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Batman: Arkham Asylum |OT| Steroids 'n Counters


erotic butter maelstrom
I suppose I can see a point there especially with the retarded zombie guys that run at you all "uhuhharraaaahhhh" but it is Batman afterall, it's a cartoon.

Beat it recently, pretty great game. I hated the character designs something hardcore, but otherwise the aesthetics were pretty nice.

I just didn't like the super buff design of Gordon and the other generic guys.
I know it's a comic book thing but it was a little much, what is it with the Unreal Engine and guys looking look steroid binging body builders. I don't aspire to look like that, dev's, so please don't think you're letting us live our fantasies by having us play as big meaty dudes.
dak1dsk1 said:
I'm no fan of the Batman-franchise, but this game is decent. I can't help to feel slightly offended by the negative portrayal of mentally ill/criminally insane. It is really over the top. If it was any other minority group being stereotyped in this manner, the devs/publishers would have been sued to hell and back. I'm not talking about the Joker, but the regular patients. The cape can be really annoying, and I wish there was some way to turn it off or hide it.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Snuggler said:
I suppose I can see a point there especially with the retarded zombie guys that run at you all "uhuhharraaaahhhh" but it is Batman afterall, it's a cartoon.
I know it's just a cartoon, but it still offended me seeing ALL the patients behaving like wild animals, totally stripped of humanity and dignity. They could have left just one patient, that was semi-rational and not under the Jokers spell. Would have added some depth as well. Maybe Batman is just a one-dimensional universe... I'm also missing the "play as Adam West"-option. He was the king of gizmos.


erotic butter maelstrom
I see what you mean.
I guess the best way to think of it is that Arkham is home for only the criminally insane, the really crazy and dangerous people, so maybe the more rational ones are in a different facility.





I still can't do it :( I managed to kill the Titan, but only because I rushed to him to smack him every time he charged... then I had like 20 ugly clowns to deal with and they smacked me hard... *cries*


erotic butter maelstrom
It's tricky but I made it through. Laying down explosivo gel before hand helps to stun the titans and clear out the crowd. I avoided fighting the thugs and used the titan's charges to clear out enemies by putting myself in the right spot.
You can do it.


Bloodborne is shit
Ledsen said:
I still can't do it :( I managed to kill the Titan, but only because I rushed to him to smack him every time he charged... then I had like 20 ugly clowns to deal with and they smacked me hard... *cries*

That part gave me a hell of a time too. When I finally got past it I was thinking, gonna get that platinum, gonna get that platinum, gonna get…………but the combat challenges had other plans. :(


Snuggler said:
It's tricky but I made it through. Laying down explosivo gel before hand helps to stun the titans and clear out the crowd. I avoided fighting the thugs and used the titan's charges to clear out enemies by putting myself in the right spot.
You can do it.

Why didn't I think of that! Going to try that tomorrow, thanks :D

Dan Yo

I read an interview where Paul Dini said the developers of AA had him dial back the writing whenever he would get in depth and "over-write" the story for the game. It was a learning process that he eventually got used to with dumbing down the story in order to make it appropriate for a video game.

I want the developers of AA to understand that this is the wrong approach. The only real thing lacking in AA was the story and the dialogue. Story and characterization does not have to be dumbed down for video games.


So I started the game up to try and beat the titan+henchmen fight and finish what I previously thought was an awesome game... and my save was corrupt. This is seriously bullshit, why isn't this patched? I didn't turn the game off while it was saving, it was in the middle of a fight for christ's sake (the aforementioned Titan fight, which does NOT save midway through or anything like that)! Do they expect people to not care about this sort of stuff? There's no way I'm playing through the whole game again, I'll never get to finish it now. I also wanted to get 100% items and finish the challenge rooms. Well, that won't happen. I'm so pissed off right now, and I won't be buying the sequel. I won't support developers who don't fix stuff like this.


Just re-bought the GoTY version of this to try out the Trioviz 3D. I love it. I know it's only cheapy 'into-the-screen' 3D but it's really effective and is genuinely adding to my enjoyment of the game. I was wondering if I'd have the impetus to play the game through a 2nd time but I have no doubts I'll romp through it in Cool Gimmick-O-Vision. Lenticular case was nice too. UK GAF can grab it at Gamestation for £24.98 at the moment.
I am stuck on the same part as mentioned above, the room after you turn the pumps off, with the elevators, titan and 3 or 4 swarms of enemies (playing on Hard), its so frustratingly difficult. I've been trying it for hours now and I still can't beat it. I can't help but feel the game almost cheats you at times. You get stuck on the edges of doors so can't run from the charging Titan.

Any tips?
Hamill: Arkham Asylum 2 is Joker's Last Hurrah

Mark Hamill – the voice of Joker in Batman: Arkham Asylum – has hinted that the super villain's appearance in the sequel could well be his last. Talking exclusively with IGN at the Cannes Film Festival, Hamill said of his role of the Joker, "This will be my last, there's no question about that. But it's the last hurrah."



I received the game via GameFly Monday and finished it up today. Just played on normal and didn't do much of the challenge mode stuff, but all in all, a very good game. My only real complaint was somewhat feeling like you always had to be running around in detective mode.

Bosses almost always came down to batarang throws, but that's not to say most of them weren't fun at least.

I knew the game was pretty highly touted, but it came out at a time where I wasn't really able to play my consoles so I just now am hitting a fairly large backlog. Definitely glad I finally got a chance to play through it.
Who knew a superhero game could feel this good!


I still don't believe that the 3d is good. :lol

I may rebuy it for the PS3 though to play the joker stuff(and try out the 3d).
So I just beat this on Normal mode. PC version. Oh my god, this game is so damn good. I love the combat. It never really clicked with me until I played the first challenge arena. Now I'm free-flowing like a bat from Hell - and GOD DAMN does it feel good to take 16 guys down flawlessly. :D

I already did the Riddler's challenges - but I still need to find the last message from the spirit of Amadeus. Still at 84%, too. I wonder what I'm missing? Oh, and it totally sucks that you can't use the armored suit in the campaign. It looks so badass!

Can't wait for the sequel.
It never really clicked with me until I played the first challenge arena.
Same here. I'm so glad I tried the challenges before I beat the game. I finally understood why they call it free flow. I couldn't believe the constant stream of moves that came flowing out of Batman once I figured it out. And it was then that I realized I could probably 100% the game. And so I did.

Even had to play through it a second time because I missed the Party Pooper achievement the first go 'round.


Wasn't a member here back when it released but I absolutely loved this game. Definitely a breath of fresh air!

PC or console version? I've just got myself a new laptop with a 5850 and 4GB RAM.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Mad_Ban said:
Wasn't a member here back when it released but I absolutely loved this game. Definitely a breath of fresh air!

PC or console version? I've just got myself a new laptop with a 5850 and 4GB RAM.
PC. It has flawless 360 pad support, Xbox Live achievements, controls excellently with mouse and keyoard, and will run fantastically on that card (60 fps, 1080p locked).
So im late to the party and I just completed this yesterday and I have to say that it was an excellent game, really well done, I loved it. The thing is, im not sure im convinced the core gameplay was the reason I liked it, but rather the 'suprises' - it seemed like you were doing something different every segment of the game, and the sheer suprise value of some of the scenario's is what made the game for me.

I think any game with this writing team could be this brilliant.

Dan Yo said:
I read an interview where Paul Dini said the developers of AA had him dial back the writing whenever he would get in depth and "over-write" the story for the game. It was a learning process that he eventually got used to with dumbing down the story in order to make it appropriate for a video game.

I want the developers of AA to understand that this is the wrong approach. The only real thing lacking in AA was the story and the dialogue. Story and characterization does not have to be dumbed down for video games.

Well my one critism of the game is that towards the end it
got a bit camp with the whole mutation storyline, it was a lot better when it was just Batman stuck in a mental asylum - it actually felt quite a lot darker in the earlier parts of the game. I dont think any overwriting would have made the 'titan' aspect of the storyline less camp, BUT I do see it as a nessicary plot device.


Just finished this game (75%) and I'm doing some Challenge mode stuff right now.

LOVE it, totally surprised at how good this is.

Now, the combat is smooth as butter, and incredibly fun, if a bit button-mashy.

The stealth was super sweet, and this is coming from someone who doesn't really dig stealth games.

So yeah, super thumbs up from me.
Stallion Free said:
PC. It has flawless 360 pad support, Xbox Live achievements, controls excellently with mouse and keyoard, and will run fantastically on that card (60 fps, 1080p locked).

I'm so pissed that I missed the Steam sale on this. I refuse to buy the game for $40 when I know I could have had it for $20. As soon as it drops again, I'm all over the PC version.


gdt5016 said:
LOVE it, totally surprised at how good this is.

Now, the combat is smooth as butter, and incredibly fun, if a bit button-mashy.

It's not a button masher. Not when you understand how the combat works and the huge multipliers by keeping the variety in combat.


professor_t said:
I'm so pissed that I missed the Steam sale on this. I refuse to buy the game for $40 when I know I could have had it for $20. As soon as it drops again, I'm all over the PC version.

Isn't there multiple copy protection on the PC version?


I actually tried to play this high as fuck yesterday... I could not for the life of me, control batman at all. I had completely forgotten the controls, and even playing with them for about 20 minutes didn't help!:lol :lol :lol :lol


GameGamer said:
It's not a button masher. Not when you understand how the combat works and the huge multipliers by keeping the variety in combat.
Yes, this is why the combat is so good. It is the anti-button masher. It is near perfect.
I held out for the GOTY version, complete with 3D glasses. What a fucking waste, my eyes and head hurt like hell after trying to play with those stupid things on, thought my head was gonna explode.
GameGamer said:
Isn't there multiple copy protection on the PC version?
Don't you get like 12 installs then you can call MS and they'll reset it?

Also, PC version is perfect. It runs like a dream and looks great at 1680 x 1050 on a 9800GT at max. The controls are great with KBM. Being able to snap around to different targets with the speed of a mouse is amazing and makes the combat even more fluid. Plus I think it's got free DLC?


dak1dsk1 said:
I'm also missing the "play as Adam West"-option. He was the king of gizmos.

This, this, a thousand times this! Should be an unlockable. A serious game like this with Adam West's insanity dubbed over it would be hilarious.


Sucks at poetry
LTTP on this; playing through now and loving it. Damn, the combat is so nice. Sure it's simple, maybe even lacking depth to some. But I'll be damned if it isn't some of the smoothest, and natural combat I've played in some time. I'm halfway through the game and I'm still seeing new moves being busted out in the heat of battle. Keeps things fresh.

Also, the atmosphere and mood in this game is intense. The Scarecrow trips down memory lane and such are really incredible.


Sucks at poetry
Finished today. Amazing game all around. Couldn't have asked for better (although I did have a few minor gripes - small issues aside).

Goddam that was good. Everything mostly. The flow of the game, the pacing, how the environments change every time you come back. They only ever have you come to the Batcave twice, and on both times you are leaving and exiting in different paths, it's amazing. Speaking of that I shit bricks when I realized that they even worked the Batcave into the game :lol
The Jet coming through to drop off an upgrade was also a very nice touch

Game felt very immersive and I loved all the details like how Batman's costume got tore up as you progressed and he started to grow facial hair. Last boss was just ok - and the ending could have used a little more dialog.

Goddam Batman! Can't wait for the second game now.


Am I the only one who found the slow-mo takedowns absolutely hilarious? Batman flying across the room, that huge BOOSH sound and watching the ragdoll physics take over all in slow-mo... comedy gold, I tell ya.


Sucks at poetry
Minamu said:
Extollere: It's A cave, not THE cave :) Maybe we'll see the real one in the sequel :D

Yeah I know it's not THE Batcave, but it's an alternative mini Batcave. I believe it was even referred as the Batcave once or twice. To some extent it really seemed like a cameo, and that was awesome. Not to mention hilarious that Batman was able to build and hide a cave with that much equipment in it. Equally hilarious how close it was to Croc's lair. You'd think he'd be able to smell it or something.

-Winnie- said:
Am I the only one who found the slow-mo takedowns absolutely hilarious? Batman flying across the room, that huge BOOSH sound and watching the ragdoll physics take over all in slow-mo... comedy gold, I tell ya.

Yeah it's the best. However it wasn't nearly as funny as it could have been since the game had very little glitches and the ragdoll physics were pretty good, so it was never quite as awkward as it could have been... well except maybe for some clipping and that horrible "my ears hurt!" position all the thugs do with their hands by the sides of their heads as they fall over.


Extollere said:
Yeah I know it's not THE Batcave, but it's an alternative mini Batcave. I believe it was even referred as the Batcave once or twice. To some extent it really seemed like a cameo, and that was awesome. Not to mention hilarious that Batman was able to build and hide a cave with that much equipment in it. Equally hilarious how close it was to Croc's lair. You'd think he'd be able to smell it or something.
Sure :) I just thought you had misunderstood that part of the game :)


I started playing this a week ago... so much FUN!

I really like the hand-to-hand combat, it requires some strategy, planning and timing. Coupled with puzzles & riddles throughout the game makes it perfect for me.

I'm approx. 43% through.
I just completed this game for the 3rd time, and there is one thing that continues to bug me:

Who does Batman morph into in the Scarescrow levels? It looks like someone in a long brown cloak and hood, but he'll flash back into Batman before I get the chance to see who it is.

Does anyone know?

Extollere said:
Yeah I know it's not THE Batcave, but it's an alternative mini Batcave. I believe it was even referred as the Batcave once or twice. To some extent it really seemed like a cameo, and that was awesome. Not to mention hilarious that Batman was able to build and hide a cave with that much equipment in it. Equally hilarious how close it was to Croc's lair. You'd think he'd be able to smell it or something.
Batman had that backup Batcave in the comic, too. I wonder if we'll see the real Batcave in Arkham City.
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