, you are the freaking Batman so it kind of makes sense but I still would have liked to have seen at least some challenge in the game. It only took me like 6 hours max to beat it my first time through and only a little longer than that to complete the Riddler challenges. I'm going through the combat challenges now.

2. The combat, while fun, basically boils down to a game of rock-paper-scissors in which your opponent always goes first. What I mean by that is, if you see a group of enemies you can just walk up to them and start swinging. Then after a few hits you can just wait for the blue counter indicator to pop up and counter their attacks and continue to wail on them. If there is a red guy you just flip over them and attack them from behind instead of countering. That's all there is to the combat.

3. A big deal was made about the rogues gallery in this game. Too big a deal IMO. What good is a rogues gallery if there aren't many boss fights that feature those villains? There were like 3 actual boss fights in the game (as I don't consider fighting waves of enemies a boss fight) and those were
Bane, Ivy, and Titan Joker
. Of those,
felt the most epic. The rest of the villains you don't so much as fight as deal with.
Croc you basically just run from and throw batarangs at, Scarecrow you just shine a light on, Riddler you don't even see and deal with by solving his challenges, and heck... you don't even do anything with Harley as she is dealt with in a cut scene!

4. Not really a complaint but I thought the segment involving
Poison Ivy
was easily the highlight of the game.
pretty much stole the show from the Joker at that point for me.

5. Detective mode. WTF were they thinking with this? You can see enemies through walls? This goes back to the game being too easy. And don't tell me "well just turn it off" because the game forces you to use it to trail people and whatnot. It has to be activated a good portion of the game. Way too powerful. Not only that but I think by adding it they did a disservice to whomever working on the graphics for the game...as they are quite nice in some parts..but you never really see them because of the detective mode.

6. The gadgets. Exactly how many batarang variations do we need? I would have liked to have seen more offensive options...like shooting that gel across a room or something. Not only that but if Batman has easy access to all of this stuff
via the Batcave and Batwing
then why doesn't he just gather it all up when the Joker first escapes to make his life easier? I know why the developers did it like this but it just doesn't make sense from a story perspective. It might have been better if the components were scattered around the island and Batman needed to procure them so that he could update his gear on the fly while in the field.

Lastly, I just want to say that I get a strong sense from playing the game that the developers didn't want to take many risks and they held themselves back. While sometimes this can be a good thing, here it is not. There is clearly a solid game here and the folks behind it are obviously good at what they do but I would have liked to have seen them elevate it to another level. Like I said, very good game, but it falls just short of being something really spectacular IMO which is a shame.


That crazy Japanese Moon Language
I can't believe I almost traded in my sealed copy of this game for something else a week ago. I finally beat it on 'normal' last night, and I still suck at the combat, but overall, this game is absolutely awesome. It's basically everything I wanted out of a sequel to Metroid Prime set in a story that I'm familiar with and has characters I actually really like.

I can understand the gripes with "why didn't he get those hooks and etc. before" but it's a videogame. It could have used one extra area before you go in for the last boss though. But that's probably me just being greedy, this game rocks.


You know playing as Batman is cool and all, but playing it I can't help but wonder what Rocksteady could do with a Dr. Who game. That's pretty much my dream game at this point...


Junior Member
Alphahawk said:
You know playing as Batman is cool and all, but playing it I can't help but wonder what Rocksteady could do with a Dr. Who game. That's pretty much my dream game at this point...

After playing the mediocre Ghostbusters game right after Batman:AA, I'd really like to see them take on that license. With Batman they showed they can create a gameplay experience true to the franchise, and with Ghostbusters we'd get to have Scarecrow-esque sequences throughout the whole game. I can only wish...


Baron Aloha said:
I agree that the game could have been a bit longer, but more for the fact that I enjoyed the campaign so much. The structure of the overworld and how everything ties together probably took a lot of effort. I'm sure I'm not the only one who favours a short, but sweet ride, rather than a long, drawn out, crappy one.

You're right about the combat being rather easy if you just want to sit there and wait to counter, but I feel the challenge comes in mixing up your attacks and chaining long combos of 20, 30 or even more hits. The sense of badassery after perfectly taking out a group of 10 to 12 guys without being touched is unmatched. Also, after finishing the game on normal, I replayed the game on hard which was a little better in the sense that the flashing indicators do not appear above the heads of the thugs, plus you take more damage from each hit. Guns are especially more deadly, as you can only sustain maybe 2 bursts of fire on hard.

Finally, try getting all of the objectives in challenge mode. They are generally speaking harder than the main game, and some of the later challenge maps are pretty tough!


Oh god. Ive been slowly clearting out my backlog and finally got around to this. Motherfucking GOTY 2009 without a shadow of a doubt for me (yes, Ive played Uncharted 2). This is the most awesome comic book game Ive ever played, and it doesnt even need that qualifier. This is one of the most awesome games Ive played fullstop.

I know there is a sequel coming. When?


Really love the graphics (artistic and technical) and the atmosphere in the game. Its what really takes it to another level. Heres hoping that the sequel isnt some kind of Gotham GTA :lol


Solo said:
Oh god. Ive been slowly clearting out my backlog and finally got around to this. Motherfucking GOTY 2009 without a shadow of a doubt for me (yes, Ive played Uncharted 2). This is the most awesome comic book game Ive ever played, and it doesnt even need that qualifier. This is one of the most awesome games Ive played fullstop.

Agreed on both counts. And, yes, I too have played Uncharted 2.

I know there is a sequel coming. When?

I actually really hope it is this year and not 2011. The game was so good, I want more asap. I mean, engine is in place, so it is a matter of story and locations.


Spike said:
Agreed on both counts. And, yes, I too have played Uncharted 2.

I actually really hope it is this year and not 2011. The game was so good, I want more asap. I mean, engine is in place, so it is a matter of story and locations.

I want more as well, but in a case like this, I'd take it in the form of DLC rather than a game with a 1 year dev time. Even if they reuse the majority of their assets here, I'd still want more production time than 350 days. I imagine when the sequel comes it'll be announced for no earlier than early-2011, then get delayed for whatever reason, and release in Q3 or have a holiday release.



Been tracking down all the Riddler trophies, and now have 238/240. All I am missing is 3 Joker teeth in Arkham Mansion and 1 Joker teeth in Medical, and I cant find them anywheres



Solo said:

Been tracking down all the Riddler trophies, and now have 238/240. All I am missing is 3 Joker teeth in Arkham Mansion and 1 Joker teeth in Medical, and I cant find them anywheres :(

In the attic of the the warden's office. The room in which you had to throw a batarang at the guy who was holding the female doctor hostage.


Hyunkel6 said:
In the attic of the the warden's office. The room in which you had to throw a batarang at the guy who was holding the female doctor hostage.

Strangely enough, I was just in there, and I can HEAR the teeth but I cannot see them. Attic, you say? Time to look up I guess. Thanks!


Jealous Bastard
i don't even know what to say about this game. it started kind of slow for me, but since i've gotten more of the tools and gotten more into the exploring and solving riddler challenges, it's just the bee's knees. it's not only the best batman game i've ever played, but it's probably the best metroid game i've played since PRIME 2.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
oh man I just got this game in the mail. I know I'm late to this party, but what a kickass party. I clocked around 4 hours yesterday playing this and I just got past the 2nd
scarecrow section.
love it.

haven't figured the use of the batclaw into combos at all yet and usually only getting 10 or so, seem to screw up whenever the power moves activate and I push y too often when not required.
I just beat the game 2 weeks ago. Great. Took me 4 months on and off to beat. I don't see how one of my friends 100% story mode in one night on normal.
As much as I loved the demo on my 360 and PC which ran it great, I finally got around to buying the pc version for £12 last week :D

I have only sunk about a few nights worth in and what feels like 2/3 of the story complete but daaaaaamn such a nice game, batman is just how he should be and I like how the characters keep that slight comic book appeal about them, like croc who actually looks like a monster and not just a dude with green skin. It also helps keep batman in line with some of the amazing stuff he can pull off in a fight or jumping from a roof top onto someone :D I have seen the first hour or so of the game on 360 when a friend brought his copy over but it's a different ball game when you play it yourself.

I can see myself playing for 100% quite easily and then replaying the game on Hard, kind of wish I went hard first time around instead of the default as I have only died 4-5 times mostly from trying to be too fancy with my combat :p

There is only one problem I have and kind of wish the game did less and that's hold your hand as to where to go next, always an icon on the map so I sometimes force myself off line to check out other areas. Finding extra items also could do with being a bit more out of pattern with maybe the batclaw being found early if you veer off the story route for 20 minutes and explore.

Game is amazing.


First tragedy, then farce.
Alright, so I know I'm LTTP on this one..

but what an FANTASTIC game. I'm not sure that I can rave enough about how amazing this game was.

First and foremost: it succeeded in making me feel like the god damned batman. Everything about it felt like it could have easily been in a comic. All of it. The character interactions were all very true. The interactions between the super villians was great
Ivy threatening to come after joker after she finished off bats!
I really appreciated the fact that the super villians weren't so much working together as it was the Joker turning them loose to fuck with bats while he did his thing.

The story really was top notch stuff. It made sense, it never really went over the top
Joker using the Titan formula probably was a bit much, but the alternative would have been Batman pummeling him in a lame final boss fight, so I can put up with it

The combat system was a lot of fun. They threw enough at you, but never put you in a position where you couldn't win by doing your own thing. If you died, it was your fault.

The stealth sections gave me a nerdgasm. I felt like fucking batman stalking baddies in the dark. I loved it. Sure, the AI was a little dumb, but the game had to dumb them down to make me feel like the god damned batman. My friend watched me play it and was complaining that I was taking too long to kill the baddies. "Prep time". :lol

Man, I know I'm just raving and raving, but I don't think I ever stopped smiling playing this game.

I'm a huge bats fan, but lack of time + finances made it impossible for me to play this when it came out. I can't wait for the sequel. Can't wait to see which of the rouges gallery makes their way into the fray.

I also love the little hints at some of the other badguys. Clayface especially was very well done..

I guess if I had any complaints it was that the
showdown was a little underwhelming. I liked that section, but was hoping for a bigger payoff. The
scarecrow sections were simply amazing. The last one especially.

I've never done this before, but I'm going to jump right back in for another playthrough.. or maybe try and find all of the riddler's secrets.


One question:
How did Gordon get back on the island? Joker had him tied up at the end. He left after you knocked Bane into the river

That bit didn't seem to flow with the story and was pretty pointless to the final showdown to boot.

I have yet to play U2. But I can only imagine how good it must be if it kept Batman from walking away with all of the awards.


Solo said:

Been tracking down all the Riddler trophies, and now have 238/240. All I am missing is 3 Joker teeth in Arkham Mansion and 1 Joker teeth in Medical, and I cant find them anywheres


I found 238 on my own and resorted to a FAQ for the last two.


First tragedy, then farce.
Just completed all of the Riddler's challenges. Didn't have to resort to a guide either. They were challenging enough without being hair pulling IMO.

Although, I pulled my hair out on my first playthrough trying to figure out how to get those damn things. Would have been nice to know I didn't have the gadgets I needed yet :lol

Really wish they could have worked in an easter egg showdown with the Riddler or Warden at the end, even if it was just an arrest scene. I guess they had an audio one with the Riddler... but no real closure on the Warden.

Although, I liked the extra insight into the Warden as well as the back story it gave us on the Jokers escape.

The interview tapes were also a lot of fun.. as were finding the little tidbits about the other characters on the island.

Ras in the mourge, then not in the mourge the next time around was great :lol Fucking Lazarus Pit

Guess I'm just about done with the game. I don't really want to play it on hard because I feel like I need a break from the island. Maybe in a few months I'll want the extra challenge.

Wish I had played it on hard the first time. I only died maybe 5 times playing the game and would have appreciated a little more challenge.

Like I said, I can't wait for the sequel. I hope the Joker isn't the focus of the story. Let him be a sideline baddy next time around.


First tragedy, then farce.
ravien56 said:
Having so much trouble with the combat challenges. I can get 2 bats with most of them, but getting the gold is too hard.

I gave up on the combat challenges. I found the combat to be adequate for the main game as a way to break up the other gameplay elements.. as a main course I wasn't too crazy about it.


Jealous Bastard
stooge, as far as the final boss battle, i think
something more gadgety and playful (like the sort of giant carnival type death traps joker uses a lot) would have made a lot more sense and been a bit more memorable. in other words, something that used the joker's cunning, not his brawn.
but what was there was a good use of the game's mechanics, which is definitely something.


First tragedy, then farce.
beelzebozo said:
stooge, as far as the final boss battle, i think
something more gadgety and playful (like the sort of giant carnival type death traps joker uses a lot) would have made a lot more sense and been a bit more memorable. in other words, something that used the joker's cunning, not his brawn.
but what was there was a good use of the game's mechanics, which is definitely something.

I tend to agree. But I think introducing a very different gameplay element at the end would have been pretty off putting to some people.
maybe they could have reworked the scarecrow platforming stuff into a joker/madhouse theme? Had you stop to fight some baddies on occasion during the level.... Could have worked a bit better with the character.. Have the joker in the middle with a machine gun to open fire on you if he sees you

I kind of felt that the developer was worried ending the game with anything other than a big over the top boss fight would have left people wanting more. It's the only point in the game where I thought of it as a game and not a comic come to life. It was a very "ok, this is the final boss" sort of moment the game had avoided to that point.

In any case, I am hoping the Riddler winds up as a main character
maybe a poison ivy like secondary main baddy
in the next game and has some more zelda esque dungeon/puzzle sequences in it. He is the perfect character to introduce levels without enemies to fight, but lots of puzzles to solve. He could be used with some other baddies to really break up the gameplay in a fun new way. Crazy over the top "solve this riddle or the building filled with orphans blows up kind of stuff.

There are a ton of great ways they can take this thing... I hope they grab someone other than Joker as the main baddy.

Despite any minor quibbles I might have, I think this is my game of the year for 2009 at this point. Really looking forward to what they put out in hopefully 2011.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
it was pretty frustrating on the first run through how many riddles they told you about, but you had no gadgets to get them with. Just tell me if i can't make it across that ledge, asshole!
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