The Antitype said:Real talk.
The psychiatrist session recordings in Arkham Asylum were way cooler than ANY collectable in this game.
I agree. Those are the one thing I miss in Arkham City.
The Antitype said:Real talk.
The psychiatrist session recordings in Arkham Asylum were way cooler than ANY collectable in this game.
vixlar said:True Story
But I got a little dissapointed that Victor Zass didn't kill that women from the conversations in AA. Somewhere in Arkham City, Batman says that he could save her
I had no upgrades when I did the last catwoman mission too.Evolved1 said:I still can't beat the last catwoman mission... lol was so close!
I should have upgraded armor during the campaign. I just cannot take a hit at all... instant death.
Rocksteady... this game has been an absolute joy to play. But suddenly introducing respawning guards out of the blue like this is pretty retarded.
xxracerxx said:You are grossly misinformed. You will just be missing out on the Catwoman sections (somewhere around 4 short story parts) and the Catwoman challenges.
They're random. If you mess up don't worry about it, you'll find another.The Antitype said:Are the Riddler informants/thugs randomly generated?
Or if I accidentally knock one out, do I lose all the infor (ie, map icons) that he would have given me, forever?
The Antitype said:Real talk.
The psychiatrist session recordings in Arkham Asylum were way cooler than ANY collectable in this game.
They're unlocked by completing rows of riddler challenges in particular areas. They're as good as they were in the first game, and there's just as many as well.JohngPR said:There are still some of them for certain characters. If you go into a bio, you can access them...but there's only a handful of them. Not sure why that wasn't made more obvious, I kind of stumbled across them.
Revolutionary said:They're unlocked by completing rows of riddler challenges in particular areas. They're as good as they were in the first game, and there's just as many as well.
Revolutionary said:They're unlocked by completing rows of riddler challenges in particular areas. They're as good as they were in the first game, and there's just as many as well.
They'll come back. Best way to do that is to do the next story chunk.The Antitype said:Are the Riddler informants/thugs randomly generated?
Or if I accidentally knock one out, do I lose all the infor (ie, map icons) that he would have given me, forever?
revolverjgw said:Doesn't it go without saying that Batman will at some point come to blows with a shark?
Revolutionary said:Still need help with the double Aerial Attack, though!
SpeedingUptoStop said:Did the final Catwoman mission. Fun stuff, although a bit of an underwhelming coda.Two Face's GASP before he got punched was hilarious. What a lil bitch.
I can't really place any of the boss battles in this game over the other. Rocksteady did an amazing job after the first game to bring variety to them. Not one felt the same, which is the opposite of how AA rolled. Excellent story. I'm 100% done with 45% overall competed. I think I'm only gonna do the sidemissions from here out, not sure about NG+, dunno if I'm good enough for that yet, heh. I've only collected 66 Riddler trophies casually through the game, I don't think I can handle scavenged for almost 350+ more.
It saves pretty much as soon as you do something of note. Such as win a fight/pick up a trophy/accomplish a task/etc.Solo said:Is there no manual saving in the game? 100% autosave?
You unlock audio tapes for completing rows of Riddler challenges.The Antitype said:Real talk.
The psychiatrist session recordings in Arkham Asylum were way cooler than ANY collectable in this game.
Best way to ensure is to go through a door.Solo said:Is there no manual saving in the game? 100% autosave?
Ha! That is pretty cool if it is in reference to what you mention. I cannot think of something in the DC universe that would explain it as well as what you said.JohngPR said:I think I found anreference in the game...LOLUncharted
Not sure if that's really a spoiler since it's unrelated to the game but I spoiler tagged anyway.
Or it could be my lack of DC knowledge getting the best of is a pic of what I found.
xxracerxx said:Ha! That is pretty cool if it is in reference to what you mention. I cannot think of something in the DC universe that would explain it as well as what you said.
RoboPlato said:There's one really awesome Easter Egg if you do something in one of the Catwoman sections. I found it by accident and it was one of the coolest things in the game if you discover it on your own. You wouldn't miss anything aside from that but the Catwoman sections are really short anyway and break up the flow of Batman's sections a bit. I liked them.
Evolved1 said:I liked the Catwoman sections, but they aren't critical to the story. Honestly they feel a little tacked on.
They add to the game, certainly, but it's not a huge deal. Second time though the game you might even appreciate them more because they'll add a little new car smell to the campaign..
789shadow said:I cannot get this one frickin Trophy. It's immediately to your left as you enterthe Torture Chamber in the museum. It's up on a catwalk. I can't figure out how to get up there.
It was until I realized there was one tactic the mofo couldn't resistrevolverjgw said:Thebossfight is pretty cool. You're forced to implement a lot of different tactics, and reflect on what you've been learning so far. Good stuff. The controls and camera are far from ideal for this kind of thing, though. I HATE how you have to be crouching to do a corner cover, otherwise he'll just jump up and climb shit like an idiot.Mr. Freeze
That only works once.BeautifulMemory said:It was until I realized there was one tactic the mofo couldn't resist
Sneak-Behind attack.
I beat him with it. Everything else works only once789shadow said:That only works once.
Um, that doesn't work. There's a fence.Revolutionary said:There's an elevated platform near one of the other doors in that room. Use the Line Launcher from there.
calder said:I feel like a sucker, but I bought the iPad map app. It's pretty slickly put together, and when I do trophy/collectable runs in games I have my iPad beside me the whole time anyway..
Yes there was.krameriffic said:So I finished it.
I'm still disappointed by the fact that Strange/R'as was kept so separate from Joker/Talia in the ending. Things should have come together better as far as Protocol 10, the League of Assassins, the Titan cure and such. It just didn't jive together the way that it should have in my opinion. It's a nice ending, but after all the setup they gave to Hugo Strange and Protocol 10, it was horribly anticlimactic with no boss fight and it was resolved much too easily. I feel like I could have done that from the very start of the game: steal the Tyger master control chip from a helicopter, break into the tower, fuck Strange up. There was absolutely nothing stopping me from doing that from the instant I entered AC.
cacophony said:3rd Catwoman mission:so what happens if you don't rescue Batman?
Didn't realize that worked, I thought about trying it. Will do that on my next playthrough.BeautifulMemory said:It was until I realized there was one tactic the mofo couldn't resist
Sneak-Behind attack.