Sean said:I swear these Riddler challenges are dumb as fuck.
Whoever at Rocksteady designed this is a piece of shit.This one on Amusment Mile, you see the trophy in clear sight in a tiny metal maze, problem is there are about a dozen proximity mines inside and your disruptor can only explode two before it has a lengthy recharge process. So you're standing in place for literally over ten minutes just to crawl a few feet.
Yeah yeah, I know it's completely optional but I want to complete this game 100%, and there's also like ten different achievements tied to this Riddler fetch quest.
Sean said:I swear these Riddler challenges are dumb as fuck.
Whoever at Rocksteady designed this is a piece of shit.This one on Amusment Mile, you see the trophy in clear sight in a tiny metal maze, problem is there are about a dozen proximity mines inside and your disruptor can only explode two before it has a lengthy recharge process. So you're standing in place for literally over ten minutes just to crawl a few feet. How is this fun in any way whatsoever? It's not.
Yeah yeah, I know it's completely optional but I want to complete this game 100%, and there's also like ten different achievements tied to this Riddler fetch quest.
I hate the ones with the baton more, always fucks up my comboCheska said:Can I just say how much I fucking hate thugs armed with guns?
Cheska said:Can I just say how much I fucking hate thugs armed with guns?
Baton and shield guys fuck me up the most. I don't mind bladed enemies since the blade takedown is awesome.BeautifulMemory said:I hate the ones with the baton more, always fucks up my combo
Baton is sucky, but manageable until one of the dudes with armor picks the baton up. Those guys f*ck me over.The Antitype said:Guys with the fucking knives are the worst, you have to just hold back and Y for like 10 seconds and wait. Annoying as shit.
The Antitype said:Guys with the fucking knives are the worst, you have to just hold back and Y for like 10 seconds and wait. Annoying as shit.
Saren is Bad said:Upgrade counter to takedown when they swipe
The Antitype said:How in the name of fuck do you complete the Catwoman claw-climb physical challenge? What building in Gotham gives you 8 leaps?
Forget it, just scurried up the ferris wheel.
You ate supposed to release the button in between the slashes. For the sake of combos, I don't use itThe Antitype said:Oh I have, and I've tried to get it to work, but it just won't. You're supposed to release Y between their slashes right?
I keep trying it and keep getting punished. Now I just evade and use the cape-stun, cause I'm tired of feeling like an idiot.
The Antitype said:Oh I have, and I've tried to get it to work, but it just won't. You're supposed to release Y between their slashes right?
I keep trying it and keep getting punished. Now I just evade and use the cape-stun, cause I'm tired of feeling like an idiot.
im having trouble with it as well, i guess i suck... btw folks ROBIN is effing awesome ***hopes for campaign DLC***The Antitype said:Oh I have, and I've tried to get it to work, but it just won't. You're supposed to release Y between their slashes right?
I keep trying it and keep getting punished. Now I just evade and use the cape-stun, cause I'm tired of feeling like an idiot.
This is my feeling as well. However, I'd do the sidequests most of them are very top notch(minus the riddler trophy stuff). I wish Rocksteady had focused a little more on the main story and a little less on sidequests though. For some reason a lot of my sidequests that were supposed to go on throughout the game didn't open up or continue until after I finished the game.crimzonflame said:Cant believe I finished the main story so quickly. Good game, but not 10/10. Maybe a 8.5/10. I probably finish a few more sidequests, dont know if I have in me to bother with the Riddler stuff.
The Antitype said:Ok, another Catwoman related question.
I'm trying to collect all the trophies of hers that I marked. How do I get back into the Steel Mill using her, since I can't use ice floats?
No, you did it wrong. Instead of thinking about it you brute-forced it. If you study the plan you can make it through perfectly fine by only disrupting two mines.Sean said:I swear these Riddler challenges are dumb as fuck.
Whoever at Rocksteady designed this is a piece of shit.This one on Amusment Mile, you see the trophy in clear sight in a tiny metal maze, problem is there are about a dozen proximity mines inside and your disruptor can only explode two before it has a lengthy recharge process. So you're standing in place for literally over ten minutes just to crawl a few feet. How is this fun in any way whatsoever? It's not.
Yeah yeah, I know it's completely optional but I want to complete this game 100%, and there's also like ten different achievements tied to this Riddler fetch quest.
If there's no more spies, that means everything they can reveal to you has already been done. So, time to check your map, especially inside the Steel Mill.Luthos said:Why does it seem I've run out of Riddler spies to interrogate? I've got 2 more trophies and 1 more riddle, all in the Industrial sector, yet I haven't seen a Riddler spy in forever. Do they sometimes only show up in specific areas? That hasn't seemed the case before now. I've had some in the far west areas reveal secrets in the far east areas.
Cheska said:Can I just say how much I fucking hate thugs armed with guns?
Ezenzer said:Not gonna lie, I probably just spent 10 solid minutes.gagging/ungagging Harley
The Nightwing DLC is a must buy for me. Dick Grayson has always been my favorite character in the Bat Family.hitmon said:Just finished main story. I don't buy DLC, but I am tempted for this title. Definite GOTY candidate for me. We'll see what Skyrim and Uncharted 3 can do, but so far nothing compares for me.
You have to buy the upgrade when you level upSpeedingUptoStop said:I never got thismove? Atleast I don't think so, it never shows up in my tutorial thing in place of B+AA for shield dudes on 360.breaking weapons
Ezenzer said:Not gonna lie, I probably just spent 10 solid minutes.gagging/ungagging Harley
WHAT??? Same here? Somebody?Square Triangle said:Wtf, I didn't run intoKiller Croc when I left Wonder City, did I do something wrong?
Last I checked, there was still two upgrades that were still blocked for me,Square Triangle said:You have to buy the upgrade when you level up
SpeedingUptoStop said:Last I checked, there was still two upgrades that were still blocked for me,, it's not unlocked by anything right?though those might've been for the last Freeze thing I just picked up
overcast said:WHAT??? Same here? Somebody?
Also, I found themystery watcher on the Ferris wheel earlier. where is the next place I can find him?
Hah, wow, I didn't unlockvixlar said:You must unlockbat swarm, then that move that knocks down every enemy on the gorund and then breaking weapon. You do it by pressing B+A when the combo counter turns yellow
Cheska said:Oh wow, thefight is no joke. Having a hard time getting past thatJoker and henchmen![]()
overcast said:WHAT??? Same here? Somebody?
Also, I found themystery watcher on the Ferris wheel earlier. where is the next place I can find him?
Cheska said:Oh wow, thefight is no joke. Having a hard time getting past thatJoker and henchmen![]()
Luthos said:I died a couple times, but it's a fun fight, imo. Lots of thugs, and two unique big guys, with an infinite health Joker who keeps coming at you.
overcast said:Anyone else going for 100% before jumping on New Game+?
lol me too. Ice grenades are my favorite mid-fight gadget. That and the batclaw closeline.Cheska said:Yup, after three tries I got itAbused the heck out the ice grenades.
BigJiantRobut said:Can you get 100% without NG+?
I'm hoping that's not a story spoiler considering I don't even have the game yet...GDJustin said:I'm having more fun trophy hunting than I did with the main story itself. The high-pressurestory mode is incompatible with the "hey fart around this open world!" format."Batman is dying"
Plus, any time I came across a tricky Riddler trophy I didn't know if I was just truly tricky, or of I didn't have the right gadget yet. Now, knowing that I have the gadgets to get all of them, I'm enjoying myself a lot more.
Only 176 / 440, too.
Blizzard said:I'm hoping that's not a story spoiler considering I don't even have the game yet...